Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2259 There must be something fishy going on

Hearing this sudden voice of solicitation, Ye Han looked back with a strange expression.

I saw the female figure in the restraint, looking at him helplessly. It didn't look like a shadow left by the restraint, but looked at him like a living person.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han couldn't help but look strange, and said to the figure: "Fellow Taoist are you talking to me?!"

Although the text and pronunciation of the other party's words were a bit weird, Ye Han still understood that the other party's words were ancient words in the world of immortality. They were still very common words in the world of gods and spirits. However, the other party seemed not familiar with the words and it was a bit difficult to speak.

The female figure stared at Ye Han and said, "Fellow Taoist! Are you leaving?!"

There was a questioning tone in the tone of this female figure, which made Ye Han feel a little weird. Although he had already obeyed Zhang Qingshan's words and did not plan to go to the fifth floor, it was still okay to learn more.

Ye Han smiled and said: "I can't open the ban here. Instead of wasting time here, it's better to look for opportunities elsewhere. Fellow Taoist, I don't think you are like the afterimage of the ban. Who are you?"

Listening to Ye Han's words, the female figure immediately said: "Fellow Taoist, I am an immortal cultivator who is imprisoned here. You see, you and I are both celestial beings, not these three-level divine bodies with human bodies and snake tails from outside the world!"

After hearing this, Ye Han felt something in his heart. It turned out that these three levels of innocence really came from outside the world, and the physical bodies of these guys with human bodies and snake tails were known as three levels of divine bodies.

He didn't get these information from Tianxuan Star King, and it was even less possible for him to know these situations from some books.

It turns out that the training system of the race is different. There really is another training system outside the world. It is still separated from the system of the celestial body. Is this so-called triple divine body the same as the human body and the tail of a snake? What's the difference?

For immortal cultivators, being able to know the cultivation methods of various races, or some special secrets, is also of great benefit to their own cultivation. They do not necessarily have to become such a being, but they can Learn from it and understand your own immortal way, secret methods, and the power of laws...

All in all, as the cultivation level continues to improve, the lifespan of the immortal cultivator is getting longer and longer, but it needs to be understood that more and more the origin of the laws of Tao are comprehended, and this is the most elusive thing for the immortal cultivator.

The path to immortality is inherently elusive and complex. Each cultivator of immortality has his own path. No matter how far he can go with his own path, he must continue to comprehend and practice, and only by practicing hard can he become an immortal and achieve immortality!

After hearing what the female figure said, Ye Han said humbly: "Fellow Taoist, I don't know what you are talking about. I also broke into this place by mistake. I don't know why you are trapped here?"

Zhang Qingshan had already told him that this place was very dangerous, so naturally he couldn't risk waiting for this woman's figure to have anything to do with it, but he could still inquire if he could get more information.

After all, the dangers in this third heaven are not ordinary. This female figure obviously knows a lot of secrets. It would be best if she could find out some.

However, I don’t know how long this third heaven has existed, and this female figure is still alive. I don’t know how deep her cultivation level can be.

The female figure replied: "It's a long story. To put it simply, like you, I entered the third heaven by mistake, broke into this place, and was trapped here."

After a pause in her voice, she said to Ye Han seductively: "Fellow Taoist, I think your cultivation should be at the Void Refining Stage, right? I know that there is a great opportunity here to become an immortal cultivator at the Fusion Stage. If you, Taoist Fellow, can save me, Come out and I can take fellow Taoists to find this opportunity."

As soon as he said this, Ye Han looked like his heart was pounding, and he asked in surprise: "Fellow Taoist! Are you serious about this? Is there really a chance to become a cultivator in the integration stage here?"

Ye Han's appearance made the female figure couldn't help but smile. It's true. No immortal cultivator can withstand such temptation. If you become a divine cultivator in the integration stage, you are really qualified to pursue your own path and become an immortal. Gain the Tao and live forever!

So, the female figure continued: "That's right! Without my help, you would never be able to find it with your ability. Even if you found the place, you wouldn't be able to open it!"

After hearing this, Ye Han couldn't help but said with a tangled and thoughtful look: "Fellow Taoist, I don't know whether what you said is true or false."

The female figure said calmly: "Fellow Taoist! It's easy to know whether what I said is true or false! Since you can come here, you must know that the opportunities in this third heaven are very unnatural! You must want to find the legendary Tianmen, right?”

Having said this, the female figure said confidently: "Only I can find that place! And there is no need for me to lie to you. Over the years, I have only met you as an immortal cultivator. You are my only life-saving straw. I If I lied to you, wouldn’t it destroy my own chance of survival?”

This female figure spoke so clearly that Ye Han was a little excited, but compared with the words of this female figure, he absolutely believed Zhang Qingshan's words...

Relatively speaking, the more pleasant the female figure speaks, the more people feel that there must be something fishy about this guy. The so-called rescuing her means letting him open the restriction of this place and release her. What kind of person will be released? Ye Han couldn't guarantee its existence.

Anyway, don’t believe in good things that fall from the sky in the world of cultivating immortals. Ye Han wants the opportunity treasure that this guy said, but maybe he wants his physical life.

However, Ye Han did not expose the female figure but said: "Daoyou! I really want to help you get out, but I have seen this restriction. With the things and magical powers I have now, I can’t open this restriction at all!"

Ye Han thought that since this female figure called him, she must want to use him to save her. As for how to save her, this guy must know a way.

Ye Han did not reveal his secret to this guy, knowing that the dead ghost in his ghost skull mirror could open the restriction.

Sure enough!

The female figure immediately said: "Don't worry, fellow Daoist! Since I told you, there must be a way for you to rescue me!"

She paused, and said in a deep voice: "I have a map of the underwater palace here. Follow my map and go to the Golden Spirit Palace, and you will be able to find the token that can open the ban!"

As she spoke, a touch of spiritual light and runes on the female figure's body trembled, and a piece of talisman spiritual light flew out, forming a map on the ground!

This is an unexpected gain! Ye Han was secretly delighted.

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