Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2293 Outside the Golden Spirit Palace

The third heaven.

Underwater God's Palace!

In a huge empty hall, there are huge pillars on both sides of the hall. Beautiful statues of God's women hover on these huge pillars. At the end of the hall, there is a platform shelf with a huge book on it.

Tap, tap, tap! !

Ye Han walked towards the book with a vigilant look...


He paused, smiled, and said to himself: "Done! Good, another demon god talisman!"

As he said this, a circle of purple rune aura surged in front of him, and a talisman emerged from the purple light vortex.

Ye Han grabbed the demon god talisman and saw an axe on it, and the figure of a bearded man from the God's Law Cultivation Clan.

Yes, the one guarding this hall was the magic cultivator who used the axe. He was sucked into the Wanbao formation in the purple tripod space by him, and he directly let the clone and the white fairy team up to kill this guy. Unexpectedly, another demon god talisman appeared, which was the second demon god talisman.

It gave Ye Han a big surprise. It is not easy to refine a demon god talisman of this level!

At this critical moment, he was given two such demon god talismans, which can directly increase his strength a lot!

Now his strength and cultivation have increased a lot, and he has a lot of confidence in dealing with the magic cultivator of Fang Tian Huaji.

With these two demon god talismans, he has enough confidence to deal with him.

It would be fine if that guy didn't show up, but if he did, he would definitely kill him.

As for the magic cultivators and guarding gods outside those halls, they had been slowly devoured by Ye Han. Those who survived had already petrified in other places and did not appear. Ye Han was too lazy to look for those guys. After all, they were no longer a threat to him, and killing them would still consume some mana and the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in the purple cauldron space.

So during this period of time, Ye Han had been looking for those golden forbidden halls, entering the area, killing the magic cultivators inside, and getting the treasures inside.

Not to mention that this round of killing seemed very easy, and there were many treasures and useful natural treasures!

This is the benefit of seeing through the weaknesses of these magic cultivators...

And this palace is quite special. It is a long and narrow palace. At the end of this palace is the huge book on the platform in front.

What exactly is that book?

Ye Han slowly walked towards the book and just arrived in front of the huge book.

Buzz buzz buzz! !

A series of mysterious characters surged out of this book, and the book began to show countless mysterious runes wrapped up, turning into a palm-sized book wrapped in circles of runes, forming a seal.

What's going on?

Ye Han frowned. He didn't expect that as soon as he came, this thing sealed itself up. Obviously, he didn't want to know the contents on it.

So, Ye Han pinched the magic formula, blocked his hand and grabbed a golden hand, and directly grabbed the sealed book on the golden hand. There were four words written on it: Yuan Shenjun Huangyin.

Shenjun Huangyin?

Ye Han frowned and looked at this small book, trying to use his magic power to unlock the seal on it...

As a result, whether it was the golden token, Ye Han's magic power, or other methods, it had no effect on the characters on the book of Shenjun Huangyin...

Is it a useless thing?

No! That's absolutely impossible! These halls with golden restrictions, the things inside are not simple...

But now I can't find the method to open this God King Seal, I can only put it in the space ring, and when I find the method to unlock it later, I will know what's going on.

The name of this God King Yellow Seal looks like a secret method of practicing magic seals!

If you can comprehend the secret method of the outer world, it will be a great thing.

Ye Han has been in this third heaven for so long, and he has only obtained a method of the Earth God Flawless Gong from the Earth Spirit Venerable, which is comparable to the method of the Vajra Fire God Gong.

But apart from this method, he has not obtained any other secrets and methods.

It's a pity that there are no secret methods of the outer races. If he can practice some, it will be very helpful for him in the future.

It's a pity that this book is also sealed, leaving him helpless...

A few hours later.

Outside the gate of this slender hall, a circle of ripples of spiritual root runes flashed, and a crack exit appeared.

Ye Han walked out of the crack, patted his storage bag, and a jade slip appeared in his hand. He looked at the jade slip, and a map appeared in the air, which was the map of the underwater palace.

The mysterious and strange woman in the small tower gave him the map of the underwater palace, which really helped him a lot. Otherwise, he could only rely on himself to find it.

Especially after killing the magic cultivators and guards outside the palace, it was much easier to find the palace with the golden ban.

No need to try one by one...

However, Ye Han took a look at the map and found that he was very close to the Golden Spirit Palace mentioned by the mysterious and strange woman, just on the other side of the two smaller palaces in front of the right.

Hmm? !

Ye Han looked in that direction and saw a huge palace looming in the hazy sky and earth. This palace was bigger than all the palaces Ye Han had seen before and looked very extraordinary.

It seems that this Golden Spirit Palace is indeed extraordinary! !

Ye Han looked at the Golden Spirit Palace and said to himself in surprise, but should I go to that place?

He was a little hesitant, because he had been active in this underwater palace for so long, and almost all the magic cultivators and guarding gods were killed by him.

However, the magic cultivator who used the Fang Tian Hua Ji had not appeared, which made Ye Han a little strange. Where did that guy hide?

And Ye Han judged that the guy might have some relationship with the woman's figure, and maybe the two had contacted each other.

If the two really knew each other, the guy went to see the woman's figure again, and the other party told her about her own things...

Will the magic cultivator with the Fang Tian Hua Ji be on the other side of the Golden Spirit Palace?

Forget it, let's go and see if Zi Ding has any treasures that can be sensed.

Ye Han also decided not to speculate and go to the nearby area to see if the purple tripod reacted, then he would talk about it!

Maybe Ye Han's current cultivation level is relatively high, and he also subconsciously sensed it...

When his figure approached the huge Golden Spirit Palace.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness trembled at the same time!

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