Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2378 Do you want to die? !

After all, in the tomb of the ancient gods, the ancient beasts of the tomb of gods look cruel and murderous! ! !

This was especially true for the ancient beast from the Divine Tomb that he encountered just now. As soon as it appeared, it pounced towards him menacingly, as if it wanted to kill him!

If it hadn't been for that mysterious purple metal hand that suddenly descended from the sky and launched an attack.

I am afraid that at this moment, he has already started a thrilling and fierce battle with the ancient beast from the tomb of the gods.

This shows that the ancient beasts in these ancient tombs of gods are definitely bloodthirsty and aggressive.

However, the ancient beast from the God's Tomb in front of him behaved completely differently. Not only did it not take the initiative to attack Ye Han, it even turned around and fled immediately after noticing his presence. Could it be that it was scared away by itself?

But that didn't seem to be the case. Ye Han was keenly aware that the aura exuded by this ancient tomb beast was no different from the one he encountered before.

Moreover, the two are completely different in appearance. The ancient beast from the God's Tomb in front of him has a pair of huge pincers, its pupils are as narrow as knives, and its whole body is covered with sharp long thorns. It looks extremely ferocious and terrifying!

According to common sense, such a powerful and fierce existence should not be afraid of Ye Han. How could he back down so easily?

Could it be that there is something hidden in it...

Suddenly, Ye Han found that the huge walls behind him began to crack and explode in large swaths, shocking the terrifying storm. The space cracks impacted and bombarded in all directions.

Boom! !

Ye Han felt that the overturned and collapsed walls were collapsing more and more violently. Countless huge walls swept by the turbulent storm of space were constantly flying around, and countless bricks and stones were constantly bombarding him like meteors and fire showers.

Flash star chasing! !

Ye Han gritted his teeth and once again used the Shining Star Chaser of the Light Escape Step. His body flashed with beams of white light exploding, and he not only avoided those diamond walls flying around...

We also have to avoid the attack of the space cracks that flicker and impact without any rules...

Boom boom boom! !

Ye Han's figure turned into a beam of white light and kept rushing forward among the chaotic collapsing walls. He followed the direction of the ancient beast from the God's Tomb and pursued it...

This guy ran away after looking at him. It was definitely not because he was afraid of him, but because there must be other dangers threatening his life and safety, so he ran away. This is the instinct of any immortal cultivator, as well as monsters and creatures.

And their other instinct is to flee towards a safe place!

This ancient beast from the God's Tomb must have lived in the Ancient God's Tomb for a long time. It knew where it was safe and where it was dangerous, so it must have escaped towards a safe place.

Ye Han doesn't know anything about the ancient tomb of gods. Ye Han hasn't figured out what happened, let alone where to find a place to stay. Therefore, chasing this ancient beast from the tomb of gods should be the most reliable option at the moment. The method of spectrum.

Ye Han chased after him very quickly. As expected, the ancient beast from the God's Tomb knew the route. He took a look at the forks in these passages and then headed in one direction, instead of running around in a panic.

And this guy also knew that Ye Han was catching up, but he had no intention of attacking Ye Han...

Boom boom boom! !

The six huge claws of the ancient divine tomb beast crawled crazily, leaving behind a series of amazing light blasts on the wall. It rushed out and bypassed hundreds of passages. The sound of collapse behind it became louder and louder. Getting smaller and smaller...


The Divine Tomb Ancient Beast rushed out of this passage and came to a dark space. This space was tens of thousands of feet wide. There were runes of a mysterious ancient tomb inside, covering the huge wall of this space. At the top of this space is a relief...

Whoops! !

Ye Han's body turned into a white beam, followed by the ancient beast from the God's Tomb, and rushed out of the passage. When he saw this huge space, his face condensed. He had already felt that this space had a very powerful confinement. The power has the same power restriction as the light shield of the Ancient God Tomb encountered before! !

After arriving in this huge space, the eyes of the ancient divine tomb beast softened slightly, and its body rolled continuously, and a shocking storm surged...


Ouch! !

The ancient beast from the God's Tomb let out a terrifying roar that shook the heavens and the earth, and stared at Ye Han's figure with an astonishing murderous aura.


Ouch! !

A pair of huge pincers from the Ancient Divine Tomb Beast suddenly struck Ye Han fiercely and pinched him...


The pliers of the ancient divine tomb beast carried an astonishing force of space tearing, and the shock erupted with frightening and terrifying wild power, directly impacting and tearing the sky apart, and it came towards Ye Han's figure. ! !

"You want to die?!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Han shouted disdainfully, and his figure suddenly exploded with bright white light. The white light exploded like a dazzling sun, illuminating the entire huge space...

boom! !

Ye Han's body trembled, white light burst out brightly, and his body transformed into a white light and struck past...

He has already practiced the Dazzling Light Technique with light attribute spiritual roots to a great level.

It's just that in the place where the gravity is astonishing on the third level, it takes a lot to cast a spell, and glare is not a gravity-defying spell, otherwise there is no need to cast it too many times.

But now in this ancient tomb of gods, the gravity is not only normal, but also much weaker than in normal places.

Bang! ! !

With a thunderous explosion, the pincers of the Divine Tomb Beast shook out the boundless and terrifying law power that cut the void at once, and the shock burst out like a terrifying space crack! !

And Ye Han's figure exploded with white light, as if it was directly cut into pieces!


Boom! !

The white light burst out in the air, turning into white sword beams, and turned into thousands of sword beams, bombarding the Divine Tomb Beast in an overwhelming manner!


The Divine Tomb Beast roared, and the brilliant black and gray wild aura on its body burst out, forming a gray light shield to protect its body...

Bang Bang Bang! !

The white light beam attacked the gray light shield like a violent storm, making a thunderous roar and exploding, and a little bit of light burst out, and a ripple and even cracks appeared on it!


Ye Han's figure turned into a white light and rushed through the crack of the gray light shield! !

The Immortal Sword turned into a white light and blasted towards the ancient beast in the God's Tomb...

Is this guy dead? !

At this moment!

Boom! ! !

The entire huge space hall shook and rolled violently. Ye Han's attack and figure were greatly impacted and rolled over...

Damn it! What happened? !

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