Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 23 Blood Refining

Qixuan Peak.

A place surrounded by smoke, in a remote grove.

Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai were sitting in the woods, eating, looking around, and talking quietly.

"Junior Brother Li, have you heard any news? It seems that Ye Han is really what he told the senior!"

"Yes, I also heard that it seems like this!"

"Hehe! It's not like Zhang Qingshan hugged that thigh for nothing."

"haha, yes……!"

Just talking...


There was a rustle of leaves, and Zhang Sanlei emerged from the woods. When he saw the two of them, he walked over and asked, "Have you heard any news? I found out, that damn Ye Han is really what the senior said. That way, he came to our Qingxuan Sect with the Qingxuan Order, and he got a foundation-building pill in exchange for the cave with the Seventh Elder!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Sanlei's tone was full of jealousy: "This Ye Han's luck may not be very good. He actually got a Qingxuan Order by relying on his ancestor's help! It's really abominable."

Hearing this, Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai were also full of jealousy and hated talking like this.

"Yes, we have also heard about this news. It seems that this news is true."

"Yes, this Ye Han is very lucky!"

"Hmph! With such luck, I actually got a cave. There's really no point in reasoning!"

"But that damn Zhang Qingshan actually hugged Ye Han's thigh. It seems that he took out his thigh. I will deal with him if I have the opportunity in the future."

Listening to what these two people said, Zhang Sanlei didn't have any surprises. He said pointedly: "Then about the other news, have you heard about it?"

After hearing this, Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai looked at each other and said, "What's the news?"

Zhang Sanlei lowered his voice, glanced around furtively and said, "Do you know? In fact, the reason why Ye Han was able to get that cave was because of a dispute! The fifth elder of Five Elements Peak and the seventh elder of our Qixuan Peak Elder, there was a dispute over Ye Han's Foundation Building Pill."

At this point, Zhang Sanlei's voice was full of viciousness and he said: "In the end, the seventh elder used the cave in exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill. Do you know what this means?"

Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai were touched, and they immediately said: "Senior Brother Zhang! Do you mean that it was...who asked us to take action that time?"

They didn't dare to call the fifth elder by his first name, for fear that someone would find out that there were ears across the wall, because the fifth elder was not the seventh elder...

Although this is a nonsense sentence, the Seventh Elder is a human being who never sees the end, and doesn't care about anything at all.

But the Fifth Elder is different. He is an important figure with real power, has many disciples, and is in charge of the Five Elements Peak...

If the two elders really clashed because of the Foundation Establishment Pill in Ye Han's hand, then let them take action against Ye Han...

It means he is the fifth elder!

The three of them did not dare to say any more, but they felt a lot more relieved. According to the information they found out, if it was the fifth elder who asked them to take action, even if something happened in the end.

As long as they can find the fifth elder in the end, even if something happens, it will be a big deal and a trivial matter...

The three of them looked at each other, and Li Zongqing said: "Senior Brother Zhang! Are you right to inquire about this matter?"

However, he and Wang Fulai did not inquire about this matter, so he still wanted to confirm whether it really happened...

If they make a mistake, they will walk around without enough food and offend the Seventh Elder...


No matter it is the seventh elder or the fifth elder, they cannot afford to offend.

Zhang Sanlei said confidently: "Don't worry! I have personally gone to Five Elements Peak and asked some senior brothers. This matter is indeed true. The one who wanted the Foundation Establishment Pill was for his own grandson. Yes! You said that the Seventh Elder interfered... That boy Ye Han doesn't open his eyes..."

After hearing this, Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai's expressions relaxed. It seems that this matter is indeed promising. They didn't just deal with Ye Han.

If they can get on board the Fifth Elder's ship, they may have more opportunities in Qingxuanmen in the future.

Moreover, the fifth elder is in charge of the service matters of the disciples in the sect. Even if he cannot obtain great benefits, he can still get some help by virtue of this relationship.

Of course, the prerequisite is to handle this matter well.

So, Wang Fulai immediately said: "Well, two senior brothers, we really need to do this well. Do you have any ideas? I will listen to the two senior brothers."

Zhang Sanlei couldn't wait to say: "My plan is very simple. First, publicize the true situation of Ye Han in the door, and let some people deal with him! Let's test it to see if Ye Han really has no one else to help him. Look Look at the seventh elder’s reaction…!”

The three of them were whispering in the woods, discussing a plan to deal with Ye Han...

Ye Han Cave Mansion!

Practice room!

Ye Han was bare-chested, his feet were in the shape of a horse stance, and he raised his hands above his head, as if he were holding a thousand-jin weight. He squatted down slowly. His movements were extremely slow, as if there was really a thousand-jin object above his head. .

If you look carefully, as he slowly squats down, the blood vessels on his body swell...

His face and limbs were all blood red, as if the blood and qi were constantly gathering. His feet and hands were gently lifted up, and his muscles were also slowly moving...

Ye Han only felt very tired, but he squatted down.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Fifty-one!"

This is the body refining technique taught to him by Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, the Blood Refining Technique!

As the name suggests, this is a technique to drive blood and qi and cultivate physical strength...

You should know that this technique was obtained by Zhang Qingshan from an ancient fragment that he accidentally got from a cultivator's stall.

It is not a technique that Qingxuan Sect originally had.

This technique is very amazing for the improvement of the physical body. Before Zhang Qingshan reached 80% of the Qi Refining Stage, he was often bullied by the disciples in the sect.

But since he practiced this blood refining technique, his physical body has become very strong, far exceeding that of ordinary cultivators of the same level.

It's just that he is more honest and rarely takes the initiative to conflict with others.

Unfortunately, this blood refining technique is incomplete, with only the first two levels of techniques.

But it greatly improves the physical cultivation of cultivators, which is Zhang Qingshan's greatest reliance.

Now all of them have been passed on to Ye Han.

Ye Han is practicing the first level of techniques, and now he can barely practice...

But just doing these fifty-one jacks, Ye Han is like being fished out of the water, his whole body soaked with sweat.

He finished his work and sat down, gasping for breath on the ground.

It seems that it is not so easy for cultivators to practice.

At this time.

"Junior Brother Ye! Junior Brother Ye!" Zhang Qingshan's voice sounded outside, sounding a little anxious.

Ye Han walked out, seeing that Zhang Qingshan's face was not very good, and asked curiously: "What's wrong, Senior Brother Zhang!?"

Zhang Qingshan frowned and stared at Ye Han and said: "Junior Brother Ye! Tell me honestly! Are you really the disciple of the Seventh Elder?"

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