Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 24: Shared honor and disgrace, shared interests

After hearing this, Ye Han's eyes moved and he looked at Zhang Qingshan and found that his face was full of anxiety, and there was a bit of worry and unwillingness in it... It seemed that his mood was quite complicated.

Ye Han was also a brat, and he immediately understood that Zhang Qingshan might know some information about him.

Otherwise, he would not have asked this question and asked himself if he was really a disciple of the Seventh Elder.

Fortunately, I never took the initiative to say that I was the disciple of the Seventh Elder.

Everything is what he led Zhang Qingshan to think.

Apparently he might have heard something.

Because he only asked him when he came back from outside.

Under Ye Han's observation, Zhang Qingshan's thoughts were completely understood by him.

So Ye Han asked indifferently: "Senior Brother Zhang, does it matter to you whether I am a disciple of the Seventh Elder?"

After listening to Ye Han's words, Zhang Qingshan looked at him strangely and frowned slightly. It is of course important whether Ye Han is a disciple of the Seventh Elder, because this involves Ye Han. Is there any important reason behind it?

I have a good relationship with Ye Han, and I even want to curry favor with Ye Han, mostly for the sake of the Seventh Elder.

However, Zhang Qingshan suddenly grinned and said: "Junior Brother Ye, you are right. Whether you are a disciple of the Seventh Elder or not is not important to me at all. If you are a senior brother, I will ask more questions."

Yes, for him, when he first got along with Ye Han, it was mostly for the sake of the Seventh Elder, but as the two became closer, it was no longer very important whether he was a disciple of the Seventh Elder. .

The reason why he helped Ye Han was also because Ye Han was young and took care of him like a younger brother.

What's more, Ye Han also gave him great benefits. One was to let him practice in his cave. The rich spiritual energy of the world made his practice several times faster than outside.

On the other hand, Ye Han showed him Qingxuan Gong, which helped him understand some of the true meaning of cultivation and successfully broke through to the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage.

Compared with the small things he did to help Ye Han, in fact, Ye Han's benefits to him completely outweighed Ye Han's true identity.

So it didn't matter to him whether Ye Han was a disciple of the Seventh Elder.

But what matters are the rumors outside.

At this point, Zhang Qingshan said to Ye Han again: "Junior Brother Ye, there are rumors about you outside now, which is very detrimental to you."

After hearing this, Ye Han said calmly: "Senior Brother Zhang, please tell me if you have made any mistakes. I am also mentally prepared."

In fact, when Zhang Qingshan came back and asked him if he was a disciple of the Seventh Elder.

He was mentally prepared, but he didn't expect his identity to be exposed so quickly. If he hadn't expected it wrong, the damn fifth elder might have started to take revenge on him.

Zhang Qingshan immediately said: "There are rumors outside that you were able to get this cave because you came to Qingxuan Sect with a Qingxuan Token. According to the sect's rules, you can get a Foundation Establishment Pill. This cave is You exchanged it for the Foundation Establishment Pill, so you are not the disciple of the Seventh Elder at all now."

Having said this, Zhang Qingshan glanced at the cave. Ye Han allowed him to practice here, which was of great benefit.

This was obtained by Ye Han's Foundation Establishment Pill, if all the talents of the two monks were exactly the same.

One is practicing in this cave.

One is finding a place to practice outside.

The monks who practice in the cave will definitely practice several times faster than the ones outside.

Just breaking through the bottleneck will be of great benefit.

Speaking of this, Zhang Qingshan frowned and said: "However, junior brother, your cultivation level is low, many people may have ideas about you, and I feel that someone deliberately publicized this matter in the door! There is no one behind you. It would be dangerous if you have a backer, so I want to ask you if the rumors outside are true? "

Yes, Zhang Qingshan is honest and honest, but that does not mean that he is ignorant. After all, he has seen so much in Qixuan Peak, and he has not been blind for so many years in vain.

So when he first became friends with Ye Han, he also had this idea and wanted to climb up the big tree like Ye Han to find a supporter.

But now it seems that the big tree Ye Han is very unreliable, and it is not even a big tree...

But his mind has changed now. After all, although Ye Han seems a bit cunning and bratty, he actually recognizes him very much and regards him as a good friend and a good buddy.

So now he is also very worried about Ye Han. He knows that those fellow disciples are cruel in their methods and it is very normal for them to seize heavenly materials and earthly treasures, cultivation resources, and take advantage of Ye Han's cave for the sake of cultivation...

After hearing this, Ye Han thought for a moment and said: "Senior Brother Zhang, the rumors outside are all true. The Seventh Elder is indeed not my master, and I am not the Seventh Elder's disciple. I am indeed holding a Qingxuan Token. , I would have been a complete mortal if I had exchanged the Foundation Establishment Pill with the Seventh Elder.

Ye Han was not breaking the news. In fact, he had already guessed that the Fifth Elder must be behind this matter. Judging from the Seventh Elder's behavior, he would not publicize this matter everywhere.

Because no matter what, the Seventh Elder gave him the Dongfu in exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill, which also shows that immortal cultivators have to rely on themselves for everything, and he will not protect Ye Han or anything...

Therefore, it is impossible for the seventh elder to do such a thing.

On the contrary, the fifth elder seems to be a monk with evil intentions and evil intentions...

When he wanted to exchange Foundation Establishment Pills with him, he asked for a cave, but he said he wanted to give him some cultivation treasures and guidance...

How could he, a guy who knew nothing about the world of immortality, know the value of those treasures...

Apparently he was bullying him because he was the youngest and wanted to get rid of him with something.

He had changed with the seventh elder at a critical moment. With the character of the fifth elder, he would never let him go so easily.

So he knew that in all likelihood, the Fifth Elder was behind this incident.

The reason why he told Zhang Qingshan honestly about this matter was that he could see that Zhang Qingshan was sincerely good to him.

Zhang Qingshan's cultivation level is not particularly low. As long as he can protect himself well, it should be difficult for monks below the Foundation Establishment stage to embarrass him.

On the other hand, these lies of his will be exposed sooner or later, so it is better to admit directly that it is very important for him to get help from Zhang Qingshan.

After all, Zhang Qingshan has practiced for so many years and already knows a lot of basic knowledge. The most important thing is that he wants to turn this cave into a matter where two people share weal and woe and have mutual interests.

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