Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2304 Smash!!!

Circles of mysterious mana and runes were mobilized in the sky above the entire Golden Spirit Palace, which was so shocking that the entire Golden Spirit Palace was buzzing and trembling!

Circles of dangerously suffocating aura of gods and demons gathered in the sky above the Golden Spirit Palace. Boundless mana runes surged from the body of the bloody dragon, and he opened his mouth and sprayed out! !

boom! !

The entire Golden Spirit Palace was covered by a blood-red light shield that was as big as ten thousand feet, and Ye Han was directly covered in the light shield. This blood-red light shield was covered with runic auras of boundless forbidden power, and it was directed toward Ye Han's figure shrank sharply...

Obviously this thing wants to imprison Ye Han in this blood-red light shield! !


When Ye Han saw this scene, he trembled and rushed towards one of the huge pillars...

He has found the weakness of this blood-red dragon!

Although I don’t know why, this blood-red dragon is imprisoned here...

Ye Han didn't need to know the reason. He only knew that if this guy was entangled by this lock, he would not be able to use his full strength, and it would be a big obstacle to him! !


Ye Han rushed to the pillar and rushed up along the pillar. The top of the pillar was wrapped around the chain that imprisoned the blood-red dragon! !

Ye Han turned over, and the thunderous five-element golden cudgel in his hand shook out an astonishing storm of power, with purple-gold arcs swirling in it! !

"Suffer death!"

Ye Han roared and hit the huge chain with a stick! !

Bang! ! !

A heaven-shaking sound of gold and iron clashing erupted, sparks flew everywhere, and the entire huge chain wrapped around the blood-red dragon trembled violently, bending and tightening...

Ouch! ! !

The giant blood-red dragon let out a shrill scream, and its figure was suddenly tightened by the chain. The power of the divine and demonic aura that had been gushing out from its body was suddenly trembled by the chain...

Phew! ! !

The light shield that was crushing towards Ye Han lost the control of the blood-red dragon at this moment, and suddenly collapsed and disappeared.

Ye Han's eyes were filled with joy. Sure enough, the weakness of this blood-red dragon was the chains that trapped and entangled him...

As long as you activate the power of the chain's confinement law, the blood-red dragon's spells and actions will be greatly affected, and the attack will be shattered all of a sudden...

The blood-red dragon roared angrily: "Ouch!!"

The dragon's claws trembled and slapped Ye Han's figure hard...

Ye Han suddenly moved, turned over and hit another chain!

Bang! !

Ye Han waved the thunderous five-element golden cudgel again, and struck the chain with one stick. The shock erupted into an earth-shattering metal collision and explosion...

Ouch! ! !

The blood-red dragon must have let out a scream and attacked Ye Han's dragon claw. He couldn't help but pull back and roared in great pain: "Damn outsider!! Damn it!!"

But Ye Han didn't care about this guy's curses. Circles of mysterious purple runes twisted and trembled...

Whoops! !

The Heaven-turning Pagoda flew out from the Purple Cauldron space!

This Heaven-turning Pagoda was originally controlled by his clone to bless the Ten Thousand Treasure Formation in the designated space.

Now that he wanted to deal with the blood-red dragon, he directly released the Heaven-turning Pagoda from the Purple Cauldron Space! !

Ye Han released the Fantian Pagoda, and quickly chanted the incantation, and the mana was like a violent tide, constantly flowing into the Fantian Pagoda.

In an instant! !

Buzz! !

As Ye Han's mana poured in, the Fantian Pagoda grew bigger and bigger when the wind blew...

go! !

With Ye Han's finger, the Heaven-turning Pagoda did not fly towards the blood-red dragon...

Boom! !

Instead, it fell towards the ground and continued to expand!

What is Ye Han going to do?

As the Heaven-turning Pagoda grew rapidly, it became tens of thousands of feet in size, and the top of the tower actually withstood the figure of the blood-red dragon...

Ouch! !

The blood-red giant screamed, and its entire body was lifted up by the Tianfan Pagoda. It was forced to stand on the top of the Golden Spirit Palace, unable to move! !

And just then! !

Ye Han trembled and rushed towards the head of the blood-red dragon!

The blood-red dragon let out an angry roar and shouted: "Don't even think about it!!!"

With an earth-shattering roar from the blood-red dragon, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a storm of black-red flames, bombarding Ye Han head-on! !

Ye Han charged forward like this and was about to be hit from the front...



Ye Han roared angrily, and circles of purple runes suddenly began to rush out from the center of his eyebrows. The purple tripod flew out of the twisted space, became tens of thousands of feet in size, and stood in front of Ye Han...

Boom boom boom! !

The astonishing black-red flame storm spewed out by the blood-red dragon bombarded the purple tripod, posing no threat at all!


"Suffer death!!!"

Ye Han roared angrily, holding the thunderous five-element golden cudgel in both hands, and blasted out with a blast. The space was bombarded with tearing ripples and scratches at this moment...

Bang! ! ! !

There was an earth-shaking explosion like the collision of steel. Ye Han's stick bombarded the purple cauldron. The purple cauldron exploded instantly, and a purple light rune exploded. The entire purple cauldron was blasted away by the blood-red dragon's spray. Black and red flames...

Instead, he hit the blood-red dragon on the head! !

At this time, did Ye Han still intend to use the purple tripod to smash the blood-red dragon to death?

You know, if the dragon race is famous for its extremely strong physical body, will the purple tripod be useful?

Ye Han certainly knows the horror of the dragon race's physical body, but his goal has been achieved...


Bang! !

The purple tripod suddenly hit the blood-red dragon, making a harsh metal collision, and the entire purple tripod was repelled! !

It seemed that it really had no effect on the blood-red dragon...


"Damn! My baby!!!"

The blood-red dragon was like crazy, roaring and shaking the earth, and its entire body was twisting and shaking wildly, trying to shock the giant tower that was holding its body and unable to move away! !

Ye Han turned over and landed on the Fantian Pagoda. With a wave of his hand, the purple tripod that was knocked away by the blood-red dragon flew back.

I saw that a huge bulge was smashed out on the head of the blood-red dragon...

However, the most important thing is that the purple metal rune on the head of the blood-red dragon disappeared! !

The reason why Ye Han used the purple tripod to smash the head of the blood-red dragon was mainly because of the purple metal rune on this guy's body! !

After this smash, the purple tripod really succeeded in absorbing the purple metal rune! !

What changes will the purple tripod have?

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