Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2087 Bai Daozi and the Immortal-stealing Alien Clan

Ye Han's consciousness moved and he swept into the space ring.

He felt that the Rebirth Gourd was emitting traces of fluorescent aura, which was the aura of Bai Daozi and the Immortal Thieves who had fought side by side with him in the Star Continent and almost died in the hands of that damn Moon God.

Back then, the three of them joined hands to fight against the Moon God. Both the Thieving Immortal Foreign Tribe and Bai Daozi were struck by the Moon God. When they were about to die, Ye Han used the absolutely freezing cold magic power to freeze their bodies and souls, and their bodies The soul was frozen, preserving a glimmer of life.

Ye Han decided to save their lives between life and death, so naturally he would not think about anything else, and did not touch the treasures, storage bags and the like on them.

After all, in this cruel world of immortality, confidants who can help each other in this way are comparable to rare treasures.

So Ye Han still planned to save them first.

In fact, Bai Daozi and the Immortal Thieves were lucky enough to have successfully passed the ascension passage to the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

However, the Moon God's sword was really terrifying. If Ye Han didn't save them, they would definitely be destroyed in ashes without any chance of survival.

Their bodies had long been separated from the absolutely frozen ice, in order to save their souls and bodies.

Ye Han put their two physical souls into the rebirth gourd, just like the Holy Son Asi back then, placed them inside, and used the rebirth power of the rebirth gourd to nourish and restore their physical mana.

On the contrary, after Saint Son Asi left the Rebirth Gourd, he should have been in the treasure chest of the Thieving Immortal Alien Clan.

Ye Han didn't touch the treasure chest of the Immortal Thieves, so Holy Son Asi should be in that treasure chest.

To sum it up, Holy Son Asi also succeeded in ascension.

It can be said that when the three of them met Ye Han, they really took advantage of Ye Han's luck and succeeded in ascending to the upper world.

The souls and bodies of the two people before were nourished by the rebirth gourd, and could only barely maintain a stable aura.

As before, Ye Han couldn't protect himself, and he didn't have much time to help the Thief Immortals and Bai Daozi recover from their injuries.

However, when he was in the Yuwen family, it was not convenient for Ye Han to use the purple tripod or other important treasures, for fear of being discovered by others, so he kept a low profile and mainly read books in Wanshu Tower.

On the contrary, the magical function of the rebirth gourd has never been fully understood. The main reason is that this treasure is not particularly easy to use, and its main function is for rebirth. Ye Han has no use for it, so he has not spent a lot of time to understand and refine it. Transform the gourd of rebirth.

While reading in Wanshulou, Ye Han accidentally discovered the secret method of the rebirth gourd. He practiced and understood this secret method by the way, and used the rebirth gourd to speed up the recovery of the Immortal Stealing Alien and Bai Daozi. .

I didn’t expect that there would be a reaction now.

Ye Han's spiritual consciousness sensed it. In the gourd of rebirth, among the whirling gray-white runes of light, the figure of the Immortal Thief was surrounded by a strange power of life.

Bai Daozi on the other side is in almost the same situation, but the runes on his body are fiery red fire runes.

Both bodies were trembling in the breath of the rebirth gourd, and it was the breath of Bai Daozi that vibrated.

Ye Han carefully observed Bai Daozi's condition and found that Bai Daozi's skin began to tear, as if he was molting.

What's happening here?

A strange look flashed in Ye Han's heart, and he carefully observed the condition of Bai Daozi, feeling a sense of transformation.

And the breath of life on Bai Daozi seemed to be stronger.

In terms of relationship, the Immortal Thief Alien Clan had a better relationship with him. Bai Daozi was only saved by Ye Han because of his relationship with the Immortal Thief Immortal Alien Clan.

But since you have saved people, let’s save them to the end.

Naturally, there is no need to hurt Bai Daozi anymore.

The power of rebirth exerted by the rebirth gourd is now more powerful than before, and it is also because the stone of life that Ye Han absorbed at the beginning captured such a trace of the power of the law of life.

Bai Daozi may recover much faster than the Immortal Thieves.

Therefore, Ye Han's spiritual consciousness drove the rebirth gourd, causing it to spin circles of life force, continuously integrating into Bai Daozi's body.

Suddenly, the skin on Bai Daozi's body was shedding faster and faster, and his face was split open. The skin that could be opened was as white as jade, pinker than a newborn baby...

Not only did Bai Daozi's aura not improve much, but it gradually decreased.

Obviously, buying a knife seems to be in a state of rejuvenation, and the cultivation level has also shrunk a lot.

But this would be beneficial to Bai Daozi, because after all, his lifespan is not very long.

If this state of rejuvenation continues, his lifespan will increase a lot.

However, it can be felt that although Bai Daozi recovers the fastest, it still takes a lot of time to really wake up.

Moreover, some heavenly materials, earthly treasures and elixir treasures must be added.

Ye Han doesn't have these things yet, and he is on his way to Pota Mountain, so there is no way he can spend too much time helping Bai Daozi.

As if sensing Ye Han's situation, Bafang Cailai looked at Ye Han and said, "Fellow Daoist Ye! What's wrong with you?"

Ye Han was about to speak when his face suddenly changed, he became solemn and shouted: "Stop!"

As he spoke, a vibrating mana wave was shocked from his body, and a circle of restraining power was shocked, causing Bafang Cailai and Yu Wenhong to stand still...


Bafang Cailai and Yuwen Hong were shocked by Ye Han's sudden action! They immediately stood still, released their defensive treasures, activated their magic power, and vigilantly swept in all directions.

I don't feel anything! !


Ye Han pinched his hands and a sudden cold storm burst out of his body, shouting: "Get out!"

While shouting, Ye Han's terrifying body moved, and an astonishing icy magic power swirled into a huge icy dragon breath that swirled around him.

Ancient Dragon Nine Absolutes!

The Fifth Absolute!

Dragon Breaks the Earth! !

As Ye Han activated the Ancient Dragon Nine Absolutes, a terrifying burst of light burst out of his body, and his fist turned into an icy dragon, slamming heavily towards the ground and suppressing it.

There was a rumbling explosion that shook the earth, and the roar that shook the entire earth was shattered. A terrifying dragon that was thousands of feet tall kept impacting it, blasting countless rocks into pieces. At this moment, the entire earth was constantly denting and surging with a terrifying and boundless storm...

In the cold and shocking storm.

Boom boom boom three figures rushed out of the storm!!!

Is there really someone? !

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