Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 22 Body Refining Technique

In the cave.

Ye Han ate the dried meat with big mouthfuls and stuffed a piece of fruit into it. The mouthful was full of fruity aroma...

I have to say that Zhang Qingshan was really attentive to him. The dried meats and fruits he brought him were very delicious and could not be eaten in ordinary places.

To be honest, in just these few days, he has eaten more good food in Qixuan Peak than he has eaten in Qingniu Village in his whole life.

However, Ye Han is not a person who is greedy for food. After eating until he was 70% to 80% full, he carefully put away the remaining fruits and dried meat...

He is used to being poor and would not eat all the good things at once. In his opinion, he should keep food in reserve at all times and not panic!

However, Zhang Qingshan was watching from the side with a strange expression on his face. He hesitated to speak. He seemed to have something to say to Ye Han but couldn't.

Seeing Zhang Qingshan like this, Ye Han took the initiative and said, "Senior Brother Zhang, do you have anything to say to me? What is our relationship? If you have anything to say, just say it."

He could see that Zhang Qingshan should tell him about the guys he met. Those three guys were not good people.

Although he is young, he has experienced many hardships in the world and is far more mature than his peers. It can even be said that he is not much different from adults.

The only difference may be that of men and women.

And he is extremely smart, otherwise Mr. Lan Qing would not have made an exception to teach him literature...

He drew the relationship with Zhang Qingshan closer with just a few words, and made Zhang Qingshan trust him more and more...

Therefore, Zhang Qingshan said: "Junior Brother Ye, although you are a disciple of the Seventh Elder, you must know that in the world of immortal cultivators, strength is the most respected. Even if you have a backer, if you meet someone with a higher level of cultivation than you, Monks should keep their tail between their legs, because they might kill you with a knife in the back at any time."

After a pause, he looked at Ye Han's half-smiling expression, as if he didn't care, and said with a serious face: "Junior brother Ye, I'm not joking with you. The people I just met are Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, Wang The three of them, Fulai, may be a little weaker than me, but their attacks are not ordinary, and it will be difficult to deal with them if you are targeted by them. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Qingshan said with emotion: "Junior brother Ye, I want to remind you that in our world of immortal cultivators, we must be on guard against others, and we must not have the intention of harming others!"

After hearing this, Ye Han sneered, what does it mean to be on guard against others? Don't you have the intention to harm others?

Shouldn't it be nip in the bud? Whoever dares to touch you should kill the other party first?

However, he still looked very innocent and said: "Senior Brother Zhang, I understand. Thank you for reminding me. I will definitely remember your words."

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan nodded and said: "Just remember it, and my hard work will not be in vain."

Ye Han continued: "By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, shouldn't the techniques we immortal cultivators practice also include immortal techniques? Do you have any immortal techniques? Can you teach me?"

Ye Han had wanted to ask Zhang Qingshan about this for a long time. He watched these immortal cultivators flying around, and the fighting methods of the goddess and the monster were definitely beyond the level of ordinary martial arts masters.

So now that he has some magic power and is an immortal cultivator, he should be able to practice immortal magic, right?

However, Zhang Qingshan replied: "Junior brother Ye, what you are practicing now is wood-type skills. I just don't have any wood-type skills to practice, and I can't teach you!"

After a pause, he continued: "But general wood spells are very cheap. I will get you a copy after I receive next month's salary."

"However, I still want to advise junior brother, with your current level of cultivation, it is still too far to cast spells. At least you can only do it after you have reached the middle stage of Qi refining period."

"Let's put it this way, we immortal cultivators need to use mana to cast spells. If we don't have enough mana, we can't drive the incantation to activate the spell... Let's use an analogy. For example, if you have little strength now and want to lift a hundred It's impossible to lift a big stone. Only by exercising enough strength can you lift a big stone. Do you understand? "

Having said this, Zhang Qingshan looked at Ye Han, hoping that Ye Han could understand what he said, not that he didn't teach him.

Ye Han is so smart. Of course he understands that his cultivation level is too low. Even if he learns some spells, it will be useless. This makes him a little disappointed. It seems that he still needs to improve his cultivation level to a higher level. Only at a high level.

So he replied: "I understand, Senior Brother Zhang, I will practice well."

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan nodded, as if he suddenly remembered something, and immediately said: "Oh, that's right, that's right! Junior Brother Ye, although you can't practice spells, you can start to practice the art of body refining. "

Ye Han's heart moved and he asked: "What is the art of body refining?"

Zhang Qingshan suddenly stood up and exerted force with his hands. The exaggerated muscles on his body bulged and glowed like metal. He looked full of strength and fierce.

The aura emanating from his body made Ye Han frightened. This Zhang Qingshan was stronger than any martial arts master he had ever seen. With such a huge body, even a hundred of him would not be his opponent.

Suddenly he understood what Zhang Qingshan meant. It meant that the art of body refining was a method of training the physical body, right?

When he was in Qingniu Village before, he often exercised his strength and endurance, so as not to let others bully him.

It's just that he is too young and the effect of training is not good, but he is still stronger than the average people of his age. There are no peers in the village who dare to bully him.

Of course, one of the reasons is that he is eloquent and will not easily conflict with others.

Zhang Qingshan then said: "Now you have also seen the art of body refining, which is to train our physical body and use mana to train ourselves to make ourselves stronger and more defensive. Don't underestimate the physical body. Function, many junior immortal cultivators do not pay attention to physical training. When we actually fight with the immortal cultivators, our mana has dried up. We can still fight with our physical bodies, and if we encounter a bottleneck during cultivation, our physical bodies will be stronger. Tough and can withstand a greater degree of mana impact.”

"All in all, physical training is a very important thing. The sooner a cultivator starts, the better. There are only advantages and no disadvantages. Moreover, Junior Brother Ye's time for each cultivation is limited, and he can't do anything else, so you use it There is nothing better than cultivating the physical body.”

After listening to Zhang Qingshan's words, Ye Han immediately said: "Senior Brother Zhang! Then please teach me the method of body training!"

He could finally practice something else, the method of body refining, but it also made him very excited. After all, who doesn't want to become stronger!

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