Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2260: Shrine Map

The reason why Ye Han talked to this female figure for so long was to get some guidance from her about the secrets of the Three Heavens.

But he didn't expect to get the map of this underwater palace from this female figure.

This map looks extremely complicated, with many buildings stacked up one after another, but there is an obvious mark on it, which should be the Golden Spirit Palace that the woman asked him to go to.

Ye Han replied: "You believe me so much, so of course I will do my best to save you!"

He paused, and continued to ask the female figure: "But seeing that you have the map of the underwater temple, you must be very familiar with it. What are the dangers? Can you give me some advice? After all, I don't know what the dangers are. If I can't come back, you can't be saved."

Yes, this female figure actually has a map of the underwater temple, so of course she knows this place very well...

So Ye Han also took the opportunity to ask about the secrets and dangers of the underwater temple without being polite to the female figure, and the reason was very sufficient. If he couldn't come back, he really couldn't save the female figure.

After hearing this, the female figure answered without hesitation: "The danger of this underwater palace is not small. First of all, you must pay attention to the erosion of your soul and mind at any time. There are soul restrictions set by the ancient gods here. It is best not to use your soul and supernatural powers."

The voice paused, and the female figure continued: "The second is the guards who were petrified and sealed by the ancient gods. Some are still alive. Although ordinary guards are easier to deal with, they can quickly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Don't let them create enough spiritual energy of heaven and earth, otherwise it will be very difficult to deal with. But you have encountered it, right?"

Listening to the two situations introduced by the female figure, Ye Han had already encountered them, and he was already prepared, especially the guards, he had dealt with them.

So, Ye Han nodded and said: "I already know these two situations, is there anything else?"

The woman's voice continued: "You can deal with these situations, so it is natural that you can come here, but you have never encountered the two most dangerous situations in the underwater palace. One is the statue of the magic cultivators, and the other is the place where you encounter the golden ban. Don't go in. The existence there is very dangerous and you can't deal with it. And there are definitely magic cultivators in it."

Speaking of this, the woman said in a deep voice: "Also, don't delay too long. After all, there are all kinds of troubles in this place. I know everything. If the two of us work together, , the chance will be even greater. "

However, the female figure warned Ye Han, "And don't think that after you have the map, you will be able to find a great opportunity and open the gate of heaven. Only I know those places, and the method of opening is also in my hands."

Listening to the warning words of the female figure, Ye Han smiled slightly and said, "Daoyou worry too much. What we cultivators seek is immortality. If we join forces to obtain more resources, it is also a good thing. Naturally, there is no need to make trouble for ourselves, right?"

He didn't forget Zhang Qingshan's words. He could say this just to appease the female figure. If she needs to be used later, she will come back.

Anyway, he will definitely not go in and let this woman out.

The female figure immediately agreed and said, "It would be the best if you think so. You are right. We can each get what we need. There is no need to cause trouble."

Ye Han said, "Fellow Daoist, I will go to the Golden Spirit Hall now! Rescue you as soon as possible so that we can leave this place!"

The female figure replied, "Okay! Go ahead! Remember what I said."

Ye Han didn't say anything more. He nodded and turned away...

When Ye Han's figure disappeared, the female figure in the restriction changed her eyes, revealing a strange look, and muttered to herself, " Did I sense it wrong? This guy seems to have the breath of that dead woman, tsk! If it's true, then it's troublesome..."

"No, no, no! Impossible, if that dead woman is still alive, how could she be attached to this guy? Absolutely impossible! ! "

"Hmph! This kid actually wants to seize Tianmen? Overestimating his own abilities!"


Ye Han walked out of the gate of the small tower with a frown on his face. He didn't expect to encounter such an opportunity in this small tower, which made the plants growing on the two purple tripods grow rapidly.

Especially the small mushrooms on Ye Tianyu's purple tripod that were flashing with green light. Some of them seemed to be about to mature, but it should take some time.

However, he actually encountered such a female figure that was sealed on the fifth floor. The female figure was obviously part of the soul that was sealed. What kind of cultivation was she? How powerful was she?

From the situation that Zhang Qingshan warned him anxiously, it can be seen that the other party must be in a very dangerous fusion period, and he controls a very powerful magical power and can deal with him quickly.

Otherwise, Zhang Qingshan would not have told him directly that his magical power of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger had sensed extreme danger and told Ye Han not to go in.

So Ye Han judged that the woman must be a deadly guy.

He unexpectedly got some important information from this guy, which was an unexpected gain.

He also learned some secrets. This three-layer heaven is indeed a race outside the Ten Thousand Worlds, and there is also a three-layer god race...

Anyway, several points are very important, especially the two dangers at the back, the Fa Xiu God Clan, and the reminder that you can't enter the golden ban...

Of course, the biggest gain is getting the map of this underwater palace. It can be seen that the female figure really wants Ye Han to rescue her.

Ye Han also saw that the map of this underwater palace is not complete.

The female figure still has a trick up her sleeve for him, or even several tricks.

But for Ye Han, it is still a big gain, which is better than groping here by himself.

On the contrary, the journey to the Golden Spirit Palace where the female figure asked him to find the token is still very far, and Ye Han decided to follow his original plan and go to the direction of the palace that the purple tripod sensed!

Ye Han bypassed several small palaces according to the map. There was nothing good in these small palaces. Ye Han did not delay and came to the periphery of the big palace with treasures sensed by the purple tripod.

This palace is amazing. There is actually a circle of statues of guarding gods outside, and there is also a huge Fa Xiu God Clan in the middle.

The most important thing is that this hall actually has a layer of golden defense.

Seeing this, Ye Han's face became serious.

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