Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2375 Collapse of the God's Tomb

Ye Han did not expect this to happen. This place is the ancient tomb of the gods. The terrible restrictions and defenses alone are not comparable to ordinary places.

With Ye Han's current cultivation, even if he uses the Vajra Body of the Vajra Fire God Art and the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop, he cannot blast open the wall of this ancient tomb of the gods!

Because this ancient tomb of the gods has broken through the defense of the natural celestial body of the interface, but Ye Han's cultivation cannot easily break the interface defense.

Only the best in the fusion period have this ability.


Why did this ancient tomb of the gods suddenly collapse like this?

Not good!

However, Ye Han did not have time to think too much, because the space turbulence coming from the front was like a violent wind and huge waves rushing towards his body. In this violent wind and huge waves, there was actually a very terrible wild aura rushing towards him...

Boom boom boom! !

The terrifying turbulent storm rushed along the passage like a surging sea wave. Wherever it passed, cracks appeared on the extremely solid walls on both sides, and they spread rapidly and finally collapsed completely.


Faced with such a horrifying scene, Ye Han's face suddenly changed. He used his body skills without hesitation, turned around and ran away from the turbulent storm...

This weird and unpredictable space turbulence seemed to never stop, and the powerful space traction force contained in it made Ye Han unable to resist it completely.

Not only that, the twisted space ripples exuded a wild atmosphere that made it difficult for the mana matrix to maintain stability. If you are unfortunately hit by it head-on, I am afraid that not only will your own magic defense be seriously affected, but you may even be directly involved in the space turbulence and die.

You must know that with Ye Han's current cultivation level, he does not have the ability to move freely and survive in the vast star world! Therefore, for him, the wisest choice at this moment is to escape from here immediately!

However, this is the legendary ancient tomb of the gods, a place where the power of its own restrictions is enough to break through the shackles of the heavenly spirit world. Why did it suddenly collapse? There is no doubt that some unexpected changes must have happened!

What exactly caused this drastic change?

Ye Han ran away with all his strength, thinking to himself.

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

Ye Han's body continuously burst out dazzling white spiritual light explosions, and his figure instantly turned into an amazing white escape light, which cut through the air like lightning, forming a colorful white arc, and then quickly changed the direction of flight and rushed away...

As expected! Just as Ye Han was worried, the terrifying space turbulence storm came surging...

This storm should have swept straight towards him, but it unexpectedly produced an extremely terrifying pulling force and devouring force, as if an invisible giant hand tightly grasped Ye Han's body and dragged him involuntarily to the hole in the wall behind him that was constantly collapsing.

The reason why this vast sea of ​​stars is so daunting and powerless to cultivators below the fusion stage is that this terrifying space turbulence will suddenly appear.

Whenever a space turbulence storm appears, it will always cause various unimaginable situations: cultivators may suddenly lose control of their body's center of gravity; they may also suddenly encounter strange situations such as gravity increasing thousands of times.

All these incredible changes are caused by the violent fluctuations of space turbulence.

And at this moment!

Ye Han suddenly felt a strange force descending on him, as if the whole world had lost gravity in an instant.

The Light Escape Step and Flying Escape Magical Skills that he had originally used were completely unable to withstand such a terrifying traction. His body was involuntarily dragged backwards, and it seemed that he was about to fly back!

At the critical moment, Ye Han activated the light-attributed escape technique without hesitation!

Light escape technique!

Boom! ! !

A dazzling white light suddenly burst out from his body, and his figure instantly turned into an extremely bright white light, rushing forward continuously like lightning.

Accompanied by bursts of deafening roars, the walls of the ancient tomb of the gods continued to collapse.

Ye Han was horrified to find that as the wall collapsed, a huge pit suddenly appeared.

Those huge rocks and bricks and stones that were broken and exploded were all attracted by the powerful gravitational force generated by the extremely terrifying space turbulence, and flew into the endless sea of ​​stars...

After Ye Han tried his best to fly backwards for tens of thousands of miles, he finally saw that the collapsed wall stopped collapsing. However, the scattered rocks and bricks were still carried away by the traction of the space turbulence...

At the same time, a terrifying huge suction force surged in the passage, desperately pulling Ye Han's body towards the big hole formed by the collapse.

Damn it!

Ye Han's figure burst out several light escape techniques in succession, away from the huge hole, his figure attached to the wall, and his hands released a golden light explosion to grab the wall...

Boom! !

And in that terrible traction force, circles of strange and mysterious black and gray flames were constantly twisting and vibrating.

Roar! !

A deafening roar came from this huge collapsed hole. The black and gray flames twisted to form a strange beast-like figure that was thousands of feet tall. This strange beast had bloodthirsty blood-red light in its eyes, two huge slender arms, and claws that emitted cold light like long swords. Its whole body was covered with black and gray flames, swirling and surging, emitting a bloodthirsty and extremely terrifying wild breath...

Wild ancient beast?

No! No! ! !

This guy has the aura of terrifying forbidden runes that only the ancient tomb of the gods has...

This guy is the ancient beast of the tomb of the gods that lives in the ancient tomb of the gods! !

Ye Han immediately distinguished the aura of this ancient beast of the tomb of the gods. It was not just ordinary scary, it was definitely more powerful than the refining period! !

At this moment!

Ao! ! !

This ancient beast of the tomb of the gods let out a terrifying roar, its body trembled violently, and it rushed towards Ye Han frantically!

Boom boom boom!

The ancient beasts in the tomb of the gods charged, and the stone wall and space channel all burst out with an extremely shocking storm flow storm at this time. The terrible black and gray flames twisted and trembled and burst out, and a terrible ripple vibrated out.

Not good!!

Ye Han's eyes showed horror, and his figure was about to use his magical power to fly back...


Buzz buzz buzz!!

Ye Han felt that the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness was shaking violently at this time!!


A shocking and suffocating scene appeared!

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