Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2270 General Lu and Xuechan

Ye Han felt that the current situation was very bad. This Daguandao Faxiu God Clan actually had a token that could open the prohibition of the hall, and released the Faxiu God Clan inside.

What was he doing? Wasn't he going to deal with me?

This situation was extremely difficult to deal with.

After the Daguandao Faxiu God Clan released two Faxiu God Clan holding spears, they chanted to them, and a string of characters surged towards them!


These two Faxiu God Clan holding spears led dozens of guarding God Clan and flew to both sides...

These guys were madly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth while running, and their aura was constantly expanding and becoming very scary.

Seeing this scene.

Ye Han's face was not good. The more these guys were released, the more dangerous he would be! !

Indeed, in this underwater palace of the third heaven, the range of activities was limited. As these Faxiu God Clan and Guarding God Clan continued to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, they became more and more powerful. It was not easy for him to deal with these guys.

Ye Han now felt that even ordinary guarding gods, as they continued to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, became stronger and stronger, and were already comparable to the cultivation of the middle and late stages of the Refining Void Stage. Moreover, their bodies and strength were very terrifying, and they could continue to devour the spiritual energy of heaven and earth...

I was afraid that as more and more of these guys besieged me, I might not have any ability to resist.

What made Ye Han even more afraid was the magic cultivation god of Fang Tian Huaji, who still had the intelligence to command these guys.

That guy must also want to go out or revive, and no cultivator could resist such a temptation, so this guy would definitely continue to deal with me and snatch a lot of opportunities from me.

He felt that after he entered the hall and took away the purple metal rune, he should have unlocked the guy's forbidden seal. Otherwise, that guy had intelligence, so why didn't he come out?

If this place really had great resources, this guy would definitely come out to seek that attack. It should be that he had unknowingly unlocked some taboo to let this guy out.

It is very likely that the purple metal rune was used to seal that guy.

At this point, Ye Han certainly did not regret doing this. After all, the purple rune made the purple cauldron much stronger, but it was limited under the terrible gravity of the third heaven.

If under normal circumstances, with the blessing of the current purple cauldron, Ye Han even felt that he could challenge ordinary fusion stage cultivators.

Of course, the top fusion stage cultivators such as Tianxuanxing Wang Xuanlong Xianwang Youshen Mojun are no match at all.

The gap between the middle and late stages of the same level cultivators is also very large.

But Ye Han suddenly had a new idea.

He stared at the big pass sword method cultivator god clan. The golden token in this guy's hand can unlock the golden forbidden formation...

For this matter, Ye Han is very concerned!

The cultivation level of this big pass sword method cultivator god clan feels that the combat power should be similar to that of the female magic cultivator god clan guarding the bridge before.

But the difference is that this guy has absorbed enough spiritual energy from heaven and earth and is already at the peak state.

Moreover, there are so many guardian gods around this guy, it is not easy to deal with this guy!

But if he could snatch the golden token, on the one hand, he could prevent them from releasing so many magic cultivators, and on the other hand, he could enter the palace with the golden ban more easily.

Tsk! We have to think of a foolproof plan! !

That's right! We don't have to kill this guy, as long as we can snatch the golden token!

Thinking of this, Ye Han suddenly had some ideas in his mind.

At this moment.

Da Da Da!

The Da Guan Dao magic cultivator trembled, and took the remaining guards and flew forward in one direction at a rapid speed.

Ye Han's heart moved, hiding his body and breath, and quietly followed...


Tap tap tap!!!

The Fang Tian Hua Ji magic cultivator walked on a long staircase, going up step by step, his expression became a little complicated, and when he reached the end of the staircase, he looked at the huge door on the staircase, stretched out his hand to open it, and stopped.

Finally, Fang Tian Huaji Fa Xiu Shen Clan sighed and said to himself: "I can't do anything about this! But, we will be together in the end."

As he said that, he pushed open the door and walked into the space. Looking at the empty table in the middle, he frowned. Someone had come before. It was that guy's aura. That guy was from the Celestial Spirit Realm and was not easy to deal with.

So, his face became anxious and he walked towards the stairs of the hall.

I saw a bunch of golden rune auras of forbidden runes slowly moving at the entrance of the stairs, and the aura runes were trembling more violently.

The figure of the woman with the golden rune did not appear.

But Fang Tian Hua Ji Fa Xiu Shen Clan said in a deep voice: "I know you are still alive!"

A female voice came, coldly saying: "What are you doing here?!"

Fang Tian Hua Ji Fa Xiu Shen Clan hesitated for a moment and explained: "What happened back then was my fault! But..."

The woman interrupted him and said coldly: "You don't need to explain so much, I was blind! Now you are satisfied, I am locked up in this hellhole!"

The woman's voice was full of resentment!

After hearing the woman's resentful voice, the Fang Tian Hua Ji Fa Xiu Shen Clan immediately said, "Don't worry, Xue Chan! I'm out now, and I will definitely save you."

This guy's voice was full of determination.

And the woman Xue Chan said coldly, "General Lu, what if you can come out? Can you open that ghost place? You can't do it at all, not to mention that guy is still alive!!!"

Fang Tian Hua Ji Fa Xiu Shen Clan General Lu's eyes flickered, and he said coldly, "Don't worry! This time, I will definitely save you and kill that bastard...!"

Before General Lu finished speaking, Xue Chan interrupted, "I've heard enough of your words!"

However, after a pause, Xue Chan said, "By the way! How did you get out? Logically speaking! There is a restriction from that guy... Damn! Could it be that the immortal clan went to your place?"

After hearing this, General Lu's eyes condensed and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that guy has been here. Do you know the Immortal Clan?!"

Xue Chan was silent for a while and said: "He has been here! I also gave him some maps and asked him to go to the Golden Spirit Hall, find the forbidden token, and save me!!"

General Lu said coldly: "Don't count on that kid, he is very cunning!"

After hearing what General Lu said, Xue Chan also said: "Damn it! I told him not to go to the golden forbidden place, but he still went!"

The voice paused, and Xue Chan said in a deep voice: "Then how do you plan to save me? How to deal with that guy?"

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