Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2310 Confrontation!!

"Senior Divine Emperor! Don't play dead? We can discuss anything."

"Senior Divine Emperor! Don't you like to talk? Please answer me."

"Senior Divine Emperor! It's useless for you to block the door. How can you, a great Divine Emperor, do such a thing as guarding the door?"

"Senior Divine Emperor! Speak up! We can discuss anything. You can't avoid seeing a doctor when you are sick!! You can't be such a coward for the rest of your life!"

"Senior Divine Emperor...!!!"

Ye Han stood at the door of the Golden Spirit Hall and kept shouting at the Water Spirit Coffin where the Divine Emperor was. Judging from the content, it was all to provoke the Divine Emperor's words...

Since Ye Han saw through the Divine Emperor's purpose of deceiving him to leave the Golden Spirit Hall, the Divine Emperor returned to the Water Spirit Coffin and blocked the door of the Golden Spirit Hall, refusing to leave...

And Ye Han also hid in the Golden Spirit Hall and didn't come out.

At the beginning, both sides provoked each other, talked a lot, and said all kinds of things.

But later, the God Emperor began to hide in the Shuiling coffin and did not come out or speak.

Ye Han kept talking, thinking of angering the God Emperor, making him come out of the Shuiling coffin, or speak!

You know, the immortal cultivators lying in the Shuiling coffin are all immortal cultivators whose life span is not long and whose lives are in danger!

Once lying in the Shuiling coffin, the subtle effect of slowing down the loss of life span in the coffin will be brought into play. At that time, the immortal cultivator's blood, mana, and even heart rate will slow down by dozens of times, slowing down the loss of life span...

Then this immortal cultivator cannot come out and speak casually, or operate mana, etc...

Once doing so, it will speed up the operation of mana, life span, blood, and qi, and naturally lose the function of slowing down and saving life in the Shuiling coffin.

Therefore, in order to anger the God Emperor, Ye Han kept shouting and humiliating the God Emperor, so that he could not help but come out and curse at him...

Ye Han had no choice, he had been blocked by the God Emperor here for several years.

According to the life span of the God Emperor, it is very normal to fight him for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years. Moreover, the God Emperor has a huge water spirit coffin, so he can afford it, but Ye Han can't, because he feels that his life span tribulation may come in the next one or two hundred years.

It is very likely that with the arrival of the life span tribulation, the heart demon tribulation will also come. When the double tribulation comes, Ye Han doesn't think he can completely resist it. Without full preparation, it will be very troublesome.

So Ye Han has been humiliating the God Emperor here to see how long he can hold on!

During this period of time, Ye Han has been constantly practicing and improving himself, but in addition to the fact that the purple tripod has made considerable progress after absorbing the mysterious purple-gold rune.

Ye Han's cultivation and body-refining skills have encountered a big bottleneck, and there is no improvement...

On the contrary, those refined treasures have made some progress, but overall, his strength has been limited, after all, it has only been a few years...

And Ye Han's constant use of words to stimulate the God Emperor actually has a more important purpose, which is to paralyze the God Emperor's nerves...

Because Ye Han has been planning how to get rid of this guy's surveillance and escape from the Golden Spirit Palace...

However, every time he wants to take action and ask Zhang Qingshan, the answer he gets is that going out is a dead end, there is no way out.

Ye Han can only patiently waste time with the God Emperor here, and humiliate and scold him when he has nothing to do, to see if he can completely anger this guy.

However, although the God Emperor's aura is very violent, his state of mind cultivation is indeed amazing enough, and he is not moved at all...

Ye Han scolded for several hours, and he was annoyed, so he went back to the Golden Spirit Palace to practice!

Fortunately, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is sufficient. He has been opening the magical power of Zi Ding to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, madly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. In recent years, he has accumulated enough spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which can not only satisfy his spiritual energy of heaven and earth for constantly refining treasures...

It can also add a lot of abundant spiritual energy to the space of Zi Ding. Over the years, his space of Zi Ding has continued to expand. The natural materials and treasures inside, which are ripe, Ye Han has asked his clone to pick them and refine them into pills.

However, in the past two years, Ye Han has not asked his clone to pick and refine pills. It is not that Ye Han does not need pills, but now the clone and Bai Xianzi have absorbed the mysterious heart of God and Demon of Lu Shen, which is already at a critical moment. As the clone and Bai Xianzi absorb the heart of God and Demon, both have made great progress in their cultivation, and their aura is getting stronger and stronger...

Ye Han actually has a new plan in his mind. If he can't get out of the Golden Spirit Palace, it is estimated that he will die. Is it possible to catch the damned God Emperor and bring him to the Golden Spirit Palace?

But he had thought of many ways, and when he kept thinking, he still felt that there were many things missing...

In fact, he kept humiliating the words of the God Emperor in order to cover up his arrangement in the Golden Spirit Hall and prevent the God Emperor from seeing through his plan.

However, it would take a lot of time to arrange the entire Golden Spirit Hall to a point that Ye Han was very satisfied with. I just hope that there will be no other variables during this period.

Thinking of this, Ye Han returned to the Golden Spirit Hall, looked at the arranged formation, and his heart moved. He released treasures one by one and embedded them in the formation...

As time passed, another twelve years passed.

Ye Han walked to the door of the Golden Spirit Hall and shouted at the Water Spirit Coffin where the God Emperor was: "Senior God Emperor! You are really stubborn. I insulted you so much, but you didn't take the initiative."

"Senior God Emperor, in our place, there is a creature called a turtle. When it encounters trouble, it shrinks into its shell and doesn't come out. Senior is really like a turtle."

While Ye Han said this, he quietly slapped the storage bag, and a little bit of silent talismans flew out...

These talismans fell on the ground, like crawling worms, slowly swimming towards the Water Spirit Coffin where the God Emperor was!

Ye Han was still talking, and even released a beam of magic to attack the Water Spirit Coffin of the God Emperor! !

But the God Emperor didn't seem to be moved.

Ye Han was also very patient. While quietly sending out silent runes and talismans, he kept talking to the Water Spirit Coffin, looking like he was unwilling to give up until he angered the God Emperor.

As time passed.

Those talismans had quietly formed a circle around the water spirit coffin brought by the God Emperor!

At this moment!

"Despicable guy! How dare you!"

The God Emperor suddenly shouted angrily, and the water spirit coffin suddenly vibrated and emitted circles of blood-red gods and demons, bursting out like flames.

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