Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2330 Heavenly Gate

The legendary Tianmen is actually at the bottom of Wanling Lake! In this clear, mirror-like lake, Tianmen stands like a towering giant archway in the depths of the lake.

After years of vicissitudes, its surface is covered with layers of moss, as if telling endless history and stories.

An extremely thick chain is wrapped around the archway like a dragon, extending to the bottom of the lake until it disappears.

The entire Tianmen exudes a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere that makes people feel palpitating. The two huge metal doors are tightly closed, as if to isolate everything from the outside.

And next to this Tianmen, there is also a large-scale underground palace hidden, but now it has collapsed more than half... I think this is where the tyrant emperor once hid.

Sure enough! Staring at the magnificent Tianmen in front of him, Ye Han felt a strong shock and sense of danger in his heart.

He clearly felt the danger and suffocation emanating from the inside of the Heavenly Gate, as if there was an unimaginable terrifying danger hidden behind the tightly closed door.

Ye Han did not approach the Heavenly Gate easily, but looked at the ruins of the collapsed hall, which was the hiding place of the Tyrant God Emperor before. Although most of the treasures should be on the Tyrant God Emperor, there should be some things inside.

So, Ye Han did not rush to find a way to open the Heavenly Gate, but entered the collapsed hall.

More than an hour later!


Ye Han got out of the gap in the collapsed hall, although as he expected, there should be no very good treasures in the collapsed hall.

But he still gained something.

A lot of ten thousand year old fairy grass that can only grow underwater was picked. Although it withered a lot because of the dryness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the special spiritual energy of heaven and earth that it contained to transform the water quality was also a top-grade treasure. There were also some scraps of heavenly materials and earthly treasures...

Anyway, it was not a wasted trip. Those ten thousand year old fairy grasses could be directly planted in the Four Seas Spirit Pool of the Purple Cauldron Space, which would definitely increase the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the entire Purple Cauldron Space, as well as the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Purple Cauldron Space.

This was a big harvest. After all, such heavenly materials and earthly treasures had disappeared in many places, and even if they were found, there would not be so many.

Ye Han judged that the reason why there were so many ten thousand year old fairy grasses in this palace was because the Tyrant God Emperor planted them there specifically, in order to restore his cultivation as soon as possible...

Moreover, Ye Han also saw a special forbidden formation that had lost its function. This special forbidden formation could continuously absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and could actually allow the breath of the Tyrant God Emperor to merge with the entire Three Heavens.

This gave Ye Han a great inspiration. He still didn't make enough use of the Purple Cauldron Space. If he could merge with the aura of the entire Purple Cauldron Space and make the Purple Cauldron Space his other Dantian, he could make its combat power continue to soar.

And as the Purple Cauldron Space continued to grow, the role and power it played would become more and more.

In that case, it would be a greater boost for Ye Han.

So Ye Han still spent a lot of time to collect the formation and the remaining materials.

Nothing was left out, and he came out of the ruins of the palace.

Ye Han looked at the huge Tianmen, whose pillars were all entangled by chains, and there were two huge reliefs of the gods on it...

A huge Tianmen gave Ye Han a very dangerous feeling. He approached it a few thousand feet and felt a strong and suffocating dangerous breath.

The woman in the mysterious Shuiling coffin had warned him not to touch the entire Tianmen, otherwise his life would be sucked away.

The most important thing for a cultivator is life span. A cultivator practices so many immortal arts and experiences so many dangers just to make himself live longer and find the way to immortality.

Without life span, he can only lie in the water spirit coffin and will never be able to become an immortal in this life...

If he does not touch this heavenly gate...

Ye Han thought about the countermeasures. Now should be the last crisis for him to enter the three heavens. As long as he opens this heavenly gate, he can leave this ghost place and complete the task assigned to him by Tianxuanxingwang and Youshen Mojun.

Sure enough, Ye Han was already so far away from this heavenly gate that he could feel his life span fading away at an accelerated rate. In just a few dozen breaths, Ye Han had already lost more than a year of his life span.

This situation made Ye Han very afraid. He immediately retreated thousands of feet and did not feel the accelerated fading of his life span. He was relieved!

Now that the Heavenly Gate would absorb his life span, Ye Han became very cautious. It was painful to have only one or two years of life span absorbed. Of course, he didn't want to have more life span absorbed by it.

What method should be used to open the Heavenly Gate without touching it?

And Ye Han also judged that the speed at which the Heavenly Gate absorbed life span was very terrifying. Just now, he was thousands of feet away and more than a year of life span was absorbed in just a dozen breaths...

If he went in directly, his life span of tens of thousands of years might only last for a quarter of an hour before it was absorbed.

Even if his life span was not absorbed, it would be a huge loss if half of it was absorbed!

So Ye Han frowned.

It is now clear that if you want to open this Heavenly Gate, you need a strong force. With his current mana cultivation, it is impossible to open it with mana alone!

This is also the important reason why Tianxuan Star King and Youshen Demon King must let themselves cultivate a strong enough body to come to this three-fold heaven! !

That's right! ! !

The damn Tianxuan Star King and Youshen Demon King must know the secret that this Heavenly Gate will absorb life, but they have never told me because they are afraid that my life will be sucked away...

Damn it! !

It turns out that I was a chess piece that could be completely abandoned at the beginning. As long as the Heavenly Gate is opened, these two guys don't care about other situations at all! !

Wait! Wait until I am strong enough, wait until my Vajra Fire God Art is cultivated to...

Hmm? !

There is a way! !

Ye Han thought of the Vajra Fire Divine Art, and then a light bulb suddenly lit up and he thought of a feasible solution...

Thinking of this, he swam out of the Wanling Lake and returned to the Divine Palace...

He had already thought of a feasible solution. Since his physical body could not touch the Heavenly Gate, if his physical body did not touch the Heavenly Gate, and he had an extremely powerful force to open the Heavenly Gate, then the Vajra Fire Divine Art should be able to do it!

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