Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2309 The Angry Emperor

The reason why Ye Han thinks this way is indeed because the behavior of this God Emperor is too suspicious.

If this guy can still use his magical powers outside the Golden Spirit Palace to deal with him, he can just deal with him directly, and there is no need to show up directly at all.

As for the theory of treasure acquisition, he took a look at it. Although there was not much of a loophole, this guy didn't think about it for a moment. How long had he been imprisoned in the third level of the underwater temple? Whether the three treasures were still there? Existence is not yet certain.

He felt that this so-called treasure to help him recover and heal was simply a lie to get him to leave the Golden Spirit Palace...

Because this guy still has a big flaw, that is, after this guy entered the restriction outside the Golden Spirit Palace, he did not enter the Golden Spirit Palace, but talked to him outside...

This guy must have a special fear of Jinling Palace!

So although Ye Han promised the God Emperor to help him find the treasure, his body did not move.

Sure enough, the God Emperor said anxiously: "What are you doing? Why don't you go?"

Ye Han slapped his head and said, "I almost forgot, Senior God Emperor, my current mana cultivation level consumes too much. I want to go after I recover my mana."

After a pause in his voice, Ye Han said with great sincerity: "Senior God Emperor, why don't you wait for me in the Golden Spirit Palace for a few days and then go after I recover my mana. That way it will be safer."

Seeing Ye Han delaying with him, the God Emperor said coldly: "Fellow Taoist! You have to think about it for me. I just said, the sooner the better. What do you mean by delaying here now? Do you doubt me?" Emperor?"

This damn immortal clan is indeed not ordinary cunning.

Ye Han immediately vowed: "Senior God Emperor, if you are in a hurry, I can go right away. But if senior has any treasures that can restore my mana, can you support me?"

The more anxious the God Emperor became, the more Ye Han felt that there was something wrong with this guy.

After hearing this, the God Emperor immediately shouted angrily: "Boy, don't play tricks on me, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking! Do you think that I must want your help? I just want to give you a chance."

As he spoke, a frightening aura of death gods and demons suddenly erupted from his body, two weird dragon-snake-like twisted auras surged out, and the entire space shook out with a terrifying violent aura...

Ye Han's face changed, and he had no choice but to say: "Then I will listen to the God Emperor, and I will go now!"

With that said, Ye Han made a move to get out of the Golden Spirit Palace...

Suddenly, a strange killing intent flashed in the God Emperor's eyes!

at the same time!

"Junior brother Ye! What are you going to do? Don't leave your current position, you will die!"

Zhang Qingshan, who was in the Ziding space, suddenly sent a message to Ye Han.

Following Zhang Qingshan's words, Ye Han froze his feet in the air, grinned, looked at the God Emperor and said: "I said that you act like a God Emperor, but you actually deceive me, an immortal monk, it's really okay ah!"

With that said, he took back his foot that was about to step out of the Golden Spirit Palace! !

Zhang Qingshan's sudden words of warning made it very clear to Ye Han that his judgment was completely correct. Originally, he was only 60 to 70% sure, but now Zhang Qingshan doesn't say anything anymore. There will be a dead end after leaving the Jinling Palace. What else is he going out for?

Looking at Ye Han's foot that was about to step out, he took it back and said such provocative words. How could he not make the God Emperor angry?

Suddenly, the God Emperor's face turned black with anger, and he couldn't help but said angrily: "Boy! Do you think I really can't deal with you?"

As he spoke, blood and flames burst out from his palm, and from one of the rings, a circular, sharp-edged treasure spun out! ! !

"Suffer death! The circle of gods and demons!"

As the God Emperor roared, mana and death aura burst out, and the energy of gods and demons poured into the circle of gods and demons crazily.

Buzz! ! !

A suffocating blood-red rune aura rippled out from the circle of gods and demons, turning into a huge swirling blood-red light explosion tens of thousands of feet in size, crushing out the boundless suffocating air of death...

ah! ! !

Countless ferocious ghosts flew out from above the circle of gods and demons, emitting a cold, ferocious and suffocating arrogance. Along with the rotating circle of gods and demons, they bombarded Ye Han's figure! ! !

Everywhere he passed, the space rippled and vibrated, and the spiritual energy from heaven and earth for hundreds of miles around was pouring in...

Light Escape Step! !

Ye Han looked at the Qiankun God and Demon Circle that was bombarding him, his eyes moved, and suddenly his body turned into a white ray of light and rushed into the Golden Spirit Palace! !

There is definitely something wrong with the God Emperor being so afraid of the Golden Spirit Palace. He does not believe that this treasure can blast away the Golden Spirit Palace.

really! !

Although the terrifying power of the Qiankun Circle of Gods and Demons was very terrifying, it seemed to be crushing the entire world and razing the entire Golden Spirit Palace to the ground...


Bang! !

Click, click, click! ! !

The circle of gods and demons of heaven and earth turned into a terrifying vortex of ten thousand feet, and the moment it bombarded the huge door of the Golden Spirit Palace, a piece of golden runes exploded out instantly, turning into a golden light mask that covered the entire Golden Spirit Palace. .

The circle of gods and demons of the universe bombarded it, emitting terrifying light explosions and shattering...

What is even more astonishing is that the countless hideous and terrifying death figures surrounding the circle of gods and demons are constantly being devoured and destroyed! !


The divine power of the God Emperor does not have much effect on the Golden Spirit Palace. It is obviously restrained. As for why there is such restraint?

Ye Han really couldn't figure it out, but he knew at least one thing now. The God Emperor simply tricked him into leaving. He was much safer in the Golden Spirit Palace than outside...

Seeing this scene, the God Emperor cursed angrily: "Damn it! Damn it! That damn bitch Xue Chan is really in cahoots with General Lu!!!!"

As the God Emperor cursed, the blood-red divine and demonic arrogance on his body twisted and exploded...

The purple-black flames of the dagger stuck in the chest of the God Emperor are also constantly twisting...

Phew! !

The God-Emperor seemed to be so angry that he couldn't help but spit out a stream of black and purple blood...

Bah! Bah! !

This black-purple essence and blood stained the ground, and the ground was corroded with holes. Obviously, this black-purple blood contained very terrifying poisonous gas! !

Then, the God Emperor glared at Ye Han with hatred and cursed: "Damn bastard immortal clan, just wait for me."

With that said, the God Emperor turned into a black and red flame and blood and flew back towards the water spirit coffin...

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