Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2085: Clan King?

I saw an astonishing blood mist filling the sky over the huge island, and the entire huge landmass, at least thousands of miles away, was actually split into two, with a terrifying trench tens of thousands of feet in the middle. It was obviously unknown. Why was he killed by the extremely powerful supernatural power?

Looking at this scene, everyone took a breath of cold air. Such a powerful magical power is definitely not something that a being at the level of the Void Refining Stage can display.

Bafang Cailai said with emotion: "Sure enough, there is an existence in the integration stage. He took action. It is really terrible."

As he spoke, he said towards the huge groove: "The divine cultivators in the integration stage are really terrifying. They are god-like existences."

After hearing this, Ye Han said in a deep voice: "There may still be danger here, let's leave quickly!"

Ye Han didn't know what was going on, but he always had a vague feeling of being spied on.

This feeling is very strange. It seems to be there, but it doesn't seem to be there. With such a powerful spiritual consciousness, he can't find the other party's position and the direction of peeping at him.

That illustrates one problem. The other party's cultivation level may be far superior to his. Another reason is that the other party may not be an immortal cultivator.

Ye Han couldn't be sure exactly what it was. After all, the vast and huge Heavenly Spirit Realm was not comparable to the Earth Realm.

This is a more vast and boundless existence, with more infinite possibilities, and anything can happen. When you don't have enough cultivation and ability to deal with these, it is still the best way to do it.

After listening to Ye Han's words, Yu Wenhong and Bafang Cailai nodded, and flew away towards the distance around the completely destroyed Blood Spirit Island...

Bafang Cailai said while flying away: "It's a coincidence that we came here. This kind of battle just happened on Blood Sky Island, which saved us a lot of time and also avoided the most dangerous Wanjian Mountains in Pota Mountain. We had to pass through Wanjian Mountains. Mountains, at least for several years!”

Yu Wenhong also said: "Yes! The sword spirits in the Wanjian Mountains are too difficult to deal with, and they are very dangerous. We have to pass there."

Ye Han said from the side: "This is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's leave quickly, everyone, be careful."

From just now, he has always felt that someone is waiting to peek at him, but he can't find the other party.

Is it an illusion?


Judging from Ye Han's current cultivation level, it is definitely not an illusion. Ye Han is very confident in his judgment.

There must be something staring at me, and it's something with evil intentions.

Listening to Ye Han's words, Yu Wenhong and Bafang Cailai nodded, speeding up and flying forward.

When Ye Han looked at the attitudes of the two of them, a strange look flashed across his face. He could tell that the two of them didn't feel anything strange now?

Logically speaking, although the two people's cultivation level is obviously higher than his own, and their spiritual consciousness is worse than his own, they are not so slow, and they cannot feel that there are inexplicable beings peeking at them.

Could it be that that inexplicable existence was just peeping at himself and not at everyone?

Thinking like this made Ye Han feel an inexplicable sense of crisis.

After all, this is the world of heaven and spirit, not the world of earth. A world where one can invincibly control everything in one stage of divine transformation...

There are simply too many inexplicably powerful beings in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Not to mention, Ye Han himself is now being controlled to the point of death because he has met the extremely powerful Youshen Demon Lord, King Tianxuan Star!

If you encounter another terrifying existence, you will be in big trouble, so taking the best option is the best option.

Moreover, Ye Han felt that the guy who was spying on him might have something to do with the Blood Sky Clan, so he had to run faster.

So, Ye Han called to the two of them: "It's better if we speed up and leave here quickly."


The three of them used secret techniques to accelerate, and disappeared into the horizon in a few flashes.

When the three of them flew away and disappeared into the horizon, in the turbulent blood-colored sea water, there was a gurgling bubble, and a pair of scarlet eyes emerged from the bottom of the water, looking in the direction of the retreating Ye Han and the others.

A strange voice came out of his mouth: "Tsk tsk tsk, it's so coveted. Where can I find such a good body? It's mine."

"Damn immortals, just wait for me. When I recover my physical cultivation, I can't even hope to save Tianjian Immortal City! Hmph!!!"

As the scarlet eyes spoke, a gurgling bubble of water surged towards the direction where Ye Han and the others were flying away, and the water splashed in that direction...

Above a violent blood-red tide.

Whoops! ! !

A blood-red figure quickly flew forward.

Three rays of golden light followed the flying attack from behind, chasing after the blood-red figure.

I saw this bloody figure, tall and tall, with skin as white as jade. He looked young, but he had a very proud figure. He was wearing a black and gray tights that were in tatters. There was blood all over it.

There are blood-red light balls hovering around the body, and from time to time beams of light are emitted to resist the golden sword light and sword light that burst out from the three golden lights behind.

The bloody light beam and the sword light collided and shattered continuously, and a terrible storm broke out along the way.

Those three were wearing a pair of golden armors, and they were cultivators from the Immortal Clan. The figure being chased was a female cultivator from the Blood Heaven Clan who was lucky enough to save her life during the race war!

These three immortal cultivators started teasing each other while chasing each other...

"You from the Blood Sky Clan, don't think about escaping. Your clan leader has been killed. Where can you escape to?"

"If you surrender obediently, we may give you a role as our immortal clan's furnace cauldron."

"Don't run away, you can't escape!"

How could these three immortals really fancy this female cultivator from the Blood Sky Clan? They just wanted to play a trick on her and rob her of her spoils and physical cultivation resources...

Yes, whether in the earthly realm or the heavenly realm, female immortal cultivators will be regarded as a cultivation resource by male immortal cultivators who practice special evil methods, and are called furnace cauldrons.

Of course, there are also some female immortal cultivators who specifically attack male immortal cultivators...

Seeing this scene, the female cultivator from the Blood Sky Clan was very angry, but she was even more terrified. One immortal cultivator was no match for her, let alone three of them. The reason why they didn't kill him was to capture him alive.

At this moment!

"Looking for death!"

A strange roar came from the sea, and a figure wrapped in blood-red runes, a bald figure, with golden skull treasures all spinning, rushed out.

Seeing this figure, the female cultivator of the Blood Sky Clan exclaimed in surprise: "Clan King? You are not dead."

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