Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2377 How did this guy run away?

Because Ye Han has no skills or magical powers to absorb and utilize this wild breath...

Even now, Ye Han has not figured out whether this wild breath is, as he thought, a more advanced breath of heaven and earth!

If so, it would not be of much use if he did not practice the secret method of absorbing this wild breath.

After all, for a cultivator, if he wants to use a breath skill to the extreme, he must have a corresponding skill.

For example, Ye Han has an ice attribute spiritual root, and before practicing the cold art, he can also release a very strong ice attribute magic power.

But before he practiced the ice attribute skill, the cold art, the cold attribute magic he could use, the ice attribute treasures he could drive, and the ice attribute magic power he could release were very limited! !

It can even be said that when he did not use the cold art to cast ice attribute spells, he was simply wasting mana, and he could not use his cultivation skills to the extreme.

Therefore, every time a cultivator practices a technique, he must correspond to the corresponding aura. For example, if he does not have the evil spirit Dao Jue that absorbs the evil spirit, he cannot practice the magic power of the evil ghost body!

Now the wild aura is the same. He does not have the corresponding magic power that can absorb the wild aura, which means that he cannot fully exert the power of the wild aura...

However, Ye Han is not in a hurry. He knows that he has entered the ancient tomb of the gods. Since this ancient tomb of the gods is known to have a lot of opportunities, there must be a corresponding technique to absorb and use the wild aura!

Of course, Ye Han hopes so. Whether there is really this opportunity, the opportunity to get these things, it still depends on his own opportunity!

In this ancient tomb of the gods, he encountered unexpected situations continuously, and they were all powerful and direct opponents. On the contrary, Ye Han had great expectations for this ancient tomb of the gods.

After all, whether it was the treasure that Zi Ding was interested in or the technique of the wild aura, Ye Han felt that it would improve his future practice and have a great effect.

Of course, it is expectation, and it cannot be said that it will definitely work, but there is such a motivation.

On the contrary, is the cultivator who opened the ancient tomb of the gods and entered the ancient tomb of the gods really Han Yuwan and others from the ancient human race of the earth realm?

This matter has always been hanging in his mind, and it also makes him a little worried...

On the contrary, he and Han Yuwan and other fairies have practiced dual cultivation, and their souls are united. If they really encounter any danger and fall, he should still be able to sense it.

Of course, if they are too far apart, or Ye Han himself is in some special secret space, it is possible that he cannot sense the situation, but there will definitely be a sense, but it will only delay or his sense.

Therefore, what's more, Ye Han's cultivation is now very amazing. If someone he cares about or has a special relationship with does something, he will definitely feel it.

At this time.

Boom! ! !

A series of suffocating roars and vibrations came from this huge passage pit...

Not good!

Ye Han's face changed, and he looked back. The space turbulence here was turbulent again, and a terrible chaotic storm was pulled up, like a wave, sweeping towards Ye Han!

Seeing this scene, a circle of amazing golden ripples suddenly burst out from Ye Han's body, and his body suddenly burst out with amazing power.

Boom! !

A golden ripple storm burst out, and the walls were hit by Ye Han's terrible power, and an extremely amazing explosion was produced here. The rocks cracked and shook and exploded, and a series of continuous explosions were impacted...

And Ye Han's figure took advantage of this amazing impact force, and his figure was like a golden fire meteor, and he rushed out directly.

Boom boom boom! !

Ye Han's figure rushed out a terrible gale, and in an instant, he burst out again with the light of escape...

Whoosh whoosh! !

Ye Han's figure was like a flash of light that flickered without any regularity, trembling violently, constantly flashing past the terrible traction storm, sweeping over the huge wall fragments and rocks...

And in these turbulent rocks, there were twisted space cracks. If you hit them, you would be dead!

Ye Han flew for hundreds of miles before he escaped from the collapsed space turbulence.

But this was not completed.

Boom! !

He felt that the passage in this place was still roaring and shaking, and it was constantly tilting, as if it was about to collapse.


What's going on with this ancient tomb? Is it going to collapse?

Ye Han's face was really not good. This wave was not over, and another wave rose again, as if this ancient tomb was too dangerous.

This is harder than going to the third heaven!

No matter what, he still had plenty of time to prepare for the trip to the Third Heaven. He practiced the Vajra Fire God Art and his physical strength was at its peak at that time. The Heavenly Star King also gave him some information about the Third Heaven...

He had heard about this ancient tomb in Zichuan Free City, but the situation he was facing now was completely different.

Is it because he was late? The opportunity treasure of this ancient tomb had been taken away. This thing was going to...

No! !

If it was really too late, why are those weird snow-white figures still here?

Especially who said that this so-called tomb of ancient gods may not be the tomb of an immortal. Is it really the so-called True Immortal Palace? The accidental discovery of this place by immortal cultivators caused the True Immortal Palace to break away from this place?

But what are the treasures sensed by those snow-white personnel, big purple metal hands, and purple tripods?

But now Ye Han doesn't have time to worry about that much, because the entire huge wall is tilting over...


Boom! Boom! ! ! !

Violent roars and vibrations were heard from the boundless huge city wall. The city walls along the way began to crack and collapse, constantly exploding, and the space turbulence was also impacting wantonly...

damn it! Is this tomb of the ancient gods about to collapse?

If he collapses in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he can still be saved. If he collapses in the boundless sea of ​​stars, it will be difficult for him to find an interface to enter! !

Just this time! !

Ouch! ! With a terrifying roar, an ancient tomb beast covered in black and gray flames rushed out of a dilapidated wall. With a pair of scarlet eyes, it glanced towards Ye Han...


The ancient beast from the God's Tomb only glanced at Ye Han, then suddenly ran wildly in one direction...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han couldn't help but have a look of disbelief on his face.

What's going on? Why did this guy run away?

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