Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2252: Heaven-Repairing Stone

At this time.

The voice of As Saint sounded and said: "Fellow Daoist Ye! What happened?"

The Immortal Thief and Bai Daozi also asked: "Fellow Daoist Ye! What happened with such a big commotion?"

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has disappeared a lot!"

The three of them were practicing in Ye Han's purple cauldron space, and As Saint had already reached the level of the Void Refining Stage.

The Immortal Thief and Bai Daozi's cultivation had also been fully restored, reaching the peak of the Spiritualization Stage!

However, they did not plan to break through the Void Refining Stage. On the one hand, they had not reached the limit and were not very confident. On the other hand, they did not have the magical power of Twenty Victory Sons to avoid the heavenly tribulation, and Ye Han would not allow them to break through the Void Refining Stage in his purple cauldron space.

On the contrary, the three of them knew that Ye Han made such a big noise when dealing with the statue, so they asked Ye Han about this situation.

Ye Han listened to what the others said and replied in a deep voice: "I met a tough opponent, so I brought him into the space to deal with him. Don't worry, I've killed him."

Listening to Ye Han's words, As Saint replied: "That's good! Fellow Daoist Ye, if you need any help, just ask."

The Immortal Thief also said: "Yes! Fellow Daoist Ye! Just ask if you need any help."

Bai Daozi said: "Fellow Daoist Ye, I may not be able to help you with other things, but I am confident in the formation."

Ye Han said casually: "You can practice with peace of mind. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth here will be restored soon."

Yes, in order to deal with this statue, Ye Han mobilized the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the entire purple tripod space, which consumed more than half of the spiritual energy of the entire purple tripod space at once. It is still difficult to recover in a short time.

However, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the third heaven is extremely abundant, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be drawn to replenish it, which means that it can be fully restored in a few days.

And Ye Han pointed his finger and took out the blood-red crystal stone and the token that were broken from the statue.

The only treasure in the statue is the two wooden hammers.

Ye Han took a fancy to these two treasures at first sight, because they are very rare thunder attribute treasures, and they are a pair of Tongtian Lingbao. If they can be fully refined, he can use thunder attribute spells.

Thunder attribute treasures have always been relatively rare. On the one hand, there are few immortals who practice this aspect, and on the other hand, the materials are very rare and difficult to refine.

Ye Han has practiced thunder attribute techniques for so many years, and has never encountered a treasure of Tongtian Lingbao level.

With the surge of purple runes, the pair of Tongtian Lingbao flew out. One of them had the word "thunder" written on it, and the other had the word "breaking the sky". Thunder Breaking Heaven Hammer?

It's a good treasure! !

As for the battlefield inside, just let the clone and Fairy Bai deal with it. The materials on the statue also look quite rare. I wonder what treasures can be used to refine! !

In fact, it was Ye Han who acted decisively and sucked the statue into the purple tripod space to kill it, which saved him a lot of trouble.

After all, if this statue can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and continue to grow, it will be very difficult to deal with.

What is the blood-red crystal that burst out with the statue?

Ye Han took it in his hand and scanned it with his spiritual sense. He felt that this blood-red crystal had a strong breath of law and a strong breath like the fairy stone of creation, but it was completely different from the fairy stone of creation.


Ye Han took a breath and said to himself in surprise: "Could this be the legendary repairing stone?"

The repairing stone is a legendary magical treasure of heaven and earth. It is rare. It is said that it can repair any treasure and has a special ability to replenish treasures...

In fact, my two purple tripods are defective. If this is really the repairing stone, then it can actually repair some of the defective breath of these two purple tripods.

So which purple tripod should I give it to?

Ye Han felt that both purple tripods were trembling in a surprising way, wanting the sky-repairing stone in his hand...

However, Ye Han still decided to give his purple tripod, after all, Ye Tianyu's purple tripod was absorbing a strange broken monument and injecting a strange aura into Ye Tianyu.

If Ye Tianyu wakes up one day, Ye Han thinks that his purple tripod should be returned to him...

As Ye Han made up his mind, a burst of purple rune spiritual light trembled, and this stone that looked like a sky-repairing stone was directly sucked into the purple tripod.

Buzz buzz buzz! !

A series of purple runes surged, and the purple tripod actually completely absorbed the sky-repairing stone in an instant, turning it into drops of blood-red spiritual liquid, which merged into the purple tripod...


A beam of spiritual light from the purple tripod hummed and trembled, and the purple tripod rune spiritual light flourished, and it seemed to have a much stronger aura. Ye Han felt that the purple tripod now had some more magical powers, and the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth also increased a lot.

Could this blood-red crystal really be the legendary sky-repairing stone?

This situation greatly surprised Ye Han. The stronger the Purple Tripod was, the more benefits he would get. Of course, he hoped that the Purple Tripod would become stronger and stronger.

He found that he and the Purple Tripod had reached a community.

However, regardless of whether this blood-red crystal was the legendary sky-repairing stone, it was too small. It seemed that the repair of the Purple Tripod was not as big as imagined, but it was a good thing that it could grow.

Ye Han was not too demanding.

As the statue was destroyed, the token with a relief of a human body and a snake tail fell out, which made Ye Han very curious. What would this token be used for?

He played with the token and couldn't help looking at the huge lake. He felt that this huge lake might be impossible to bypass. He remembered very clearly that the direction the statue was looking at was the direction of the lake...

Is there a way to get to the other side through the lake?

However, although it seemed that Ye Han was easier to deal with this statue than he thought, it was actually done at all costs. It consumed a lot of mana and drained the aura of the two purple tripods at once. The driving of the Wanbao formation in the purple tripod space also consumed a lot of mana.

It looked easy, but in fact it was just using mana at all costs to crush the statue...

It was also because of the death ghost in his purple tripod space that he couldn't escape.

Ye Han estimated that if the death ghost really escaped, the trouble would be very big.

But this token...

Ye Han was thinking about how to use this token!

Buzz! !

This token suddenly emitted an extremely amazing hot breath, and swirled circles of mysterious runes!

What's going on? !

Ye Han's face changed, and he was horrified.

At this time, the huge lake began to surge violently!

A scene that surprised Ye Han appeared! !

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