Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2305: Slay the Dragon!

Before Ye Han could feel any changes in this purple tripod! !

"Ouch! Damn it! Give me back my baby!!!"

At this time, the blood-red dragon roared crazily and roared wildly, and its body shook violently...

But you can feel that its aura is weakening very quickly, which is visible to the naked eye. It is much weaker than the powerful aura before!

Sure enough, a large part of this blood-red dragon's power comes from the purple-gold metal runes! !

Ye Han didn't care about this guy's roar. The reason why he used the purple cauldron to smash it at this time was just to let the purple cauldron hit the purple metal rune on the forehead of the blood-red dragon! !

Just as Ye Han planned, he used the Heaven-turning Pagoda to hold up this guy's figure, preventing him from having a chance to evade, and allowing his purple tripod to hit the purple metal rune on the forehead of the blood-red dragon accurately. ! !

The moment the purple cauldron hit the purple metal rune, the purple cauldron sucked the purple metal rune that was originally fused with the blood-red dragon into the purple cauldron.

Only then did the blood-red dragon suffer such a big loss, and it couldn't help roaring...

But how could the purple metal runes sucked away by the purple tripod be taken back?

Ye Han didn't dare to let the purple tripod be exposed to the outside for too long. With a finger, circles of purple runes aura surged, and the purple tripod was suddenly absorbed into the sea of ​​consciousness!

Ye Han suddenly felt that the purple tripod was emitting circles of purple runes, surrounded by circles of terrifying purple runes...

Hoo ho ho! !

The purple metal runes began to merge into the purple cauldron. The purple metal runes that were originally there vibrated out countless runes with the buzzing, and two purple metal runes appeared! !

at this time.

Sizzle! !

The entire purple cauldron began to tremble, and a circle of purple dragon scales began to twist and spin on the cauldron...

The aura of the entire Ziding also changed a lot at this time, and began to strengthen continuously, and a special power of breaking the forbidden law surged in it! !

Ye Han is very familiar with this power of breaking the forbidden law. His previous attacks could not deal with this blood-red dragon, and he was defeated all of a sudden. With this power, Ziding now also has the power of breaking the forbidden law! !

Moreover, there were huge changes in Ziding, and Ye Han didn't have time to think about it!

Because, at this time, the blood-red dragon had already opened the support of the Heaven-turning Pagoda, and opened its mouth to suck in Ye Hantun! !

Boom boom boom! !

Ye Han's figure was unable to resist and flew towards the blood-red dragon's bloody mouth.

In an instant! !

Ye Han was sucked into the huge blood-red dragon's mouth and swallowed it in one gulp...

Is Ye Han careless?


Ye Han did this on purpose! !

After the purple metal rune of this blood-red dragon was taken away by him, he obviously fell into a very furious state, and his power was far less than when he had the purple metal rune. He also lost his calmness and suddenly sucked Ye Han in. , wanting to take back the purple metal rune.

This made Ye Han seize the opportunity! !

Ye Han suddenly turned into a ray of spiritual light and penetrated into the blood-red dragon's body.


Boom boom boom! !

The astonishing black-red flames spurted out from the blood-red dragon's throat and swept towards Ye Han, constantly impacting Ye Han...


Ye Han used the Vajra Fire Divine Art, and was shocked by the astonishing rune aura all over his body, and he was able to withstand the terrifying flames! !

The giant blood-red dragon rushed into his body.

In an instant! !

Boom boom boom! !

A huge muffled sound erupted from the blood-red dragon's body, and its body cracked open like a violent storm, with flesh and blood constantly spewing out from its body...

The blood-red dragon kept screaming, and finally understood what a huge mistake he had made. If it were an ordinary existence, of course it would not matter if he swallowed it, but the body of this outsider is so powerful. All of a sudden, there was a crazy attack inside his body, no one could resist it! !

Less than ten breaths!

The blood-red dragon's shouts became smaller and smaller, and finally it became motionless...

At this moment.


The blood-red dragon's mouth opened, and Ye Han's figure flew out from it. The ghost-skull mirror hovered over him, and he also grabbed a golden dragon-shaped token in his hand...

In the ghost-skull mirror, a blood-red dragon-shaped soul was being torn apart by the gold-silver skull of the ghost-skull mirror, and was imprisoned in it, unable to move.

This is the soul of this blood-red dragon. When Ye Han was attacking crazily in this guy's body, this guy still wanted to escape, but Ye Han used the ghost skull mirror to imprison him in the ghost skull mirror.

This dragon soul is a good thing. His magical power of the Ancient Dragon Nine Arts has not made much progress in these years, but it lacks the Dragon Soul treasure. If this dragon soul can be integrated into it, the Ancient Dragon Nine Arts can almost reach perfection!

When the time comes, it will not only increase his cultivation mana, but also increase his physical strength. Ye Han will naturally not let go of such a treasure.

As for the golden dragon-shaped token in his hand, it should be the token that the mysterious woman in Xiaota wanted to let her out.

In fact, the situation in the Golden Spirit Palace was beyond Ye Han's expectation. He did not expect that such a powerful dragon would be imprisoned here.

The woman in the small tower should know that the Golden Spirit Hall is not that dangerous.

However, it is unknown when the woman was imprisoned in the small tower, and it is not certain that the dragon was imprisoned later.

As for why this guy was imprisoned here, Ye Han has no idea.

However, this is not a particularly important thing. The important thing is that he has killed this guy, and this guy's flesh and blood are also good things for refining the seventh-level demon blood spirit pill.

In fact, if it weren't for the chain that locked this guy, it would not be easy for Ye Han to kill this guy!

Ye Han discovered that the chain that locked the blood-red dragon should be the legendary dragon-locking chain!

This is a good thing to deal with the dragon clan!

Ye Han didn't have anything to be polite about. He not only cut up the body of the blood-red dragon and put it into the purple tripod space, but also took the dragon-locking chain away. He would not keep these good things! !

However, as Ye Han cleaned up and the blood-red dragon was killed, the aura of gods and demons in the entire Golden Spirit Hall began to dissipate.

Ye Han took another turn in the Golden Spirit Hall, and what disappointed him was that there was really nothing here.

Ye Han had no choice but to leave the Golden Spirit Hall.

However, when Ye Han took a step out of the Golden Spirit Hall.


The dragon-shaped token that Ye Han got from the blood-red dragon suddenly flew out by itself...

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