Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2366 True Immortal Palace?

While talking!

I saw that snow-white figure stretching out its slender fingers and tapping lightly!


Buzz! ! !

Runes as scarlet as blood appeared on his fingertips and spun quickly.

In an instant, a horrifying and breathless blood-red thread of light rippled in the void!

Whoops! !

Just a soft sound was heard, and this blood-red light pierced the void with lightning speed, leaving behind a blazing flame light, which went straight towards a hidden cliff...

Boom! ! ! ! !

Along with the deafening loud noise, the ground suddenly erupted into a dazzling blood-red light, forming a brilliant pillar of red flame light.

This fire shot straight into the sky, as if it wanted to wrap the entire sky in it.

The majestic and vast magic power was like a volcanic eruption, causing a violent explosion in the space, blooming with an extremely gorgeous and terrifying red light.

In the blink of an eye, a surging heat wave rolled in, and endless heat and fear enveloped the surroundings.

The distorted ripples caused by the powerful force made the originally peaceful void become shaky! !

Unexpectedly, this snow-white figure had such a tiny spell at his fingertips, it was just a tiny thread of blood-red light.

But when it hits the target, it can explode with such tremendous power that it makes the gods cry! !

The figure in the explosion must have been killed, right?

However! !

In the boundless and terrifying light explosion of the suffocating power of the law of fire, and in the terrifying storm that shook out, it was as if there was nothing at all! !


The snow-white figure's eyes moved, revealing a solemn look, and said to himself: "It's impossible, it was clear just now...!"

The words have not yet fallen.

Buzz! !

A boundless black-gray flame erupted on the other side of the sky. The entire sky was covered by this terrifying black light. Black gas continued to surge out of the entire sky, forming a terrifying and suffocating storm!

Boom! !

This terrifying and suffocating storm kept rolling towards the snow-white figure...

"Damn it! Damn it!! Damn you bastard, you dare to touch the Immortal Lord's True Immortal Palace!!!"

The snow-white figure suddenly cursed angrily, and his figure suddenly turned into a red light!

call out! ! !

This snow-white figure instantly turned into a ray of bright blood-red light, and flew towards the sky in an instant. After a few tremors, a terrifying light explosion hit that side...

Boom! !

The boundless black-gray flames covered the sky and covered the sun, forming a boundless terrifying storm that caused the surrounding ground to roll.

The sky and the earth are dark, just like the end of the world! !

And in such a violent storm, the snow-white figure rushed over. Wherever it passed, the heaven and earth shook with astonishing red light gas flames, and the black and gray gas flames were impacted into a surging vortex...

Boom! ! !

Ye Han was hiding in the purple cauldron, his face became very solemn. Damn it, he only showed a trace of his breath just now, and that guy found him.

Even if he found out, he immediately cast such a terrifying spell on the place where he was hiding that it almost killed him! !


Just a few dozen breaths ago, Ye Han noticed the movement here. After coming over, he discovered the strange and powerful power of the fire attribute law here, and a very terrifying and dangerous aura in front...

Ye Han didn't dare to be careless. He used many methods to hide his body and aura and came quietly. As a result, he found that the snow-white figure had cast some powerful magical power and killed a god in the middle stage of integration in one go. build!

Seeing this situation, Ye Han immediately prepared to retreat, but as soon as he moved, he felt an extremely dangerous aura that locked his position.

This aura was unprecedentedly terrifying, sending chills down his spine and a sense of danger that he was about to die!

After Ye Han has been wandering in various dangerous places for so many years, he has felt this kind of danger many times. Every time it is a terrifying attack, if he doesn't respond, he will definitely be finished!

Immediately, Ye Han released the purple cauldron without hesitation and hid in the purple cauldron, avoiding the terrifying fire attribute attack just now! !

Because he felt that if he used other defensive methods to protect him, he would be seriously injured or even lose his life. Only Ziding could be relied on.


As soon as Ye Han released the purple cauldron and entered it, the terrifying scene of a spell attack with boundless fire attributes occurred. This spell contained extremely terrifying power of law, as well as an extremely powerful mysterious force!

What's more important is this. When the spell attacks, it can actually mobilize the aura of heaven and earth in this wild ancient land. Only then can such terrifying power burst out. In other words, this mysterious power should contain the power of the wild. force!

You must know that because this wild ancient land has a special restraining force, ordinary immortal cultivators cannot mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the wild ancient land.

How could that weird guy mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this wild ancient land?

No wonder the cultivator in the middle stage of integration was killed by that guy in one move.

If you don't use the Purple Cauldron to enter and dodge, you will definitely not end up much better than that guy.

Ye Han felt that the aura of his purple cauldron had dropped by about one tenth just by blocking it, which made Ye Han feel very painful. Even the defense of the purple cauldron could be reduced by one tenth. The best defensive treasures on Ye Han should not be able to block this attack.

Moreover, the opponent could mobilize the spiritual energy of the ancient land of the wilderness. If they fought, Ye Han knew that he had no chance of winning!

Tsk! There are all kinds of powerful beings in this world of immortal cultivation! If you are not careful, you may lose your life.

However, Ye Han also heard a little bit of what this guy said about the True Immortal Palace and the power of the Immortal Venerable...

It was just that they were too far apart, and he didn't dare to peek at the other party, and he only heard a few words.

However, these few words alone gave Ye Han endless reverie and gave him extreme attraction.

Ye Han didn't dare to rush out, after all, he didn't know what the situation was outside now! !

However, judging from the situation of the strange guy killing the middle-stage fusion cultivator, the cultivator must be one of the fusion cultivators from other places who came to the ancient wilderness to seek opportunities!

Such a powerful existence was killed by a terrible spell, which shows how terrible this guy is...

What kind of existence is this guy?

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