Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2251: Wanbao Formation Defeats the Enemy

Boom boom boom! ! !

Terrifying gray-blue lightning swirled all over the statue's body, like a terrifying boundless whirlpool, twisting the surrounding space and rushing towards the big hole in the restricted light shield of the Ten Thousand Treasure Array...


Buzz! !

The Ten Thousand Treasure Array instantly vibrated out endless circles of treasure light runes, and the treasures inside began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Purple Cauldron Space!

Boom boom boom! ! !

All the treasures of these Ten Thousand Treasure Arrays were activated.

The clones outside the Ten Thousand Treasure Array, the White Fairy, the Medicine Spirit, the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit, and the Snow Sea Dragon King all quickly drove their mana and continuously injected suffocating mana aura into the Ten Thousand Treasure Array, immediately injecting the entire Ten Thousand Treasure Array. Drive mana...

In an instant!

The spiritual treasures and magic weapons of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth all vibrated out the boundless power of the five elements in an instant, blasting out beams of light and bombarding the statue...

Huge wood-type rattans swept past like chains, extremely terrifying fire-type flame light balls, extremely sharp metallic sword lights, extremely cold water-type ice, and extremely thick earth-type gravity...

He bombarded Blessing in one fell swoop and crushed the statue!

Boom boom boom! !

A series of continuous roars and explosions, the mana light exploded, and the treasure light mana of the Ten Thousand Treasure Formation was all bombarded...

The lightning storm transmitted from the statue was also constantly destroyed, and was about to hit the huge gap.

Boom boom boom! !

Huge fists blasted out from the holes and charged towards the statue.

boom! !

The statue's eyes burst out with blood and murderous intent in circles. The two wooden hammers in its hands hit it hard, and a terrifying thunder light hit it.

Boom! !

The thunder and fists continued to impact and explode, but the statue's thunder still had the absolute upper hand, defeating all the fists that bombarded it! !

However! !

Just then!

Boom boom boom! !

There were violent and boundless roars from the sky above the Wanbao Formation, and I saw the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathering continuously above it, and actually formed a giant of ten thousand feet, surrounded by purple runes! !

This giant is like a god, overlooking the entire Wanbao Formation.

boom! !

The purple runes on the giant's body exploded, and he raised his huge thigh and stomped down hard on the statue with a human face and a snake tail that came out.

Boom! ! !

The light explosion of wind, thunder and lightning exploded, and this huge giant's foot contained boundless power of law.

At this time, Ye Han had already mobilized the auras of the two purple tripods, and crazy blessings poured into the purple giant. It could be said that his mana exploded to the extreme at this moment, plus the blessings of the Ten Thousand Treasure Array! !

The magic power contained in this purple giant has exceeded Ye Han's limit! !

In an instant! !

Bang! ! !

The purple giant's foot stepped heavily on the top of the statue. The statue burst out with death-gray flames crazily. The hammer treasure in both hands exploded with boundless gray-blue lightning, forming a huge pair of thunder and light balls. It blasted through! !

but! !

Useless! !

Boom! ! !

There was an earth-shaking roar, and the purple giant's foot crushed the ball of lightning and struck it on the top of the statue! !

The statue that was so powerful was directly knocked to the ground...

Boom! ! !

The entire ground erupted with a suffocating roar, as if the entire island's rocks were about to collapse...

The entire statue was trampled to pieces, and the runes on its body were instantly extinguished.

However, the gray deathly figure behind the statue rushed out of it as if nothing had happened, roaring and roaring with extreme anger...

Roar! ! !

This gray aura figure roared unwillingly, and a circle of strange death aura runes erupted from his body, disappearing into the air instantly!

He actually escaped from Ye Han's Ten Thousand Treasures Formation! ! !

In this situation, Ye Han didn't even expect that this dead spirit ghost could be so powerful and have such magical powers?

But this is his purple tripod space!

He has absolute control over this purple cauldron space.

No matter how we discuss this deathly ghost, it is still in his designated space.

In an instant!

Tens of thousands of feet away from the Wanbao Formation, gray light and death energy suddenly appeared, and the death energy ghostly shadow appeared tremblingly...


Buzz! !

The ghost skull mirror flashed out from the vortex among the purple runes, and the gold and silver light pillars directly impacted down, covering the figure of the deathly ghost! !

Click, click, click! !

A golden and silver skull bit directly into the body of this deathly ghost...

Roar! !

The death ghost ghost roared and pulled out a terrifying gray ghost claw, which directly blocked most of the bites of the golden and silver skulls!

Ye Han had dealt with so many immortal cultivators or powerful souls, and this was the first time he encountered an existence that could withstand the skull bite of the Ghost Skull Mirror.

Especially since the Ghost Skeleton Mirror has gained a lot of power, it was actually blocked by this guy!

What is it about this deathly ghost that is so powerful?


The skull of the current Ghost Skull Mirror has the ability to weaken the opponent's defensive magic...

Only one gold and silver skull bit the dead ghost, and the dead ash breath power of this guy plummeted!


Buzz buzz buzz! !

The dead ghost struggled frantically, trying to break free from the bites and attacks of these skulls.

But under the continuous attacks of these skulls, his breath power continued to decrease!

Only when there were more and more skulls on his body, the dead ghost could no longer hold on and was directly dragged into the ghost skull mirror! !

The ghost skull mirror was actually not at its peak. The last time the Absolute Cold Sword was locked in and injured the Earth Spirit Venerable, the cold air of the Absolute Cold Sword leaked out, causing the ghost skull mirror to be damaged a lot.

The ghost skull mirror needs a soul or a Nascent Soul to repair it. Ye Han didn't have time to take care of the ghost skull mirror at that time, so the ghost skull mirror was not in good condition.

However, after catching this ghost of death, countless gold and silver skulls frantically bit this ghost of death, wanting to devour this guy completely!

As for what this guy is, Ye Han has no idea! !


Inside the statue that was crushed by Ye Han's purple giant magical power, there is now a blood-red crystal, and next to the crystal there is a token of a statue with a human body and a snake tail.

And it was the blood-red crystal that made the purple tripod tremble.

What is that?

Ye Han's eyes showed a strange look, and he felt that the two things were extraordinary...

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