Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2368 What is underground?

After everything was ready, Ye Han took a deep breath and carefully moved towards the direction where the mysterious figure was rushing.

The place was filled with a dense black and gray atmosphere, as if it enveloped the entire world, making people feel depressed. The surroundings were as dark as ink, and even if Ye Han used a magical spell that could enhance his eye cultivation, his field of vision was extremely limited.

However, through the heavy fog, he vaguely noticed that there seemed to be a huge black shadow looming in the distant sky.

Upon closer observation, it turned out to be a group of dark palaces, standing alone in the endless black and gray mist, revealing an indescribable weird atmosphere...

Could it be that there was the legendary True Immortal Palace?

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help but feel a complex emotion of expectation and tension.

This so-called ancient tomb of the gods is still the True Immortal Palace, which should be more dangerous than the three heavens!

Ye Han also felt uneasy, but there was no way. He couldn't just ignore the people who ascended from the earth.

Although he had practiced for so many years and was no longer afraid of life and death, he would still try his best to protect the people or things he cared about when he was strong enough.

They must not be allowed to get into trouble!

Ye Han stared at the black shadow in the sky, his expression solemn and firm, but without hesitation, he resolutely rushed in that direction.

From a distance, the black shadow was as mysterious and majestic as the legendary ancient tomb of the gods.

However, is it true that the treacherous cultivator said that that is where the True Immortal Palace is located?

The answer is unknown.

Ye Han did not dare to take it lightly, and used all his strength to activate the mana in his body, continuously injecting it into the Tyrant God Armor he was wearing.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz! ! !

In an instant, strange and mysterious black and gray rune lights burst out from the surface of the armor. These lights surrounded Ye Han like a lively fish, making his figure blend perfectly with the surrounding environment...

This is the magic of the Tyrant God Armor! Not only does it have amazing defensive power, but even the body can resist attacks; it also has extremely powerful magical secrets such as fusion invisibility, shielding spiritual consciousness from peeping, and assimilating the surrounding aura, which is far beyond the reach of ordinary Tongtian Lingbao.

At this moment, Ye Han's body is hidden in the dark fog, and he uses the power of the armor to accelerate forward...

Suddenly, a faint sound of fighting came from the front, which aroused his vigilance.

It is very likely that the weird guy just now had a fierce battle with other powerful cultivators! !

Ye Han became particularly cautious this time. If that kind of fire magic power comes a few more times, even if he has top-level defense means, he may not be able to withstand such a terrifying attack of the power of law.

According to Ye Han's experience in the ancient wilderness during this period, Ye Han believes that this so-called wilderness aura is not a truly ancient aura, but more like a special aura that transcends the ordinary spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but he has not yet found a specific method or way to control and absorb this kind of aura.

The reason for the appearance of this strange aura must be closely related to the legendary ancient tomb of the gods.

As expected, when Ye Han quietly approached the huge and boundless building like a shadow, the sound he heard became clearer...


"Boom boom boom!"

A series of loud noises pierced the ears like thunder, accompanied by an endless terrifying storm that exploded...

Ye Han was fully alert, quickly used his power to protect his body, and continued to advance forward...

As expected...

Boom! ! ! Accompanied by a deafening roar that resounded through the sky, an earth-shaking and unparalleled shock wave suddenly broke out.

This force surged like a raging wind and huge waves, setting off violent whirlwinds; the dust and soil on the ground were blown up by a hurricane, gathering into a terrifying wave that was thousands of feet high and terrifying, sweeping towards Ye Han with great momentum!

Hmm? !

Faced with such a sudden change, Ye Han's face suddenly changed, but he reacted quickly and did not hesitate to use the Earth God's Flawless Skill. He flashed and fell rapidly like an arrow from a string, rushing straight to the land under his feet. At the same time, circles of gray mysterious runes emanated from his body, as if he had merged with the earth and instantly drilled deep into the ground...

Boom! ! Immediately afterwards, this terrible storm that shook the world and overwhelmed the mountains and seas swept straight through this area with the force of thunder.

Crash! ! !

The soil and rocks on the ground were violently hit and rolled around, and the entire area within hundreds of miles was caught in an extremely terrifying rolling storm...

This is the magical power of high-level immortal cultivators to change the world and move mountains and fill the sea! No wonder God is afraid of the excessive number of immortal cultivators and their strength. If these people are allowed to achieve the right results and ascend to the immortal world, then it will be threatened by itself...

However, just when this wave of storms has not completely dissipated! Boom! ! Ye Han's body suddenly broke through the surface of the ground like a cannonball and soared into the sky...

Buzz! ! With a low roar, the Tyrant God Armor on Ye Han's body instantly started with full power, bursting with dazzling light.

In the blink of an eye, a layer of shield like a black dragon head quickly formed and tightly wrapped his body. The surface of this shield flashed with strange and twisted black air, as if it had endless mysterious power.

At this moment, Ye Han's face was extremely ugly, and he cursed in his heart: "Damn it! I'm really unlucky today!"

It turned out that thousands of feet below him, there was an extremely solid building wall hidden. This wall is not only hard beyond imagination, but also contains an extremely powerful restriction force.

When Ye Han tried to use the Earth God's flawless skill to sneak into the ground, he was unexpectedly strongly rebounded. The whole person was hit hard and his body was in unbearable pain.

What's more serious is that the recoil force generated by this restriction actually brought an extremely terrifying wild aura. These wild auras eroded his Tyrant God Armor and defensive magic like a demon, which greatly hindered Ye Han's originally unstoppable dive and even caused considerable backlash damage to himself.

What secrets are hidden below? The terrible breath and sense of threat emitted by the building that frightened him made Ye Han feel cold and terrified! !

Ye Han rolled in the air for a few times before he came to a stop. The defensive dragon head shield of his Tyrant God Armor had been shaken and destroyed.

As expected, the wild aura here is too weird!!

And what is underground? !

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