Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2245 Spirit Cannon? !

When Ye Han saw the contents of this storage bag, he couldn't help but marvel. Wasn't the harvest from killing this Earth Spirit Venerable too amazing? !

This storage bag was the largest storage bag he had ever seen. Even Ye Hang didn't have one. It was a hundred feet wide. It was filled with all kinds of treasures and natural treasures, and they were arranged in a very orderly manner. It was obvious that this Earth Spirit Venerable had a very orderly personality.

Like Ye Han, he liked to arrange his treasures neatly and put them in categories...

Ye Han glanced casually. There were hundreds of treasures in it, and thousands of natural treasures. They were all very rare treasures. This was really unexpected for Ye Han.

Those natural treasures alone could make up for a lot of the treasures he didn't have.

Among them, the main medicine for refining the Light Hong Pill, the Nine-Layer Fruit, which Ye Han lacked, was actually here, which surprised Ye Han greatly!

Now he can practice the fifth level of the Nine-Layer Light Hong.

So, Ye Han's consciousness moved, the storage bag trembled, and a layered black and red fruit flew out. It can be seen that the fruit is divided into nine layers of skin, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance, and there are circles of faintly flashing runes surging in it.

Ye Han looked at the fruit and said to himself happily: "It is indeed a nine-layer fruit!"

As he said, a purple rune light vortex appeared in his palm, and he put the nine-layer fruit into the purple tripod space and sent it to the clone, asking the clone to refine the Qinghong Pill.

His four-layer nine-layer Qinghong magical power in the second heaven has played a huge role. When he reaches the third heaven, it is very likely that he will increase the gravity again. If the nine-layer Qinghong can be cultivated to the fifth or sixth level, it should be better to deal with the enemy.

This is an unexpected surprise!

This Tu Lingzun really looted a lot of treasures in the second heaven.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to find the thing that Tu Lingzun said to enter the third heaven.

Ye Han could sense that the tone and demeanor of Earth Spirit Lord's words were very complacent, and it didn't seem like he was deceiving Ye Han. He really had a way to enter the third heaven.

After all, this Earth Spirit Lord had been in the second heaven for a very long time, otherwise this guy wouldn't have so many treasures...

Thinking of this, Ye Han continued to drive his consciousness to unlock the remaining consciousness marks of Earth Spirit Lord in other storage bags, hoping to find a way to enter the third heaven.

However, Ye Han estimated that the method to enter the second heaven should be in a space treasure.

Most of the immortal cultivators have a habit of putting more important things in space treasures with small spaces, such as space rings, bracelets, etc.

Sure enough, it took Ye Han several days to unlock the consciousness marks left by Earth Spirit Lord in those storage bags.

There are indeed a lot of treasures and various books and secret manuals inside, including a lot of secret techniques that Ye Han needs very much, useful magical treasures, and a lot of natural treasures...

However, Ye Han has no time to sort these things out, but gives them all to his clone to sort out, and then slowly sort them out after they are sorted out.

But he still hasn't found a way to enter the third heaven.

Then he can only continue to unlock those space treasures such as storage space rings!

Sure enough, in these space treasures such as storage space rings, there are those treasures and secret treasures that the Earth Spirit Venerable values ​​more.

In several space rings, Ye Han found several Tongtian spiritual treasures, rare natural treasures and spiritual medicines, and even found several water spirit coffins, which contained the corpses of immortal cultivators. The corpses have a strong breath, and it seems that they are still in the great perfection of the refining period.

What's even more rare is that he found a earth-based magical technique called Tu Shen Wuxia Gong.

Ye Han distinguished this Earth God Flawless Art, and it turned out to be a top-grade earth-based art, at the same level as the Vajra Fire God Art. When the Earth Spirit Master fought with him, he must have used this art.

In fact, after arriving at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, Ye Han knew that his Five Elements Art was already very powerful, but compared with his cultivation, it was still far behind. Although he later cultivated the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Art, it was still far behind the top-grade art like the Vajra Fire God Art.

In the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he also found many Five Elements Art, but there were still very few that could compare to his Qingxuan Sect's inherited Five Elements Art, and they were not complete sets, so they were not very useful, so Ye Han did not practice these arts.

However, this Earth God Flawless Art could be compared to the Vajra Fire God Art, so it could be practiced.

As Ye Han unlocked these space treasures one by one, there was another unexpected benefit.

Because it takes a lot of spiritual consciousness to unlock the spiritual consciousness marks left by the Earth Spirit Lord on these space treasures, Ye Han can constantly restore his spiritual consciousness through the breath of the purple tripod.

This is also to unlock the spiritual consciousness marks of these space treasures faster, so it consumes so much.

However, in this way, his spiritual consciousness actually broke through miraculously. The reason for the breakthrough is that on the one hand, his soul broke through, and he had two souls, which gave his spiritual consciousness room to break through.

On the other hand, it was rare to encounter such a powerful spiritual consciousness mark, which made Ye Han constantly temper himself, so he unexpectedly broke through his spiritual consciousness cultivation and made his spiritual consciousness reach a higher level.

It can be said that this Earth Spirit Lord really gave it to him to make him stronger.

Of course, this is because Ye Han defeated the opponent. If the winner was Tu Ling Zun, it is estimated that Tu Ling Zun is the one who is sorting out the spoils and getting unlimited benefits.

The battle between the immortals is so cruel, the winner takes all...

As Ye Han unlocked several space rings, he finally found the so-called method and secret of Tu Ling Zun to enter the third heaven.

This Tu Ling Zun really has this method to enter the third heaven, but Ye Han did not expect that this method to enter the third heaven is really unimaginable! !

Ye Han took the space ring, pointed his finger, opened the restriction of this space ring, and circles of spiritual light swirled.

Just see!

Whoosh whoosh!

One by one, huge metal parts flew out. These metal parts were very precise in shape. Each piece was hundreds of feet large. They flew out and fell to the ground with a bang, smashing the ground into big holes...

And the last one that flew out was a very simple, unknown monster fur, with a very complicated spiritual cannon painted on it! ! !

What does this spiritual cannon have to do with entering the third heaven?

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