Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2367 A huge loss


The other party's appearance is so strange that he doesn't look like a normal creature, and his magical abilities are even more frightening.

Fortunately, his current purple tripod's defense and level are terrifying enough. In addition to being able to withstand that guy's terrifying blow, he also has a more powerful magical ability to conceal his aura.

After all, facing such an existence, it is not enough to just block this guy's attack, you must also be able to avoid the pursuit of his spiritual consciousness.

After all, in this barbaric ancient land where the spiritual consciousness is so suppressed, Ye Han's sensing range is only more than a hundred miles away, and the guy found him from more than two hundred miles away.

With such a powerful spiritual consciousness, if Ziding cannot completely hide his aura, he will still be discovered even if he blocks the opponent's terrifying blow.

By then both treasures and people will really be doomed!

Of course, if he was not confident enough, Ye Han would not dare to release the purple cauldron easily. Wouldn't the immortal cultivator be moved by this treasure?

Just at this time.

Boom! ! !

The entire earth was shaking and shaking, and the endless storm ripples were shaking, as if a very fierce and endless battle was taking place...

Ye Han felt the restlessness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth outside Ziding, and there was a more violent and powerful aura of law stirring outside!

Ye Han's consciousness noticed that it was already dark outside. It was that weird guy who released the restless power of the fire attribute law, and the restlessness of the terrifying aftermath of the mana. At this time, he was also affected by this terrifying force. The breath of the impact disappeared into thin air.

The entire ground was filled with a terrifying, suffocating, strange and chaotic aura of wildness.

Ye Han felt his heart palpitating. If he faced this terrifying barbaric atmosphere outside at this moment, he would probably consume a lot of mana...

But now that it was dark outside, Ye Han didn't dare to go out easily, waiting for this wave of breath to pass before talking.

If you go out, you will waste your mana in vain! !

There is another thing that makes Ye Han more helpless, that is, the sword energy fruit on the top of the purple tripod is obviously going to mature soon, but in the third heaven, in order to deal with the soul of the tyrant God Emperor, the purple tripod extracts In addition to losing a lot of breath, after taking the blow from that guy just now, he also consumed a lot of breath from the sword energy fruit.

Therefore, the aura of the current Sword Qi Fruit is relatively weak. It seems that you still have to have a certain chance to get this Sword Qi Fruit.

Although helpless, there is no other way but to wait.

However, Ye Han felt such a strong wild atmosphere and the strange guy's words just now. It seemed that he was in the right place.

On the contrary, the other party did not mention the tomb of the ancient gods, but seemed to say it was the True Immortal Palace, which is a bit strange!

Ye Han still doesn't know what is going on!

Ye Han had a preliminary judgment that the reason why this wild ancient land was so protected by such a heaven-defying wild aura was probably because of the tomb of the ancient gods.

Perhaps, this so-called wild aura is not an ordinary thing at all, but a higher-level existence than the aura of heaven and earth. As for what it is, Ye Han actually has no way to judge. After all, the world of immortality is really too big, Ye Han There are still many things Han doesn't know.

In many cases, the reason why Ye Han wants to pursue immortality is not because he is afraid of death.

As early as when he was a child, he was different from other children in Qingniu Village. He was eager to work in the outside towns, eager to study, learn more, and read more books.

This was also the reason why Mr. Lan Qing was willing to teach him.

Therefore, Ye Han's pursuit of immortality and immortality is not because he is afraid of death.

Rather, he feels that in this boundless world, there are too many places that he does not know, worlds that he has never seen, and things that he has never encountered. He is eager to understand this world and hopes to have more infinite possibilities and explore the infinite. The world of immortal cultivators, perhaps this is what he most desires to do after becoming an immortal.

After waiting for dozens of breaths, the roaring and shaking finally passed. Ye Han quietly emerged from the purple cauldron and immediately put the purple cauldron into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Tsk! This time I'm really at a huge disadvantage!"

Ye Han said to himself with an unkind expression, but if he can save his life and is not in real danger, that is a victory. Immortal cultivators seek immortality and can live longer, that is a victory.

However, although the vibrations stopped, this strange gray-black fog did not fade away. Instead, it became more intense, containing an astonishing wild aura, and a special aura mixed in it.

Well, in the aura of this weird relic, Ye Han felt that his mana was flowing slowly and naturally.

what happened?

How could my mana drain away on its own?

Ye Han's face became serious. This was no small matter. As far as his current mana cultivation level was concerned, it was already a very big gap for him to feel the loss of mana.

He had never encountered such a situation before when he was in the wild ancient land. It must be the reason for the so-called True Immortal Palace, right?

Such a strange situation made Ye Han think secretly in his heart: "Could it be said that it is fate to come here this time? Maybe I will gain something in this mysterious land here!"

Thinking of this, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist without hesitation.

With a whoosh, several jade bottles came out. When the mouths of the bottles opened slightly, the pills inside poured down like raindrops and fell into Ye Han's mouth.

These pills were all carefully refined by him recently, and they were specially used to restore mana. There were hundreds of them.

However, at this moment, he did not immediately let the purple cauldron absorb the power of these pills...

Ye Han used his magic power to wrap the pills tightly in his stomach.

When he really needed it, he only needed to think about it, and he could quickly untie the magic power that bound the pills, so that it could release the medicinal power, so that the purple cauldron could restore its purple cauldron aura...

After all, with his current cultivation level, when fighting with other cultivators, he often had to cast several spells in less than half a minute, and he had no time to take out the pills from the storage bag to restore the purple cauldron's aura and his own mana.

Then, Ye Han reached into his arms again, took out a teleportation array bead, and placed it on the open space in front of him.

Then, he summoned the Tyrant Armor, put it on, and prepared for battle.

The armor in front of him, which was shining with cold light, was what the Tyrant God Emperor wore in the past.

After such a long period of refining and repair, it has finally regained its vitality and can be worn in battle again.

Its defense is better than before, even surpassing the armor he once broke through the immortal god. With these preparations, it should be much safer.

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