Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2308 The Divine Emperor’s Forbidden Land? !

Ye Han looked at the huge water spirit coffin falling from the sky, his expression suddenly changed, he hid in the Golden Spirit Palace, did this guy catch up?

And this huge water spirit coffin exudes an extremely violent aura, as well as the familiar symbol of a bearded man on it.

Ye Han's face was still very ugly! ! !

Just then! !

Click, click, click! !

The huge water spirit coffin slowly opened, and traces of blood-red and extremely violent breath continued to spurt out from the opened gap, making the air distort.

"Is it possible for a despicable ancestor like you to come to the forbidden area of ​​this God-Emperor? But this God-Emperor also has to thank you for allowing me to wake up!!"

Following the words of the God Emperor, the water spirit coffin gradually opened completely.

Snapped! ! !

A hand wearing a golden glove with rings of bright gemstones grasped the water spirit coffin, and traces of blood-red aura surged out of the palm...

Then a God-Emperor, wearing a red robe with golden dragon patterns, a crown on his head, a ferocious look on his face, a beard on his face, and an extremely violent aura, climbed out of the water spirit coffin...

If you look carefully, you can see that there is a dagger stuck in this guy's chest, and it is full of black and purple aura twisting! !

The God Emperor came out of the water spirit coffin. He was also a god with a human body and a snake tail. A section of his tail was actually broken. Apparently, this guy seemed to have gone through a fierce battle and was extremely exhausted, so he had to hide in the water spirit coffin to save his life.

Ye Han deduced that the reason why this third-level heaven appeared in the Tianling Realm from outside the sky was most likely because the God Emperor was injured and ran to the Tianling Realm to escape! !

Otherwise, with the presence of the God Emperor's aura, how could he be lying in the water spirit coffin in such a miserable state?

The God Emperor seemed to see Ye Han's thoughts, and the corners of his eyes twitched, and he said coldly: "Despicable immortal clan, I think you want to take advantage of the God's Palace! But you are wrong, your body is good!"

As he spoke, the God-Emperor shrank sharply, becoming a hundred feet in size, and the snake's tail twisted...

The Golden Light Restriction Formation of the Golden Spirit Palace, at this time, actively twisted and trembled, opening a huge hole, allowing the God Emperor to enter the Golden Spirit Palace...

Seeing the figure of the God Emperor coming in, the huge figure and the terrifying aura gave Ye Han a very terrifying sense of oppression! ! !

Although it is not as if he is facing the aura emanating from such terrifying beings as the Netherworld Demon Lord and Tianxuan Star King, it is clearly in the integration stage! !


Ye Han suddenly discovered that although the aura of the God Emperor was as powerful as the Fusion Stage, it was obviously not as powerful as the mana that completely restrained and suppressed him, and the power of the divine soul that had been emitted just now...

And there was a vague aura of weakness.

That dagger! !

Ye Han looked at the dagger stuck on the chest of the God Emperor, which was still emitting a purple-black aura. Ye Han suddenly understood that the magical power that the God Emperor had activated twice to imprison his magic power must be It was issued through special means...

And it may have reached the limit and cannot continue to use this magical power. Otherwise, what is the God Emperor talking to him about? And you personally brought this water spirit coffin to deal with him?

And his violent aura was obviously emitted on purpose! ! There is also an air of death that is very difficult to detect...

There is definitely a problem! ! ! Don't be overwhelmed by this guy's momentum! This God-Emperor is not completely alive. There must be a huge problem with his life and longevity, so he is lying in the water spirit coffin! !

The reason why you came out has a lot to do with you killing the blood-red dragon! !

Ye Han immediately calmed down and said calmly: "Senior God Emperor! I also stumbled into this place by mistake. If we can discuss it and each get what we need, we can cooperate, how about it?"

The God-Emperor came here in a pretentious manner, but did not rush to take action. This was obviously against common sense. After all, there were only immortal cultivators lying in water spirit coffins, and their longevity was extremely precious.

If you want to take action, do it right away. Why bother with him for so long?

The powerful aura coming from the front was obviously to scare him!

The blood-red pupils of the God Emperor twitched slightly, and he said calmly: "You broke in by mistake? Are you unhappy that you can run from the first level to the third level? Do you think that the God Emperor is a fool? You are here for the Tianmen that those old things want. Right?"

As he spoke, the aura on his body calmed down, and he said calmly: "But this God Emperor is also a bit troublesome, so I really can use some cooperation."

As he spoke, he looked into the distance and said: "If you want to open the Heavenly Gate, I also need to open the Heavenly Gate! I can take you there! However, you must do me a favor first."

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned and said, "Senior God Emperor, please tell me!"

What the God Emperor said sounded nice, but Ye Han could feel that this guy didn't seem to be telling the truth.

This third heaven should be the territory of the so-called God Emperor. Is there anything that can stump him here?

However, Ye Han was not in a hurry. He would wait until the God-Emperor stated his needs first, and then he might be able to see this guy's true purpose.

The Emperor then said: "You have also seen me. I am now seriously injured and have to wear a water spirit coffin. I need to refine a furnace of elixirs. There are three materials. I cannot leave this palace for some reasons. If you help me get these three materials, I will take you to open the gate of heaven! How about it?"

As he said, the Emperor looked at Ye Han arrogantly and said: "You should know that I will not easily cooperate with you damn immortals. If you don't want to cooperate with me, then I can only... kill you!!"

As he said, a strong and suffocating violent aura emanated from the Emperor's body, suppressing Ye Han...

Feeling the extremely powerful suppression of the Emperor, Ye Han frowned and immediately agreed: "Senior Emperor, of course I can agree to your request, but where is the thing you want?"

He felt that this guy's words were completely unreliable. The Three Heavens were his territory. What could he not get?

The Emperor then said, "These three things are in three different places. You just need to get them according to the map I told you. Of course, there are some risks. I have already told you how to get the treasures. With your cultivation and magical powers, you can definitely get them. The most important thing is to be quick!"

As he spoke, the Emperor pointed his finger, and a string of characters flew towards Ye Han.

Ye Han took it and glanced at it. It seemed like something was going on, so he replied hypocritically, "Okay! I'll go now!"

The Emperor also replied, "That's the best!"

There is definitely something wrong with this guy! It doesn't look like he really wants me to get the treasures, but he wants to trick me out of this Golden Spirit Palace! !

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