Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2292 The Expectations of the Strong

Boom boom boom!!!

Four extremely amazing long spears turned into spear rays, and madly bombarded a bow and arrow magic cultivator God Clan...

The bow and arrow magic cultivator God Clan's eyes trembled, and he pulled the bowstring frantically, and a circle of bows and arrows exploded in all directions!

Clang clang clang!!!

The arrows and the spear rays kept colliding and exploding, but a huge big Guandao blade light directly crushed and impacted, slashing down on the head of the bow and arrow magic cultivator God Clan!


The bow and arrow magic cultivator God Clan could only hastily use bows and arrows to block such a blade light, and the entire bow and arrow magic cultivator God Clan's body was shaken and flew backwards...

In an instant!


The body of the archer magic cultivator who flew backwards began to petrify rapidly, and the petrified rocks on his body cracked and spread. The archer magic cultivator had used up all his energy, and his breath was weak, and he petrified and collapsed in mid-air...

clang clang clang!

The spear beams bombarded the petrified body of the archer magic cultivator, smashing the guy to pieces.

Ye Han was standing in a side hall, and he had sensed that the archer magic cultivator in the purple tripod space had consumed all his energy and petrified and collapsed.

Very good! Killed the third one! !

Ye Han's eyes showed a hint of joy, this was the third magic cultivator who was killed.

It can be seen that he spent some time to integrate the weapons of the magic cultivators who were killed into the Wanbao formation, which greatly increased the attack power of the Wanbao formation. In this way, the Wanbao formation was in a complete advantage against the magic cultivators who were sucked in.

Ye Han finally felt that it was much easier to deal with these magic cultivators in this underwater palace of the third heaven. After all, with the purple tripod space, the biggest advantage of these magic cultivators was cut off, and they could continuously absorb the spiritual energy of the world from the underwater palace to replenish their mana and death breath.

After dealing with this bow and arrow magic cultivator, Ye Han planned to refine this guy's bow and arrow into the Wanbao formation. With the addition of this bow and arrow, there would be one more attack on the guy trapped in the Wanbao formation...

It can be said that this Wanbao formation has become Ye Han's most important means to deal with the magic cultivators...

Ye Han continued to run forward at a high speed, and a magic cultivator holding a giant sword ran over from a distance!

It's you! !

Ye Han's eyes moved, and he killed the magic cultivator. His hands quickly pinched the seal and chanted the spell. With a finger, circles of purple rune vortexes swirled above the magic cultivator, forming a large space hole, covering the head of the magic cultivator...


The magic cultivators let out a roar that shook the earth, and the giant sword in their hands blasted out countless sword lights, killing Ye Han.

Ye Han's hand trembled, and the Thunder Five Elements Golden Cudgel burst out, and the Hun Tian Eight Demons Cudgel Technique blasted out...

Bang bang bang bang bang! !

A series of sword lights and stick shadows collided with each other, and this magic cultivator was forced to rush towards the vortex hole in the purple tripod space, and was sucked into Wanbao Town all of a sudden. It will be easy to deal with it next! ! !


Tianling Realm!

Tianling Sea.

On a rough sea, an extremely huge flying boat stopped on the sea. The sea water rolled up and the endless tsunami storm surged, but it had no effect on this huge flying boat.

At the end of the horizon in front of the flying boat, there was a huge shadow of a mountain, and on it was a silver-white waterfall that kept gushing out in the sky. It looked like there was a mountain in the sky, and the cracked hole kept gushing out silver-white waterfalls.

And the whole surrounding world was surging with a suffocating spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

On the deck of the giant flying boat.

Tianxuan Star King stood on it, staring at the shadow of the huge mountain that protruded from the horizon, his eyes full of solemnity.

If you look closely, this huge mountain is looming in the air, as if it is not real.

And above this mountain, there is a huge and boundless archway tower, with a trace of spiritual light surging on it, making the entire huge archway tower stand between the sea and the sky like a pillar supporting the sky...

I don’t know how long he watched, Tianxuan Star King looked at the boundless and huge gate above and said: "The gate of heaven has appeared, at least that kid has reached the third heaven of the three heavens, this is the third time, can this gate of heaven be opened?"

Yes, for so many years, Tianxuan Star King and several beings of the same level have been planning to open the gate of the three heavens and enter it to find the opportunity to advance to the avenue!

But over the years, he has summoned hundreds of cultivators to enter it, and this time is only the third time to reach the third heaven.

And as long as someone reaches the third heaven, the mysterious location above the Tianling Sea will appear where the gate of heaven of this mirage is located.

However, unlike the previous two times, the mirage of Tianmen lasted much longer this time. The previous two times only lasted for a few months, and the other time only lasted for a little more than two years.

This time it lasted for more than ten years.

What does this mean?

This means that Ye Han has been in the third heaven for more than ten years and has lived in it for more than ten years.

According to Tianxuan Star King's previous experience, every time a mirage appears and disappears, it is when the immortal cultivators he sent into the third heaven perish.

In other words, Ye Han has lived in the third heaven for more than ten years. Although he doesn't know what he will gain, at least if he can protect himself in it, he should be able to have other opportunities to open the heavenly gate.

However, thinking about this, King Tianxuan's face was still very serious. He looked in one direction and said coldly to himself: "No matter what you guys are thinking, you just want to take advantage of me! Hmph!!"

With that said, Tianxuan Star King flicked his sleeves and walked into the cabin...


In a seabed in the Tianling Sea.

In a very secret trench, there is a huge underwater spaceship parked in it...

The Demon King Youshen sat cross-legged in a cabin of this underwater flying boat. In front of him was a mirror with trembling spiritual light. What appeared on the mirror was the Tianmen scene of a mirage above the sea!

His eyes showed surprise, and he couldn't help but said to himself: "That old guy Tianxuan Star King really has a way, and he really knows a lot. Then Ye Han is really a surprise! It's a pity that he has to die!"

"If I hadn't asked you to open the Heavenly Gate, I would really like this boy, so it would be great to accept him as my disciple!"

"I hope the Heavenly Gate can be opened this time!"

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