Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2102 Has the new tower appeared?

But it was useless to be depressed, so we could only move forward step by step.

On this huge tower, there was no place to hide, so everyone could only kill their way through.

As everyone walked on it, they had killed many ancient tower guards. It could be seen that this tower had just been smashed down, and it was not there before. There were still many traces of being scraped off, but there were a lot of amazing mosses because it had been there for too long.

And these mosses were not ordinary mosses, but a special kind of natural treasure. Ye Han also harvested a lot of them, but his purple tripod space had not yet recovered, so he could only collect these mosses first and put them in a special space ring to maintain a certain spirituality so that he could grow up in the future.

Walking on this long giant tower bridge, everyone finally walked out of this tower bridge.

After walking down this giant tower bridge, everyone came to a huge and endless ruins. The ground in front was crooked, and there were seven or eight huge towers, which seemed to have just fallen down.

What is terrifying is that around these towers, there are ancient tower guards wearing black armor, and there are also many ancient tower beasts and ancient tower warriors...

In the dark fog, blood lights of swastikas are moving around, which looks very creepy.

It can be seen that there are many ancient tower guards, ancient tower warriors, and ancient tower beasts in front.

Just looking at it, there are hundreds of swastika blood lights.

Even if Ye Han and others are in the Refining Void Stage, they are not opponents facing so many ancient tower guards.

After all, they have consumed a lot of mana all the way here. Except for Ye Han who has the purple tripod and can recover at any time, others can't recover so quickly, and Ye Han doesn't want to expose his magical power.

Lest it attract the peeping of others and cause more trouble.

However, before these ancient tower guards found them, everyone hid behind a big rock to discuss countermeasures.

Yuwen Hong couldn't help but say to Pingliangzi: "Fellow Daoist Pingliangzi, didn't you say it was nearby? Did you lie to us?"

Really, he was already not used to seeing this woman, and now she was still fooling them here, talking nonsense and running around, there were dangers everywhere.

Bafang Cailai also asked impatiently: "Yes, Fellow Daoist Pingliangzi, we have walked a long way. It will be difficult to continue to consume mana like this. Besides, there are so many so-called things in front of us that we can't get through."

Listening to the two people's questioning, Pingliangzi said: "It feels like we should be almost there! Why can't we see where the tower is? And this falling tower has shortened our distance a lot, otherwise we have to go around this abyss from other places."

After listening to the three people's words, Ye Han frowned and said: "Well, if this new tower is so easy to find, others would have found it long ago, and it's no wonder that Fellow Daoist Pingliangzi!"

Pingliangzi was very happy to hear this, and said gratefully: "Thank you for Fellow Daoist Ye's understanding. I really didn't mean to walk around in my seat, but the location of this star tower is indeed very mysterious, and it's not easy to find..."

Before he finished speaking.

Boom! ! ! ! !

Suddenly, a startling roar sounded in the distance...

Everyone reacted immediately, looked in that direction in unison, chanted spells, and used their magical powers to hide their bodies.

Because this sudden roar might cause a large-scale attack by the ancient tower guards.

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment. What was going on? Why did such a strong roar suddenly explode?

Sure enough, with this startling roar, the blood-red flames in the shape of the swastika on the masks of the ancient tower guards in the dark suddenly exploded and surged, looking in that direction.

Suddenly, an amazing scene appeared.

There was a shocking sound of footsteps. No matter the ancient tower guards or the generals, the ancient beasts rushed towards that direction frantically. The whole ground was shaking violently...

At this time, everyone also saw that there was an amazing light trembling in the direction where the ancient tower guards passed...

This light was very strange. There was a trace of strange gray-black lightning surging in the rush of colorful spiritual light, almost illuminating a large area on the horizon.

Seeing this situation.

Everyone's face moved, obviously there was an abnormal celestial phenomenon.

Ping Liangzi suddenly felt something strange and slapped his storage bag. A gray-black lightning-trembling divine thunder tower appeared in his hand.

Suddenly, this divine thunder tower burst out, and the amazing black-gray lightning flashed in it, surging towards the direction where the strange colorful spiritual light and gray-black lightning appeared on the horizon.

Pingliangzi said in surprise: "Everyone! There is a very strong sense, that should be the place where we are lucky to find. Let's go there quickly, don't delay."

As he said, he was eager to try and wanted to fly in that direction. After all, his goal was also the new tower!!

However, Yuwen Hong immediately said: "Don't worry! Fellow Daoist Pingliangzi! We don't know what the situation is over there now. If we rush over rashly, we may become the target of these guards."

Ye Han also made a decision, and then said: "We need to go there, but we have to change it!"

As he said this, he slapped his storage bag, and suddenly a flash of light appeared. Countless black armors flew out from it and landed on the ground. There were more than a hundred sets.

If you look closely, these black armors have basically been slightly damaged, but not too much.

These black armors were collected by Ye Han and others after they killed so many guards. Ye Han was interested in the materials of these armors and collected a lot of them.

Not from the number of these armors, it is not a small amount. Except for those that were too damaged, the others were collected.

Seeing Ye Han take out so many armors of the ancient tower guards, everyone understood what he meant.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, what an idea! Let's disguise ourselves as these guys and try to get through!"

One by one, they put on these armors, and with the control of magic power, their bodies expanded just in time to put on these armors, turning into ancient tower guards several feet tall, and followed those ancient tower guards and ran over...

Of course, Ye Han and others could not be like those ancient tower guards, who could drive these armors and become existences that were difficult to be hurt by magic bodies, but they did allow them to become the same as the ancient tower guards, so that they could not distinguish them...

After all, it was too troublesome to kill all the way!

And was there really a new tower over there?

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