Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2329 The Bottom of Wanling Lake

"The Heaven Gate is hidden at the bottom of the Wanling Lake?"

Ye Han stared at the words in the communication talisman in front of him, and couldn't help but stare in astonishment.

This sudden communication talisman was like a heavy bomb, which made him wrinkle.

Originally, he thought that all the people in the Divine Palace had been wiped out, but at this moment, such a mysterious communication talisman appeared and revealed the exact location of the Heaven Gate.

Ye Han thought to himself, who on earth sent the message to him?

The Wanling Lake mentioned must be the spiritual lake where the underwater Divine Palace sank. Before, this Wanling Lake accommodated so many evil creatures and contained such terrifying spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and there were special taboos in it.

Ye Han didn't dare to enter the Wanling Lake at all. If he did, he would die...

But the situation should be different now. The evil spirits of the Wanlin Lake had already resisted the light column of the supreme secret method and the bombardment of Ye Han's thunderbolt. The Tyrant God Emperor continued to use the arrangement of the Wanling Lake.

The spirits had been consumed long ago.

This news also reminded Ye Han that the Tyrant God Emperor might have been hiding in the Wanling Lake before. Otherwise, where was his water spirit coffin hidden?

When he wanted to leave this place before, he was also attacked by the evil spirits of the Wanling Lake cast by the Tyrant God Emperor and was forced back to the Golden Spirit Palace.

In fact, if the Tyrant God Emperor hadn't forced him so much, he would not have made up his mind to fight the Tyrant God Emperor to the death...

Now that the evil spirits of the Wanling Lake have been annihilated and the Tyrant God Emperor is dead, it should be safe to enter the Wanling Lake now.

But the question now is who sent him this communication talisman?

He had clearly killed all the magicians and guarding gods of the underwater palace...

"It's her!! It's definitely her!!"

Ye Han's eyes suddenly trembled, revealing a hint of coldness, remembering the only existence he had not dealt with again!

That is, the mysterious woman on the fourth floor of the small tower that Zhang Qingshan warned him not to enter! ! !

Although he had searched the entire underwater palace during this period, he still did not enter the fourth floor to take a look.

Ye Han also realized that when he was dealing with the Tyrant God Emperor, the bitch that the Tyrant God Emperor kept insulting should be the mysterious woman.

Moreover, Ye Han had never figured out why after being imprisoned in his Golden Spirit Palace, when dealing with the Tyrant God Emperor, such a powerful light column would be bombarded! !

Now that I think about it, one of the people who joined forces to deal with the Tyrant God Emperor should be this mysterious woman. The terrifying secret light column released by the terrible God of the Day should not appear for no reason. It should be the work of that mysterious woman...

So, many things are not as simple as he imagined, and it also shows that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan is right. This mysterious woman is absolutely terrible.

Now this mysterious woman took the initiative to reveal the location of this astronomy to him. In fact, this mind is not simple, because the mysterious woman in the purple tripod water spirit coffin has told him.

The danger of opening the Heaven Gate is that the Heaven Gate will absorb the life span of the cultivator who opened the Heaven Gate. Don't touch it, and find a way to avoid this danger.

As for how to avoid this danger, the mysterious woman in the water spirit coffin didn't tell him.

So should I go to the Heaven Gate now, or find that mysterious woman?

Ye Han will never go to find that mysterious woman. Let the woman be vicious and deep. If I go to her, I will definitely not end well.

Moreover, although he has recovered his cultivation and advanced to the sixth level of the Refining Void Stage, his cultivation has greatly increased.

However, he knows his own situation. In the battle with the Tyrant God Emperor, he lost too many treasures and consumed too many elixirs. If he encounters an existence that is superior to General Lu again, without enough elixir aura and recovering the purple tripod aura to fight, his chances of winning are very small.

Moreover, since the mysterious female figure dared to send a message to him, she should have made full preparations. He didn't know whether there would be any huge danger.

However, at this juncture, provoking other existences again did make Ye Han a little afraid. He has been in this third heaven for too long. Although he has gained countless benefits, he always feels that if he continues to stay, danger will always continue to come...

Forget it!

Let's go and see the so-called Heavenly Gate first.

Ye Han made up his mind, put away the formations in the hall, Qingxuan Palace, and went out...

Although he got a lot of treasures from the Tyrant God Emperor, because there were only three Shangjun Pills, he didn't have extra pill aura to refine these treasures, so the treasures alone did not make up for the losses of Ye Han.

This is also the important reason why Ye Han didn't plan to find the mysterious woman at this juncture, because he really didn't have much confidence.

Besides, if the mysterious woman hid, it would not be easy for him to find her, after all, he had already looted the palace.

And this underwater palace has not sunk since the last time Wanling Lake floated up.

Ye Han came to the top of the bridge, moved his body, and jumped into Wanling Lake.


Water splashed everywhere, and Ye Han's figure entered the lake.

Sure enough, there was no evil spirit in Wanling Lake now, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was also reduced a lot, dozens of times, almost no different from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on land.

The water of Wanling Lake was extremely clear, with almost no impurities. Ye Han felt that the reason why Tyrant God Emperor was so powerful was because of Wanling Lake...

As for this three-layer heaven, he now knew what was going on. It should be the secret space of Tyrant God Emperor and his own purple cauldron space.

And it was much more powerful than his purple cauldron space, only because the real cultivation of Tyrant God Emperor was very terrible, and there should be a special opportunity to create this powerful three-layer heaven space.

And the so-called Heaven Gate should be a space gate that can enter another space of heaven and earth through this three-layer heaven space.

But why does this space gate absorb the life span of the cultivator who wants to open it? This may be a special defensive ban!

Ye Han searched the bottom of the lake for a long time and finally saw the so-called Heavenly Gate!!!

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