Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2244: You made a lot of money this time, right? !

Zizizizizi! !

Ye Han felt the icy breath in the meridians of his arm, which was blocked by the impact at this time...

It will take a long time to fully recover!

Ye Han had no choice. This Tu Lingzun was not easy to deal with, and he had many tricks. If he entangled with him, he might suffer greater losses.

However, Ye Han drove the Nine-Layer Light Hong to fly for a while.

In fact, the reason why Ye Han was not afraid of Tu Lingzun's gravity control formation was the effect of the Nine-Layer Light Hong.

Tu Lingzun said that he could control the gravity of the second heaven, but in fact it was just nonsense, making the opponent feel fearful and afraid, thinking that he could really control the gravity of the second heaven...

In fact, Tu Lingzun's method of controlling gravity is to use the formation to drive a special method to increase the opponent's own weight, as if he could control the gravity of the second heaven.

In fact, what was increased was the weight of the cultivator himself, not the real gravity.

In fact, Ye Han used his clone to test this matter, but he was not sure yet.

When the real body was also trapped, when Ye Han used the Nine-Layer Light Hong, the formation immediately became useless to him.

It actually completely offset the effect of the formation and made his speed soar. If it weren't for the fact that this Earth Spirit Venerable was extremely cunning, he would have discovered something wrong first and then made a move! !

If this guy didn't have the Immortal Slashing Sword, such an extremely powerful fairy treasure, Ye Han wouldn't have used the Absolute Cold Sword to kill this guy first...

Now that the Immortal Slashing Sword is in his hands, I wonder how many treasures this guy has looted in the Second Heaven for so long?

On the way to this place, Ye Han found that many of the caves left in the Second Heaven had been looted, and thought there was a problem.

Sure enough, he encountered trouble.


Ye Han found a very remote building ruins with a large space inside, and went in to set up a forbidden formation.

Ye Han pointed his finger and released the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror. After a few spells and incantations, he could already feel the spreading cold air of ice inside the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror. The entire Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror was surging with ice.

The ice-attributed cold air of the Absolute Cold Sword carries a very terrible power of corrosive law, especially restraining the blood breath of the immortal race.

Ye Han is now also an immortal race. Although he is not restrained, the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror is still greatly affected. A lot of breath and mana power have been consumed. It was frozen into ice and a chill came out.

Ye Han could feel that there were countless ice connected to the space of the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror. The cold air surged and turned into a frozen world.

This was just freezing the body of the Earth Spirit Lord, but it was so amazing. If it was still in the huge range of ice, Ye Han would not be able to resist it.

Ye Han pinched the magic formula, and the ghost skull mirror was shaking with rune aura, and gold and silver runes surged out, and the body of the Earth Spirit Lord flew out.

It was all covered with icy cold air, and the Earth Spirit Master had a fierce and ferocious face that was unwilling to give up...

Ye Han had no mercy at all. This Earth Spirit Master had been guarding this second heaven for who knows how many years, and there must be a lot of cultivators who died in his hands.

If I fall into his hands, I will be the one with such a fierce and ferocious face now. The world of cultivation is so cruel. Once I fail, I will lose everything I have struggled for, and it will become the spoils of other cultivators...

The reason why Ye Han used the Absolute Cold Sword at all costs was that he realized that this Earth Spirit Master would be very difficult to deal with after he recovered! ! !

Ye Han pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and pointed his finger, and the treasure refining furnace flew out. As his fingers and chanted the spell, the magic power surged, and the treasure refining furnace vibrated with amazing hot flames, and then pointed his finger and threw the body of the Earth Spirit Master, who was frozen into ice, into it.

If it was an ordinary ice cube, Ye Han would quickly melt the body of the Earth Spirit Master with a fire attribute spell.

But this is the terrible coldness of the Absolute Cold Sword. In addition to using the Refining Furnace, Ye Han also has to spend a lot of time to refine the ice cubes of this guy.

However, Ye Han also needs some time to heal his wounds. The meridians damaged by the backlash of the Absolute Cold Sword are not so easy to deal with.

He put out the Qiankun Five Elements Futon, sat cross-legged in it, and began to drive the purple tripod aura to heal his wounds before driving the Refining Furnace to refine the ice on the body of the Earth Spirit Venerable...

Three months have passed since Ye Han sat in meditation!

Buzz! !

Circles of amazing flames surged out of the Refining Furnace, and then a piece of flame aura converged.


The Refining Furnace opened, and the body of the Earth Spirit Venerable flew out and fell to the ground. He also had a very good set of earth attribute armor on his body, but it was a pity that it had been cut off by the Absolute Cold Sword. Naturally, it could no longer be used. It was also very difficult to repair it. He could only dismantle the materials and refine other treasures later.

Ye Han opened his eyes. After more than three months of healing, the wounds from the backlash of the Absolute Cold Sword had only recovered by half. It would take at least three to five years to fully recover, which was still considered good.

When he was first backlashed by the Absolute Cold Sword, it took him hundreds of years to recover from his injuries...

Of course, the Absolute Cold Sword at that time was not as powerful as it is now!

However, the body of the Earth Spirit Master was finally refined and thawed.

Ye Han waved his hand, and the treasure storage bags and space treasures on the body of the Earth Spirit Master flew away and landed in front of Ye Han.

There were eight storage bags, and there were 23 space treasures. The others were the treasures, defensive armor, etc. that Tu Lingzun had left on his body when he was killed.

It was unknown how many cultivators Tu Lingzun had killed, but he actually had so many storage bags, and each one looked full.

What Ye Han hoped most was to get a way to enter the third heaven from Tu Lingzun!!

Ye Han opened one of the storage bags with his divine sense, but found that Tu Lingzun had left a very special divine sense mark on the storage bag. It seemed that some divine sense secret method had been used to imprison his storage bag.

Ye Han tried it, but with his extremely powerful divine sense, he couldn't open it all at once...

This made Ye Han understand even more clearly that his decision to kill Tu Lingzun first was right. Judging from the divine sense mark left in the storage bag, this guy's divine sense cultivation was not inferior to his own.

Such an existence is naturally not easy to deal with.

The Earth Spirit Master was already dead. Although the remaining spiritual mark was powerful, it still couldn't withstand Ye Han's spiritual attacks, and finally opened the storage bag!

Good guy!!

This wave of profit is huge, right? !

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