Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2246: Breaking the Forbidden Spirit Cannon


Ye Han embedded a huge pillar into it, and the entire huge spiritual cannon of thousands of feet in size was assembled.

This huge spiritual cannon is the means to enter the third heaven.

It is not difficult to say, just use the spiritual cannon to bombard the ground of the third heaven, and the cultivators themselves will bombard it!

Of course, this spiritual cannon is naturally not an ordinary spiritual cannon, but a special spiritual cannon that breaks the defense ban of the third heaven.

This Tu Lingzun has long been unknown. He got this spiritual cannon that breaks the ban from somewhere, and he also disassembled it into pieces and put it away by himself, just to prevent other cultivators from discovering this spiritual cannon that breaks the ban, harvesting the caves and treasures of the cultivators of the second heaven, waiting for the cultivators who enter the second heaven to kill them.

Unfortunately, man's plans are not as good as God's plans. When he met Ye Han, an extremely powerful opponent, tens of thousands of years of savings and harvests became Ye Han's spoils of war.

It can only be said that if a cultivator is too greedy and his luck is not good, he will not go far at all.

However, it took Ye Han quite a lot of time to put together this forbidden spirit cannon, more than a year!

Of course, this more than a year was not just for putting together this forbidden spirit cannon, but also for healing and solving the backlash of the Juehan Sword. In addition, it was necessary to set up a formation for the forbidden spirit cannon and inject enough spiritual energy and mana to be able to launch enough power to break the ban!

I saw that the clone and the white fairy had been constantly arranging formations around, forming a ten thousand feet long formation ban. It seemed that it would take a long time to arrange it!

Of course, if Ye Han could burn pills crazily at all costs and use the purple tripod to continuously inject mana into the forbidden spirit cannon, it would probably take only a few days.

However, the consumption was not ordinary and terrifying. Ye Han had taken all the pills that could replenish the purple tripod mana breath, and used more than half of the purple tripod space’s natural treasures and spiritual medicines to replenish this forbidden spirit cannon.

Ye Han couldn't afford such consumption. These pills and natural treasures were enough for him to practice for thousands of years.

How could it be possible to consume so much?

Besides, his injuries hadn't healed completely yet, so it didn't matter if he waited a little longer. After all, no one knew what dangers there were in the third heaven. If he recovered to his best condition, he would be able to protect himself if he encountered any dangers when he went in again.

Three months later!

Buzz! ! ! !

The clone and Fairy Bai finally arranged a huge formation. Although the consumption of setting up the formation in the second heaven was also very amazing, it was better than consuming pills and mana!

As the formation started, a huge rune vortex was formed, madly absorbing and swallowing the spiritual energy of the world within a radius of thousands of miles.

The absorbed spiritual energy of the world continued to flow into the forbidden spirit cannon through the formation below the forbidden spirit cannon.

Suddenly, the rune spiritual light of the formation on the forbidden spirit cannon surged, and there was a red rune light thread on the forbidden spirit cannon, which was a hundred feet long. As the spiritual energy of heaven and earth continued to be absorbed and poured into it, this red rune light thread also kept flashing and slowly turned blue.

When this blood-red rune light completely turned blue, the mana required for the forbidden spirit cannon to fire was full.

Ye Han knew that after entering the third heaven, he would definitely not return to the second heaven, so he came up with this method to absorb all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the second heaven and inject it into the forbidden spirit cannon to reduce his consumption.

Now Ye Han was sitting cross-legged in the distance, with rune auras swirling all over his body. He was healing his wounds while comprehending the Earth God's Flawless Art...

On the other hand, the other spoils of war obtained from the Earth Spirit Lord, such as natural materials and treasures, had been handed over to the clone to refine pills. Among them, the Qinghong Pill required for the Nine-Layer Light Hong had been successfully refined. Ye Han had already taken it and began to practice the fifth level of the Nine-Layer Light Hong.

According to Ye Han's own estimation, it would take at least thirty years for him to practice and comprehend the fifth level of the Nine-Layer Light Hong Art.

However, it would take longer for the Forbidden Spirit Cannon to gather spiritual energy through the formation. Although the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here is sufficient, as this formation continuously absorbs and injects it into the Forbidden Spirit Cannon, the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth around it will definitely decrease.

Therefore, Ye Han estimated that it would take more than thirty years for the Forbidden Spirit Cannon to completely absorb enough spiritual energy of the heaven and earth and for the red runes to completely turn blue!

Time flies like water, and time flies like an arrow.

For a cultivator of Ye Han's level in the Refining Void Stage, thirty years is just a few meditations...

Sure enough, just as Ye Han expected, he did succeed in practicing and comprehending the fifth level of the Nine-Layer Light Hong within thirty years.

This time, he successfully practiced the fifth level, allowing him to operate the Nine-Layer Light Hong, which reduced the gravity of the second heaven by a thousand times. It can be said that he became as fast as the normal gravity area, with almost no impact.

At the same time, he also successfully practiced the Earth God Flawless Art, and successfully practiced the second level. This technique is actually the key to controlling the opponent's weight. It has a very magical effect in the third heaven. No wonder the Earth Spirit Venerable killed so many cultivators in the second heaven!

And it is precisely because he obtained enough treasures from the Earth Spirit Venerable that the Wanbao Formation in Ye Han's purple tripod space has been successfully arranged, and the power is extraordinary!

Of course, the backlash of the Absolute Cold Sword he suffered was finally healed, and his cultivation level increased a lot. Although he did not break through to the fifth level of the Void Refining Stage, he had already reached the middle stage.

It was just as Ye Han thought. As expected, the formation that absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for the Forbidden Spirit Cannon continued to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the second heaven as time passed, which made the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the second heaven exhausted a lot. It was already seven or eight times lower than when he just reached the second heaven.

And one tenth of the red part of the Forbidden Spirit Cannon had not turned blue...

This made Ye Han a little helpless. According to the current speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it would definitely take more than ten years to fully absorb enough! !

However, Ye Han also had a way. He directly drew the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the purple tripod space to replenish and accelerate...

It is worth mentioning!

In these thirty years, As Saint Son finally broke through to the Void Refining Stage.

As As Saint Son said, when he advanced to the Void Refining Stage, he really did not trigger the heavenly tribulation and avoided the heavenly tribulation! !

This gave Ye Han a very pleasant surprise, and this discovery was enough to restore his normal lifespan!!

This solved a huge problem for Ye Han.

What on earth was going on?

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