Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2086 Ping Liangzi

Look at this figure with a spinning golden skull.

The faces of the three immortal cultivators in golden armor also changed greatly. What kind of clan king? The king of the Blood Sky Clan?

Hasn't this old divine cultivator been killed long ago?

However, when the three of them took a closer look, they found that the guy who flew out of the sea had a faint aura and had no body at all.

Immediately, these three immortal cultivators reacted.

This guy is just a remnant soul.

Upon discovering this situation, the three guys became excited, looked at each other, and shouted: "Catch this guy!"

Immediately, these three people released treasures to deal with the soul...

And the remnant soul of the Blood Sky Clan King shouted disdainfully: "Seeking death!"

While talking.

A roaring, roaring burst of terrifying blood light erupted from the remnant soul of the Blood Sky Clan King, forming three extremely terrifying forbidden vortexes of blood light that swirled and roared towards the three immortal cultivators who had no idea whether to live or die. passed...

As this terrifying mana burst out, blood-red forbidden runes surged throughout hundreds of miles...

The three immortal cultivators suddenly realized that something was wrong and panicked: "What's going on?"

"Isn't he a remnant soul?"

"Spare my life!!"

How could the Blood Sky Clan King let them go like this? The terrifying blood-light storm formed three extremely terrifying blood-colored halos, covering the three immortal cultivators, and swirled an astonishing halo of energy and blood around them.

These three immortal cultivators kept releasing treasures to escape and save their lives. Wherever they could block it, the most terrifying bloody aura was suddenly enveloped in them. The released defensive treasures and escape treasures can't stop the trouble at all...

Ahhhh! ! ! ! ! !

In the bloody halo, there was an extremely miserable cry, and soon it lost its voice. The bloody halo was filled with the aura of flesh and blood, and it surged towards the king of the Blood Sky Clan.

As these three bloody haloes filled the flesh and blood of the three immortal cultivators, they merged into the remnant soul of the Blood Sky Clan King.

Buzz! ! ! An astonishing bloody rune surged on his body, and the remnant soul of the Blood Sky Clan seemed to have regained some strength!

When the female cultivator of the Blood Heaven Clan saw this scene, she was overjoyed and came towards the Blood Heaven Clan King and shouted: "King of the Clan!!! Are you still alive?!"

What an unexpected surprise. I originally thought that I was dead this time, but I didn't expect that not only did I not die, I also met the clan king! !

This time my life was saved.

The King of the Blood Heaven Clan looked at the female cultivator of the Blood Heaven Clan and said, "You have a good talent! What is your name?"

After hearing this, the female cultivator from the Blood Heaven Clan was overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Disciple Ping Liangzi."

Although the race has been exterminated, if she can be cultivated and valued by the clan king, it will be an unprecedented opportunity for her.

On the other hand, the King of the Blood Cloud Clan said calmly: "Ping Liangzi?! What a good name, I will call him this from now on."

Ping Liangzi was stunned when he heard this and didn't react. He thought he heard it wrong and asked: "King of the clan, what do you mean?"

The King of the Bloody Cloud Clan said in a deep voice: "It means that you will contribute to this king!!!!"

While speaking, the King of the Blood Cloud Clan suddenly released an astonishing streak of blood-colored rune aura, and his entire body turned into a blood-colored beam of light, rushing towards Ping Liangzi's body.

Ping Liangzi reacted and shouted: "Wait a minute! Clan King, please spare your life!!!"

As he spoke, a bloody light flashed across his body and he tried to escape, but a command and prohibition rune on his body exploded and turned into a ray of spiritual light, wrapping Ping Liangzi's figure, making him unable to move.

Ping Liangzi opened his mouth in horror, his body was imprisoned by countless runes, and he could not move at all.

What's happening here?

I am from the Blood Cloud Clan! ! ! !

Then, the whirring blood mist of the Blood Cloud Clan King turned into a breath of astonishing blood light, turned into a whirlwind, and moved towards Ping Liangzi's body.

Sizzle! ! ! !

That whirlwind blood mist turned into countless light threads and poured into Ping Liangzi's body!

Ping Liangzi's body was constantly twisted and broken, and the flesh and blood of his body was turning into strands of blood, and this terrifying bloody rune continued to penetrate into his body...


Ping Liangzi let out a pitiful scream, and the flesh and blood of his body had turned into blood mist and dispersed. Only the bones of his huge body were left...

Following Ping Liangzi's spirit, he flew out.


A whirring mass of blood mist encircled him, and a terrifying aura swirled around. Pingliangzi's soul suddenly turned into ashes, was swallowed up, and turned into the shadow of the king of the Bloodyun clan, returning to Pingliang again. Among the bones of the son.

Then, a piece of bloody runes swirled, and the blood mist gathered in Ping Liangzi's bones, and all of a sudden, Ping Liangzi's body shape was gradually reshaped.

A figure as white as snow and jade flashed out, and a black long-sleeved shirt appeared on him...

A buzzing blood-colored aura shone through Ping Liangzi's eyes, and Ping Liangzi's eyes turned into the expression of the king of the Blood Cloud Clan.

I saw Ping Liangzi muttering to himself: "Tsk! This body is so bad, I can barely use it! Find that guy's body and seize his body. That would be perfect. Such a good body is enough to allow the king of the clan to recover within ten thousand years." Xiuwei! And will be stronger!"

"Fortunately, there are still three damn immortals' stinking meat, otherwise it would be impossible to recover much!"

"Wait! Damn immortals!! I will definitely avenge the extermination of the clan!"

As he said this, Ping Liangzi flew in one direction at an astonishing speed, and a shocking storm broke out along the way, with an extremely astonishing speed.

He disappeared into the horizon in a few dozen flashes.


Between the vast and boundless sky and earth, in the mountains that could not be seen at a glance, the giant towers of various industries collapsed, shattered, and broken in all directions, looming in the gray mist.

On the ground.

Three figures rushed forward at a suffocating speed, leaving no sound or dust along the way.

Ye Han looked at the ruins of a tower next to him that had collapsed for tens of thousands of feet. Further away was an even larger tower that had collapsed by more than half...

This was already the outer area of ​​the Broken Tower Mountain. These tower ruins were surrounded by some of the outer areas. It can be seen that the materials of these towers are special. They should be made of a fusion of multiple materials, which are very solid and heavy.

Some of them are even integrated, and it is hard to tell what they are, but there are some very simple statues in them.

Ye Han was watching, and suddenly felt a strange touch coming from one of the space rings.

Ye Han's heart moved, revealing a touch of joy: "Hmm? Are they moving?"

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