Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2235: Lightning-like body

That is Holy Son Asi. How can he say that he can evade the catastrophe and pass the Void Refining Stage successfully?

Ye Han probably understood somewhat. When Holy Son Asi gathered his magic power and the aura of heaven and earth brewed Nianxu's soul, his soul and his physical body were actually cultivated separately, and they had little impact on the physical body.

When the catastrophe finally occurred, Holy Son Asi most likely had a special seal between his soul and his body, putting himself in a very special state of separation between soul and body...

What the specific effect will be, we still have to wait until Holy Son Asi actually breaks through the level to know.

On the other hand, he has sorted out the storage bags scattered from the giant tree spirits over the years, and the contents of the space treasures. He was a little disappointed, and he didn't know why. Most of the storage bags , the space treasures are all empty inside...

Because it may have been controlled by the giant tree spirit for too long, or for some other special reason, these storage bags and space treasures, and the space formations inside have been destroyed. Most of the treasures have been destroyed here. The space formation was lost, and not much was left.

There are even fewer treasures and pills that can come in handy and are useful to Ye Han.

However, among so many storage bags, Ye Han still had a huge gain, that is, the secret magical power of Taoism and Nature actually allowed him to find the complete formula of the technique.

It was found in a special space ring, and there was only this one technique in it, which shows how much this cultivator valued this technique.

The others are some ordinary spiritual treasures, elixirs, various books and secrets, and the like. There are only three Tongtian spiritual treasures, and they are all beyond Ye Han's use.

It was only at this time that Ye Han understood that even for those who were cultivating immortals in the Void Refining Stage and who were born in ordinary places, it was quite difficult to own a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure. Compared with those who were cultivating immortals and were born in the Immortal Clan Genealogy, it was too far behind. .

Ye Han took most of the treasures to the Ziding space to arrange the Ten Thousand Treasure Array, allowing the array to emit more spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

After all, there are quite a few cultivators in his Purple Cauldron space now. In addition to Zhang Qingshan, there is also the Immortal Thieving Alien, Bai Daozi.

Among them, Holy Son Asi was in the Chongguan Refining Stage. In fact, he was the one who consumed the most spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Ye Han's Purple Cauldron space.

After Ye Han succeeded in practicing the fourth level of the Nine Levels of Qinggong, he stopped delaying and went to clean up the temporary cave before hitting the road again! !

When he moved forward, he did not fully activate the fourth level of Jiuzhong Qinghong's technique, but only activated the second level. Originally, it became only a thousand-pound force, which made him feel a lot more relaxed.

Why not use the fourth level? Because Ye Han has already calculated that if he keeps using the fourth level of the ninth level Qinghong magical power, it will consume too much mana. If he is just on the road, the gain will not be worth the loss.

And if he doesn't use Nine Levels Light Hong to rush forward or something, running forward under such gravity will consume a lot of physical strength and mana.

By operating the second-level technique, Ye Han could not only save a little mana and physical strength, but also more than double Ye Han's speed.

If you calculate it this way, of course it would be better to operate the second level and the ninth level Qinghong.

Whoops! !

Ye Han's figure was like a bolt of lightning, running wildly through a lush bush.


Miraculous medicine!

Ye Han felt a very strong medicinal scent, suddenly changed direction and ran towards the direction of the medicinal scent.


Following Ye Han's figure, he quickly arrived at a forest. He saw purple-red leaves on the ground that were wide and wide, only a few feet high, with purple-red fruits hanging on them. Earth treasure.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han showed a look of surprise and said: "Ten thousand-year purple leaf fruit! A treasure that is refined to strengthen the body!"

Immediately, Ye Han looked around with vigilance. This thousand-year-old purple leaf fruit is a very rare treasure. How could it be so lonely here without the protection of strange insects or immortal cultivators?


Ye Han immediately felt that there was a vague aura watching him on the ground far away from the Wannian Purple Leaf Fruit.

You know, Ye Han's current five senses are so strong that they are not comparable to those of ordinary cultivators of the same level.


Buzz! ! ! !

Ye Han pinched the magic formula with his fingers, and the Sword Emperor Divine Sword appeared in front of him. As Ye Han pinched the magic formula and recited the incantation, the Sword Emperor Divine Sword burst out with extremely terrifying sword intent!

Hoo ho ho!

The mana fluctuations shook out, and Ye Han instantly moved the Nine-Level Light Hong to the fourth level, suddenly reducing the surge of many mana.

And as Ye Han pointed his finger in that direction, he shouted: "Go!"

Whoops! ! !

The Sword Emperor's Divine Sword was like a beam of light, bursting out with a suffocating cold sword light, and instantly bombarded the ground in that direction! !

Ouch! !

A fierce roar came from the ground, and a giant horse with gray-black scales all over its body and a single horn, and red fur all over its body, rushed out of the ground.

Why! !

With the roar of this scaleless giant horse demon beast, the top of his head was like a golden sun, bursting out, with an astonishing bright golden light, and he thrust towards the cold sword light that was bombarding him, and it passed by. .

In an instant!

Bang! !

There was a violent explosion of metal and iron colliding, and the whole space was shaken by a violent and boundless storm, and the sword aura burst out...

There was a violent roar, and the Sword Emperor Sword released by Ye Han was suddenly knocked out by the scaly giant horse monster!


Ah! !

The scaly giant horse monster roared with extreme anger and rushed towards Ye Han. The golden horn, which was covered with mysterious and terrifying gold and silver runes, spun wildly and rushed towards Ye Han...

Then the scaly giant horse monster stomped its feet on the ground!

Bang! ! ! The whole ground shook violently, as if a terrible earthquake had erupted, making Ye Han's figure a little unsteady at this moment.

The scaly giant horse monster suddenly rushed over, turning into a terrifying storm thousands of feet in size, and blasted towards Ye Han's body!

But! A strange scene appeared!

Bang! ! !

A violent space explosion, the scaly giant horse monster directly smashed Ye Han's body, causing it to disappear on the spot! !

Ye Han's figure disappeared?

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