Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2271 Success!!

After hearing this, General Lu said happily: "Xue Chan! Have you forgiven me?!"

After saying this, the arrogance on General Lu's body began to tremble, and he looked very excited...

Xue Chan said coldly: "General Lu! There is no need to say such things. I want to go out! Don't tell me anything else."

Speaking of this, the golden light of this forbidden mask trembled...

General Lu immediately shouted: "Xue Chan! Listen to me..."

However, in the middle of his words, General Lu stopped talking because he already felt that Xue Chan was no longer within the restricted light barrier...

Click, click, click! !

General Lu clenched his fists and glared angrily: "Just wait, I will definitely rescue you, Xue Chan!! I will definitely go to the Tyrant Temple to kill that damn tyrant!!"

After saying that, Lu Shenjiang flicked his sleeves, dragged Fang Tian's painted halberd and turned away...

A terrible gray air of death curled up around his body...


Da da da! !

The figure of the Daguandao Faxiu God Clan quickly flew towards a main hall. It can be seen that this hall is towering and huge. There is actually a Faxiu God Clan holding a bow and arrow guarding the door, and there are a circle of guarding God Clan standing around.

The Daguan Sword Technique Cultivating God Clan and the Guarding God Clan rushed over, chanting a series of formulas, flipping the palm of the hand and the golden token appeared in the hand, and chanted out a series of formulas...

Circles of golden runes surged out on the golden token.

Just in an instant! !

Roar! !

The Daguan Dao Faxiu God Clan let out a fierce roar, and the Daguan Dao in his hand suddenly shot out a terrifying sword light, and slashed towards the front with all his strength...

boom! !

A bright gray sword light exploded and struck out. Wherever the light passed, the gray light ripples continuously trembled out and countless shadows of the sword light were turned into hundreds of overlapping shadows of the sword light and bombarded out! !

However! !

Whoops! !

A cold golden sword light instantly penetrated the gray sword light that was bombarded, just like the shadow of the empty sword light. Ignoring the terrifying sword light, it slashed towards the hand of the Daguan Sword Technique Cultivator God Clan.

The speed is so fast that the Daguan Sword Technique Cultivator Clan cannot react at all! !

In an instant.

Phew! !

The light and shadow of the sword instantly cut off the wrist of the Daguan Sword Technique Cultivator.

However, not a drop of blood flowed from this guy's wrist, but the palm of the golden token fell off...

boom! !

A purple-gold arc exploded out, and Ye Han's figure flashed out with the explosion of the purple-gold arc, reaching out to grab it!

The severed palm and golden token of the Daguan Sword Technique Cultivator Clan flew into his hand, and Ye Han's eyes showed a hint of joy...

At this moment! !

Roar! ! !

The God Clan of Da Guan Dao Fa Xiu let out a roar that shook the world. Bloody light suddenly burst out from his eyes. The aura of death on his body was twisted, and he shook the Da Guan Dao in his hand with great anger! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Circles of earth-shaking sword energy erupted. As the Daguan Dao Faxiu God Clan swung his arm, the Daguan Dao exploded with a terrifying sword energy, and a fan-shaped sword energy storm exploded. go out……

Whoosh! Whoosh! ! !

The boundless harsh and shocking sword light rushed out, and the gray sword light almost tore the entire space apart...

But a bright golden sword light suddenly erupted from Ye Han's body, and the Immortal Killing Sword turned into a light explosion, which vibrated out in front of him and blocked it forward...

Bang bang bang! ! ! !

The fan-shaped sword light blasted out by the Daguandao of the Daguandao Technique Xiu God Clan was directly cut into two pieces and rushed out in both directions...


Boom boom boom! ! !

Ye Han's figure was also impacted by this terrifying sword energy, and he kept retreating. Golden fairy fire burst out from under his feet, and terrifying flame storms emerged, and he resisted this huge force. This sword of Guandao Faxiu God Clan...

good! !

Ye Han has been following this Daguan sword cultivator all the way. In order to prevent him from being discovered, Ye Han has used almost all invisibility methods, such as high-level invisibility talismans, soul-suppressing magic and so on.

Just to snatch the golden token from this guy's hand the moment the Daguan Sword Master Clan took out the golden token.

To this end, he also used the Immortal Killing Sword that he had only refined a little bit not long after he shed blood to recognize his master! !

Logically speaking, he could not drive the Immortal Sword so quickly, but after Ziding absorbed the purple metal rune, he found that the effect of refining the treasure had also increased a lot.

The key point is to greatly increase the effect of his treasure refining technique, so that he can be very effective in refining treasures in the future.

The most powerful magical power of the Immortal Sword is that it can silently penetrate the attacks of some magic treasures, instead of attacking the opponent with these defenses.

When Tu Lingzun slashed the Immortal Sword, he almost killed him with this move, which made him very embarrassed and had to use the Absolute Cold Divine Sword to deal with that guy.

This shows how powerful the Immortal Killing Sword is!


Using the Immortal Killing Sword is indeed the best treasure for sneak attacks on the Daguan Sword Magic Cultivator God Clan...

Let Ye Han succeed directly! !

but! !

Ye Han suddenly felt a hot breath of death coming from the palm of the Daguan Dao Faxiu God Clan in his hand...

not good!

Ye Han's face changed, and he suddenly found that the palm of the Great Guandao Cultivator's palm turned into a drop of black and red blood, corroding his hand. He really felt a very terrible breath of death drilling into his meridians.

Get out! !

Ye Han's eyes suddenly burst into golden light, and he operated the Vajra Fire God Art to the extreme. A circle of fairy fire suddenly burst out of his body. His arms suddenly swelled up, clenched his fists, grabbed the golden token, and punched it out fiercely!

Boom! ! !

A group of amazing fist energy burst out, and the black and red blood wrapped around Ye Han's wrist was shaken away.

At the same time!

Boom! !

A string of purple-gold arcs burst out of Ye Han's body, and he performed the Thunder Escape Technique and disappeared on the spot!

At the moment when Ye Han disappeared!

Boom! !

The Great Guandao Cultivator's body shook out a terrible gust of wind, and the Great Guandao in his hand slashed out a terrifying sword light of ten thousand feet, and blasted down!

Bang! ! !

A blade of light thousands of feet long hit the ground, spreading forward and hitting out, the whole ground was shaking violently and suffocatingly...

Boom! !

As a purple-gold arc exploded, Ye Han's figure appeared thousands of feet away. If he hadn't sensed the danger and used the Thunder Escape Technique to escape in time, he would have had to withstand another blow from this great sword cultivator of the Great Sword Technique Cultivation God Clan! !

And a corrosive breath of death came from his wrist, paralyzing his entire wrist!

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