Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2394 Are you kidding me?

Suddenly, the white dragon fish roared and shouted: "You are going to kill me, and you still say save me?! Go to hell!!!"

As the white dragon fish roared, the bright white runes on its body continued to burst out, forming circles of earth-shaking silver-white runes swirling around. It opened its mouth and sprayed out more powerful silver-white bubbles, overwhelming the leaves. The cold bombarded the past...

Damn it! ! !

Ye Han did not dare to directly resist these silver-white bubbles. The boundless white light emitted from his figure and he retreated thousands of feet...

The white arowana was chasing after him like crazy, looking completely crazy.


Ye Han suddenly made a gesture with his fingers and shouted: "Be quiet!!"

Buzz! !

Then Ye Han pointed his finger in the direction of the white arowana!

ah! !

Bailongyu felt that the wound he had been hit by Ye Han's Immortal Killing Sword was stinging violently. A terrifying sword intent burst out, and the figure rushing towards Ye Han couldn't help but tremble and stagnated in place. .

She looked down and found that her wounds were filled with terrifying knife intent. She couldn't help but roar: "You damn outsider...!"

Before the white dragon fish could yell angrily, Ye Han interrupted her and said, "You guy, don't you know yet? I want to kill you, and I killed you just now! I'm helping you get this array out!" Without the formation disk, you can leave this hellish place, don’t you want to leave this place?”

When Ye Han spoke, he directly used the soul-suppressing aura of the soul-suppressing magic, which directly shook out a strong shocking aura, which made the white dragon fish tremble and couldn't help but stop! !


Bai Arowana looked at the formation disk in Ye Han's hand with a stunned look on his face, and said blankly: "You...are here to help me?"

This kind of words really surprised him. Ye Han didn't come to kill him for the treasure, but came to save her? I don't even know him.

Ye Han said: "You don't have to doubt me. I want to kill you. I killed you just now. You thought that the magic knife I just attacked directly penetrated your body. As long as I use the knife Can you still save your life if your magical power breaks out?"

As he spoke, he held up the silver formation disk in his hand and said: "You are being used by others. This formation disk has been placed on you. If others don't kill you, can you get this formation disk? Your master is the one who keeps this formation disk on you." You are just a puppet to protect this array! You are so ridiculous that you work hard for him!"

As he said that, Ye Han looked at the white dragon fish with disdain...

Bai Arowana was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and exclaimed: "You are right! Then why did the master put the array disk in my stomach? Can't it be placed somewhere else?"

Ye Han immediately said: "That's right! How many years have you been trapped in this place? I'm here to help you. Of course, I also hope you can help me, so we help each other, but no one betrays the other. , who wants to take advantage of whom.”

Listening to Ye Han's somewhat convoluted and convoluted words, Bai Arowana showed hesitation on her face, but in fact, the surging spiritual white mana on her legs had stopped, and the erected hairs had also fallen down. It looked messy.

The look in Ye Han's eyes became much kinder.

Ye Han immediately followed: "I know you are hesitant, so let me ask you, did your master say that you can't leave this place?"

After listening to Ye Han's words, Bai Arowana thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Master never said that!"

When he said this, Bai Arowana's eyes suddenly lit up, feeling ready to move...

When Ye Han saw the look in the white dragon fish's eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking. Like the Three Swords boy, he was eager to leave this place.

As for what he said, did the owner say not to let the white dragon fish leave this place...

Back then, the White Arowana probably didn't have such high spiritual intelligence and cultivation. Of course, he wouldn't say such a thing to a spiritual pet. So in the White Arowana's opinion, he really didn't say it! !

Ye Han asked again: "Then does your master still ask you to look at this array?"

After hearing this, Bai Arowana shook his head again and couldn't help but said: "The master just put the formation disk in my place back then and didn't say anything else!! But if this formation disk is on my body, I can't leave... !”

Saying this, Bai Arowana's eyes brightened even more, and the look in Ye Han's eyes became grateful...

As Ye Han said, didn't the array he proposed for him really restore his freedom?

Ye Han didn't know what the white dragon fish was thinking, and immediately said: "So, I have helped you take out the array disk like this, and you are free, so have I helped you?!"

Saying that, Ye Han said heartbroken again: "But I also know that I hurt you, and I have a pill that can help you recover and heal!"

Saying that, Ye Han slapped the storage bag, and an eighth-level demon blood elixir flew towards the white dragon fish...

Ye Han only has a few of the eighth-level demon blood spirit pills, and he just gives them to a white dragon fish. If he can really take this guy, he will make a lot of money!

Seeing the demon blood elixir that Ye Han flew over, Bai Arowana's eyes lit up. This elixir gave him a very comfortable feeling. It must be of great benefit to his injuries and cultivation.

The guy in front of me actually gave him such a good elixir and even helped him take out the array disk. He was really his benefactor! !

So, the white dragon fish swallowed the eighth-level demon blood elixir in one gulp, and suddenly circles of amazing blood surged around his body. The wound on his abdomen healed visibly, and he felt much better...

Then, Bai Arowana looked at Ye Han longingly and said, "My benefactor, do you still have this elixir? This will be of great benefit to my injury!!"

Yes, this eighth-level demon blood elixir is made from the flesh and blood of ancient beasts in the integration stage. This is very effective for spiritual beasts like White Dragon Fish, and it will naturally have a great impact on his injuries. Benefits.

But one demon blood elixir was still not enough, so the white dragon fish couldn't help but make demands of Ye Han.

He even felt that if he took enough eighth-level demon blood elixir, his cultivation would be able to break through the current bottleneck!

Ye Han heard this and said with a look of embarrassment: "Fellow Taoist, I only have this one elixir. I worked so hard to find it for you, and I don't have it anymore!"

Seeing the disappointed look on the white dragon fish's face, Ye Han immediately said: "However, I know the method of refining this elixir, but it requires a lot of medicinal materials..."

As he spoke, Ye Han looked at the medicinal materials in the garden and said, "We just need the medicinal materials here!!"

After hearing this, Bai Arowana looked suspicious and said: "Fellow Taoist! Are you lying to me?"

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