Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2311 Get in here!!

The Emperor of God had been patient, because he had to monitor the escape of this damned outsider, so he was not completely immersed in the sleep of the Water Spirit Coffin...

The monitoring of things and sounds outside had never stopped. As long as that damned fairy bastard came out of the Golden Spirit Palace, he would catch that damned boy as soon as possible and make him pay for his words that humiliated him! ! !


This damned fairy bastard was also patient enough, and the stalemate lasted for so many years.

At this time, he found that there was a sudden sense of crisis, which woke him up...

Then he immediately sensed that the damned fairy guy did not know what magical power and treasure he had used to surround his Water Spirit Coffin.

With the cultivation and experience of the Emperor of God, he immediately realized that this feeling was very wrong. With his roar, the black and red flames of the gods and demons surged and burst out in the Water Spirit Coffin, and instantly formed a circle of violent and suffocating black and red flames that rushed out! !

Boom! ! ! !

A ball of black and red flames of gods and demons rushed out, and the void was rushed out wherever it passed, and traces of shattering twisted and exploded! !


When such a powerful flame of gods and demons hit the strange talisman that Ye Han quietly released, it was not affected at all. Instead, it absorbed a lot of the breath of the flames of gods and demons, causing these strange runes to instantly burst out with circles of creepy auras...


These strange runes instantly turned into rune chains, which surrounded the water spirit coffin frantically and surged over. They suddenly turned into black and gold chains, wrapping the entire water spirit coffin.

Crack, crack, crack! ! !

The moment these rune chains wrapped around the water spirit coffin where the emperor was, they began to twist and tremble, and countless aura runes devoured the surrounding heaven and earth auras! !

Ye Han saw this in the Golden Spirit Hall, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a touch of joy, shouting: "Success!!"

Immediately, Ye Han quickly made hand gestures, muttered something, and his magic power surged out like a tide, surging towards the rune chains surrounding the water spirit coffin where the Emperor was!

In an instant! !

Buzz buzz buzz buzz! !

The rune chains instantly burst out with amazing black and gold rune auras, locking the Emperor's water spirit coffin tightly! !

This damn Emperor actually lay in the water spirit coffin so carelessly, blocking the door of the Golden Spirit Hall waiting to deal with him, how could Ye Han be polite to this guy?

I have already thought of countless ways to deal with this guy.

Swish swish swish swish! !

The chains in the water spirit coffin that entangled the Emperor turned into thin chains and flew towards Ye Han.

Ye Han reached out and grabbed the chains, and pulled them hard! !

Boom! !

The water spirit coffin that the God Emperor brought was extremely heavy, especially under the gravity of the third heaven, which was two thousand times, it was very difficult to pull.

"Come here!!!!"

Ye Han roared, and used the Vajra Fire God Art to the extreme. The eight-fold bone refining technique, blood refining technique, and Tianlong Tyrant Body Art were all activated at the same time...


A suffocating and terrifying aura vibrated out of Ye Han's body, and his muscles were like black and gold steel, all covered with black and gold rune scales...

In an instant!

Boom! ! !

The huge and heavy water spirit coffin was directly pulled up and flew towards the Golden Spirit Palace...


"Damn it!!!"

The God Emperor in the water spirit coffin roared with extreme anger, and the entire evil spirit art kept spinning...

Boom! ! !

The black and gold bracelet that was wrapped around the Shuiling coffin was shaking constantly, and began to emit violent muffled explosions...

Clang clang clang clang clang! ! !

The extremely violent explosions of metal and iron collided and broke apart, and the rune chains were forcibly entangled and broken.

Boom! !

The Shenhuang Shuiling coffin hit the ground heavily, and the ground and the entire Jinling Palace were shaking violently. The lid of the Shuiling coffin also opened rapidly at this time...


Ye Han quickly made hand gestures with both hands. The Earth God's Flawless Art had already reached its peak at this time. The earth-based magic power surged up like a storm, and Ye Han's fists suddenly blasted at the ground!

"Get in here!!!!"

With Ye Han's earth-shaking roar, he punched the ground with both fists. All the mana and power actually rushed into the ground below him crazily, without leaking out at all, as if the ground was a bottomless pit, constantly swallowing up the power of Ye Han's attack...

In an instant!!!


A violent and boundless roar exploded, and the back of the water spirit coffin behind the Emperor of God shook and exploded. A huge earth fist broke directly, and the ground exploded, and an extremely heavy punch hit the back of the water spirit coffin.


A thunderous roar exploded, and the entire water spirit coffin was blasted out. The Emperor of God in the water spirit coffin, the whole huge figure was shocked and rushed out, and flew towards the huge door of the Golden Spirit Palace!

Not good!!!

The Emperor's face suddenly changed, and he was filled with regret. He really shouldn't have been too close to the Golden Spirit Palace, and was caught by this damned Immortal Clan bastard! !


Hold on! !

The Emperor pinched the magic formula with both hands, grabbed the ground fiercely, and two huge arms composed of black and red gods and demons grabbed the ground.


"Don't even think about it!"

Ye Han roared, and grabbed the ground heavily with both hands again! The Earth God's flawless power was activated to the restriction, and the earth magic rushed out...

Boom! Boom! ! !

The two big mud hands broke through the ground where the Emperor was, and blasted towards the black and red gods and demons.

An amazing scene appeared!

Bang! Bang! ! !

With two violent explosions, the two black and red God and Demon Hands that the God Emperor blasted out were actually crushed by the mud hand...

The God Emperor's face suddenly changed, and he cursed: "Damn it! How did that thing get into your hand?"

Yes, the mud hand that Ye Han blasted out was obviously not as powerful as his God and Demon Hand, but it was shattered by the opponent's attack. That's because the arm that Ye Han attacked contained a very terrible power to break the ban! !

And at this time!


Ye Han pointed his finger again, and the ghost skull mirror spun around and flew out. The golden and silver rune aura turned into a huge skull head, which hit the back of the God Emperor! !

This is bad! !

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