Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2236: Ten Thousand Years Purple Leaf Fruit

At this moment! !

boom! !

Ye Han's figure was like a ghost, appearing next to the giant scaly horse monster. The Sword Emperor's Divine Sword was back in his hands at some point! !

Die! !

Ye Han roared angrily, and the Sword Emperor Divine Sword in his hand turned into a terrifying sword light, and stabbed directly into the belly of the scale-armored giant horse monster!

Roar! !

The scaly giant horse monster roared, completely unexpected that in this terrifying place of gravity, Ye Han's speed would be so terrifying!

Suddenly, he felt a frightening aura, and danger was surging!

Buzz! !

Circles of runes erupted from the body of the scaly giant horse monster, and the scales on its body instantly emitted a metallic luster like steel, making a harsh friction sound!

In an instant! !

Clang! !

There was an extremely harsh light explosion, and the Sword Emperor's Divine Sword directly pierced the body of the giant scaly horse monster.

Ouch! !

The giant scaly horse monster let out a scream. Unexpectedly, such a terrifying defense could not block the opponent's sword? !

What’s even more terrifying is!

boom! !

Ye Han thrust the Sword Emperor's Divine Sword into the abdomen of the giant scaly horse monster, and suddenly countless sword lights burst out, exploding in the belly of the giant scaly horse monster...

Bang bang bang! !

The sound of harsh steel collisions and explosions erupted from the belly of the giant scaly horse monster, and blood and flesh continued to spurt out! !

Phew! !

The giant scaly horse monster opened its mouth and sprayed out a stream of blood, and the monster baby flew out, trying to escape!



Ye Han moved, reached out and grabbed it, and a big hand of golden light grabbed it out. The escaping demon baby of the giant scaly horse monster could not escape Ye Han's pursuit at all, and was immediately caught by the escaping bloody light. Monster baby! !

Why is this immortal cultivator so fast? The horror of this second heaven. Is gravity completely useless to him?

The bloody demon baby of the scaly giant horse demon beast opened its eyes wide in horror...

But before he could react, Ye Han casually shook his hand, and a golden rune imprisoned the blood-light demon baby and stuffed it into the storage bag!

boom! !

The corpse of the scaly giant horse monster also fell to the ground at this time, making an astonishing roar...


Ye Han trembled and appeared next to the giant scaly horse monster. Looking at his horn, he was filled with joy. He really killed two birds with one stone. The horn of this giant scaly horse monster was used for refining. The treasure of elixirs, he happened to be lacking this thing. Flesh, flesh, essence and blood could be used to refine demon blood elixirs.

Bones can be used to refine bone marrow! The whole body is really a treasure!

In fact, the cultivation level of this giant scaly horse monster is very extraordinary, and it is even more powerful than the ancient beasts encountered in the first heaven. The reason why he killed this guy so easily was mainly because Ye Han used the Ninth Level Light Hong. After that, the speed skyrocketed and the mana consumption dropped so much.

Let's not talk about the distance, let's just say that when the demon infant of the giant scale horse monster was in blood escape, Ye Han would not be able to catch up with this guy just by relying on speed unless he was using the Nine Layers of Light Hong.

But after using the Nine Layers of Light Hong, Ye Han had a huge advantage in terms of speed. Otherwise, he would not have been able to get so close to the giant scaly horse monster so easily, and he finally realized it! !

This is the important meaning of cultivating the Nine Levels of Light Hong!

So, Ye Han casually made a move, and the purple rune aura in the Ziding space trembled, and he pulled out a big aura hand and grabbed the body of the giant scaly horse beast...

When he arrived in the Purple Cauldron space, his clone would naturally deal with the corpse of the giant scaly horse monster.

It is worth mentioning that the injuries suffered by Ye Han's clone and Fairy Bai have already healed long ago!

The reason why he healed so quickly was partly due to dual cultivation, and partly because the effect of the Life Gourd that his clone had taken back then had finally begun to take effect.

Now his clone's cultivation level is higher than him, but of course, his true magical fighting ability cannot compare with Ye Han.

But this change surprised Ye Han.

Of course, after killing the giant scaly horse monster guarding the Ten Thousand Years Purple Leaf Fruit, we will naturally get the Ten Thousand Years Purple Leaf Fruit!

Clang, clang, clang!

Ye Han used the sword light of the Sword Emperor's Divine Sword and kept digging. Finally, he dug out the Ten Thousand Years Purple Leaf Fruit and transplanted it into the purple cauldron space.

You must know that Ye Han's Purple Cauldron Space has been continuously enhanced and cultivated for so many years, and with the addition of various natural materials and earthly treasures, his Purple Cauldron Space can now accommodate a wide variety of natural materials and earthly treasures.

So far, he has never encountered a treasure of heaven and earth that cannot be transplanted.

Sure enough, the Ten Thousand Years Purple Leaf Fruit was transplanted into the Purple Cauldron space. As the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit poured down the spiritual liquid, it immediately came to life, exuding astonishing spiritual energy of heaven and earth, in the Purple Cauldron...

Immediately, Ye Han continued to run forward to see if there was any opportunity to obtain it, or if he encountered any powerful monster, he killed it directly! !

What's more important is that if he encounters powerful strange insects, Ye Han will not only kill them, but it is best to capture some powerful strange insects alive!

Because in these years, Ye Han has successfully identified the owner of the eggs of the worms with blood, and is now constantly instilling this guy with strange insects, allowing this guy to swallow enough breath power to hatch out.

However, the blood-spotted ants, fireflies, ten thousand year snow ice worms, and poisonous centipedes were too low in rank. Although the amount of infusion was very large, the 朏朏worms were like a bottomless pit. After swallowing so many worms , they only grew several times larger. There was no sign of hatching at all.

Ye Han felt that if he caught more powerful strange insects for the 朏朏 worm eggs to absorb and swallow, it would be much faster.

Perhaps what you think will come true.

Ye Han had just run out for more than ten miles.



An extremely sharp spike burst out from the ground and attacked Ye Han!

Ye Han reacted very quickly and dodged to the side. A strange insect with spikes all over its body and countless eyes rushed out from the ground. It rushed out from the ground, grinning hoarsely and sprayed out spikes, bombarding Ye Han...


Ye Han's body trembled, and he used the Nine-Layer Light Hong to instantly dodge the gushing spikes...


Ye Han instantly appeared behind the strange insect, and smashed down with a huge fist, making a violent suffocating sound. The huge body of the strange insect was smashed to the ground, and the whole ground cracked...

The spiked strange insect roared and wanted to continue attacking Ye Han!


Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!

Circles of amazing purple rune vortexes whizzed out, directly covering the spiked strange insect and sucking it into the purple tripod space!!

Once in the purple tripod space, is this guy still not easy to deal with?

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