Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2374 Something is happening!

In the vast and boundless starry sky, countless stars shining with brilliant light are dotted like gems inlaid on the sky.

And in the depths of this endless void, there is a mysterious and spectacular scene hidden! ! ! !

Boom! ! ! ! ! !

A loud sound that shook the world came, as if the whole universe was shaking.

I saw an extremely huge black palace, rushing across the galaxy with an unstoppable force.

Wherever it passed, it set off waves of thrilling space fluctuations, and even the originally calm chaotic air around it was distorted.

Although this palace looks insignificant in the boundless and brilliant galaxy, it is actually extremely large in scale, covering millions of miles.

Every collision will trigger a terrifying space ripple storm. These ripples will spread out continuously like surging waves, colliding in this space, and creating a shocking and suffocating ripple storm.

In an empty wall space of this huge palace...


Zichuan Immortal was covered with a shocking and suffocating storm, flying in it at an amazing speed. His face was very solemn, and there was a trace of regret. He really shouldn't have come into this ancient tomb!

The wild aura contained in this place is very terrifying, which makes his mana constantly consumed. The key point is that he has already flown out of the space of the Tianling Realm. In this way, it is not easy for him to leave the ancient tomb and return to the Tianling Realm.

Moreover, he finally entered this ancient tomb. He wandered around here for a long time, but he didn't find any treasure opportunities, and he couldn't find a way out or a place to move forward, because this place is like a huge maze, so he can't find a way out! !

There is no way! It seems that he can only take one step at a time! !

Zichuan Immortal has been practicing for so many years, and he has forced himself to calm down. There is no point in being anxious in this situation.

At this moment! !


A violent vibration came from one side.

There is something going on over there!

Immediately, Zichuan Immortal's eyes moved, and he flew quickly in that direction...


In a huge space wall, Ye Han flew quickly along the wall, and his face was not good.

Although he tried his best to fly at full speed to find the direction of the treasure sensed by Ziding...

However, after chasing for only a few dozen breaths, the vibration of the treasure sensed by Ziding suddenly disappeared.

Then Ye Han flew and searched in this area for a long time.

These extremely tall wall passages are like a huge maze. Ye Han flew here for a long time, but he didn't find the direction.

It's just because there is no prohibition of flying here, but the suppression of spiritual consciousness is very strong, so that his powerful spiritual consciousness cannot be released to sense the surrounding situation.

This is not easy to deal with.

Ye Han knew that the ancient tomb of the gods was quite dangerous, but he did not expect that such a maze would make him unable to find a way out.

Fortunately, Ye Han's purple cauldron space had long been restored, and it had continuously promoted the growth of many natural treasures over the years, and many medicinal materials had matured. He asked his clone and Fairy Bai to speed up the alchemy to avoid any danger and the shortage of elixirs.

However, Ye Han found that after he put the core treasure of the Earth Geng Spirit Milk into the purple cauldron space.

He made an amazing discovery. He found that although the thing did not produce Earth Geng Spirit Milk as he expected, it could absorb the spiritual energy of the purple cauldron and gradually transform it into wild air.

And the aura of the wild air produced was completely different from the aura of the ancient tomb of the gods.

One specific difference was that the wild air of the ancient tomb of the gods was not under any control of Ye Han, and could not be absorbed and driven for use.

The wild energy in the purple tripod space is different. Ye Han feels that he can use it and drive it, but the wild energy generated now is too little, and it may be completely gone in a small spell.

However, this also confirms Ye Han's previous judgment. As he thought, the wild energy is not the so-called natural aura of heaven and earth, but a special aura that is higher than the aura of heaven and earth.

He feels that if he uses the wild energy to cast spells, the same spells, driven by the wild energy, will be much more powerful.

It is no wonder that when he encountered those snow-white figures, the spells they attacked were so powerful.

If he also mastered this spell or technique, it would be very significant for his strength improvement. It's a pity that these things are just thoughts, and he can't even find a way out now! !

This is an unexpected surprise, and it also gives Ye Han a lot of hope. If he can get these secret techniques in this ancient tomb, it will be a huge gain.

Of course, the hope is to find the treasure that Zi Ding sensed.

However, Ye Han has already flown along these walls for tens of thousands of feet, and still hasn't found the right way out! !

After flying for hundreds of miles, Ye Han came to a huge fork in the road, with three huge directions for him to choose...

If Zi Ding could sense any treasure, he would just go in that direction, but the problem is that Zi Ding can't sense anything now. The aura and feeling conveyed by the three directions are the same.

If Zhang Qingshan is here, he can also find a good direction with his magical power of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger.

Originally, there was only...

Ye Han was thinking whether he should just find a direction that feels good as before.


Boom! !

A deafening roar exploded from one of the spatial intersections.

"Something is going on!! Let's go and see."

Ye Han flew in that direction without hesitation. In this ancient maze of the tomb of the gods, he wandered around for a long time and didn't encounter any direction to go...

There was a sudden movement in this place, so of course he had to go over to take a look. Sometimes it's like this when passing through some dangerous places. The most feared thing is that you can't find the direction, and there is no guidance or movement.

Ye Han quickly moved along the wall in that direction...

After flying for hundreds of miles...

Boom boom boom!

I saw a circle of amazing storms rushing out from the front of the wall, surging towards him!

Crack, crack, crack! ! The wall covered by the huge and strange rune aura began to crack and explode, and the terrible space turbulence rushed in the channel! !

What's going on? !

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