Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2101: Destroy the Tower Abyss

After hearing this, the person in the hall said after a while: "It is already very strange that a new tower with a great opportunity aura suddenly appeared on Pota Mountain. Now this situation has occurred again. I really don't know if that guy is a person with good luck or not?"

It can be heard that the hesitation in the tone of the person in the hall shows that he is not in a balanced state of mind.

Patriarch Yuwen couldn't help asking, "Master! What do you mean?"

The person in the hall said solemnly, "There must be something wrong when things go wrong. This kind of situation suddenly appears in the world of cultivating immortals. It's either a great opportunity or a great crisis. Moreover, Pota Mountain has never been an auspicious place. It's possible that those guys can't hold back and are ready to take action."

After hearing this, Patriarch Yuwen's face became solemn and he said, "Are they really those guys from the outside world?"

The person in the hall said, "I can't be sure, but the means of the Potian Tower are like those guys. I regret letting that kid go to Pota Mountain to try."

Patriarch Yuwen certainly knew that the master attached great importance to that matter. Even their Yuwen family can have what they have today because of the master's support, and the main purpose of supporting them is for that place.

So, Patriarch Yuwen took the initiative to say, "Then master, should we call Ye Han back? Make a new plan."

After this, the people in the hall fell silent, as if they were thinking about this matter.

After a quarter of an hour, the man in the hall said, "I've decided. Let the boy try. If his luck and opportunity are good, he will definitely be able to survive this disaster. If he can't even survive this level, it's useless to go to that place."

It can be heard that the man in the hall has made up his mind. The old ancestor Yuwen can only bow and say, "What should we do now? Should we send someone to support?"

"No, our people are not used for nothing. If he can come back, he can come back. We can support him at any time. You go down and leave this matter as it is for the time being. Report any situation."

"Yes! Master!"


Pota Mountain!

Pota Abyss.

A huge tower spans a bottomless abyss. This tower is covered with moss. I don't know how many people have been there.

Spanning this abyss, it was like an extremely wide bridge...

The abysses on both sides were bottomless, and from time to time, a trace of blood-red black air emerged, and a strong suffocating negative emotional force rushed out.

Tyranny, jealousy, madness, murderous intent, bloodthirstiness and other auras continued to surge out.

On the huge tower, Ye Han and his four companions were rushing forward along the bridge...

And on the ground where they came from, there were already many broken bodies of the ancient tower guards, collapsed on the ground, leaving only a pool of blood.

Everyone had come out of the fallen tower, and in the last floor of the tower, everyone did find a very special spirit stone.

However, there was also a very powerful ancient tower guard in the last floor of the tower, and everyone spent a lot of effort and magic power to kill that guy.

It was that special spirit stone that had a great effect on everyone, and it was not a wasted trip.

That kind of snack is the legendary top-grade snack. You should know that snacks are divided into low-grade spirit stones, medium-grade spirit stones, high-grade spirit stones, top-grade spirit stones, and finally top-grade spirit stones.

Well, the four kinds of spirit stones mentioned above are in some dangerous places in the earthly realm, and Ye Han has seen them a long time ago, but the legendary top-grade spirit stones have never appeared in the earthly realm.

Even in the heavenly realm, they are rare spirit stone treasures. Whether used for cultivation or for breaking through the barriers, they are all excellent treasures. It is not a wasted trip.

However, under Ping Liangzi's persuasion, everyone also felt that there should be no better treasures in these ordinary fallen towers.

So after leaving this tower, everyone did not delay in other places. Following the induction of the Thunder Tower controlled by Ping Liangzi, the gray-black lightning, they went all the way in that direction.

However, because of the sudden tower rain that fell from the sky, the terrain of the entire Potian Tower area has been greatly changed. Many roads they had been to before can no longer be found, or have collapsed and cannot be passed.

So everyone could only follow the induction of the Thunder God Tower and Ping Liangzi's footsteps to find the location where the new tower appeared.

Because so many huge towers fell from the sky, many ancient tower guards, ancient tower beasts, ancient tower generals and the like ran out from these towers...

The most difficult one to deal with was the ancient tower general, whose combat power was comparable to that of the middle stage of the Refining Void. Everyone was dealing with that guy at the top of the ancient tower. Everyone worked together and used many means to kill him.

It was also because that guy's intelligence was not high enough and his means of attacking and fighting were relatively simple, otherwise it would be very difficult to kill that guy.

Of course, the combat power comparable to the middle stage of the Refining Void is only a rough description. After all, the combat power or fighting ability of each cultivator at a certain level of cultivation is different.

For example, Ye Han, although he is only at the peak of the God Transformation, his physical body, consciousness, soul power, and magic power have far exceeded the scope of the peak of the God Transformation and are already in the scope of the Refining Void.

Can it be said that he is only at the combat power of the God Transformation?

So this is a rather vague comparison.

But the combat power that can be called the middle stage of the refining void is already very strong. Although Ye Han and others have the combat power of the continuous stage, they actually do not have the combat power of the continuous middle stage. Is it because of the power of Ping Liangzi's Tongtian evil treasure golden skull?

Ye Han is very excited when he sees that treasure now. Many of his treasures have very powerful abilities and successes, but treasures like this that can reduce the opponent's combat speed and defense are really rare.

No wonder so many immortal cultivators dare not show their treasures easily, after all, it will attract the peeping and alarm of others. Killing and stealing treasures are often done in this way.

After coming out of the high tower, we did encounter a lot of ancient tower guards along the way, but under the combat power of everyone, no one could stop them.

Other immortal cultivators did not encounter them. It seems that they either hid or were killed by these ancient tower guards. If they were unlucky, they might be smashed to death by these towers that fell from the sky.

However, these ancient tower guards alone were difficult enough to deal with. They finally came to this huge tower that could pass through the abyss on the opposite side, but there were so many ancient tower guards on it.

Everyone was a little depressed. Where was the new tower that appeared?

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