Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2395 You have to take me out!

Looking at the white dragon fish who seemed to have reacted, Ye Han looked at her with a half-smile and said, "Then are you willing to be deceived by me?"

Ye Han talked to the white dragon fish for a long time here, and actually found that the white dragon fish was not as stupid as the three sword boys. He pretended to be stupid for a long time with him, but he actually had the same purpose as the three sword boys.

That is, he hoped that Ye Han could take her away from this place and survive...

After all, even if she killed Ye Han and saved this small garden, this place would soon collapse, and she would be abandoned with this place and thrown into this now?

The white dragon fish looked at Ye Han's expression, nodded and said, "You are my only chance to survive, of course I am willing to let you deceive me!"

Yes, the white dragon fish actually knew that the only one who could save her life now was Ye Han.

Ye Han was also a wise man. He knew that the White Dragon Fish, like the Three Sword Boys, knew that if the True Immortal Palace flew away like this, the area they were in would definitely be abandoned, and the Divine Sword Hall where the Three Sword Boys were would be gone.

The White Dragon Fish also reacted and was persuaded by him. Otherwise, without such a threat, it would be so difficult for the White Dragon Fish to convince the Three Sword Boys!

After listening to the White Dragon Fish, Ye Han nodded and said, "Since you are a wise man, how about you tell me how to drive this formation?"

Yes, the reason why Ye Han took the formation plate from the White Dragon Fish and talked to the White Dragon Fish for so long was not just to subdue this guy, but because when the formation plate appeared, he found that the rune formation on the formation plate was very complicated. With his level of formation, he could not completely analyze and drive this formation.

This small garden should not be the core area of ​​the True Immortal Palace, but it would be abandoned and collapsed by the True Immortal Palace at any time.

How could he have the time to study and comprehend this array slowly here? Maybe by the time he figured out the method to drive this array, this small garden would have collapsed long ago. It was a waste of time!

That's why Ye Han said, I'm here to help you, and you have to help me too!

After hearing this, the white dragon fish immediately said to Ye Han: "In fact, to drive this array, you are in the position in front of the kan, you drive the mana, then enter the spirit gate, and then drive the hexagram spirit position...!"

Following the guidance of the white dragon fish, Ye Han looked at the extremely complex array with his consciousness, and found the position pointed by the white dragon fish from the array and the pattern, and drove it step by step...

When Ye Han mastered the method to drive this array, sweat broke out on his forehead.

The power of the law contained in this array, the array matrix, is definitely not something that ordinary cultivators under the fusion stage can arrange. Even with the guidance of the white dragon fish, Ye Han spent a lot of time to drive it.

Drive with this array!

Buzz! ! !

A suffocating rune aura was constantly integrated into the formation. It was not enough that Ye Han's mana was drained away at once...

This thing consumes so much mana?

Ye Han's face changed, and he immediately drove the purple cauldron to release its aura. In addition to instantly restoring his mana, he also released the pills in his stomach, allowing the purple cauldron to continuously absorb the aura...

Buzz buzz buzz! !

After the entire formation disk was really driven, Ye Han's purple cauldron aura was sucked away by more than half of his mana, and the pills in his stomach were all consumed, and then it was driven...

This is really too mana-consuming.

It is equivalent to Ye Han using the Absolute Cold Sword with all his strength. If the medicinal materials in this small garden are not enough, he will lose a lot! !

However, the formation disk was finally driven, and a series of dazzling formation light columns burst out of the formation disk, rushing up into the sky...

Bang! !

An amazing light explosion ripple exploded in the air. As this array light column impacted, a strange and mysterious rune aura shattered and scattered over the sky of the entire small garden!

When Bai Longyu saw this scene, he looked at Ye Han in surprise, his eyes became frightened. Bai Longyu knew how much mana was needed to drive this array. If he wanted to drive it, he would have to burn half of his lifespan to drive it.

This is also the reason why he was unwilling to help Ye Han drive the array, but instructed Ye Han to drive it himself...

I really didn't expect Ye Han to be able to drive this array by himself! This cultivation is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface! !

And as the light column of the array rose to the sky, the array restriction of the entire small garden was really unlocked...

When the array restriction was unlocked, the spiritual energy and medicinal fragrance of the entire small garden burst out in an instant, filling the entire world! !

Ye Han said to Bai Longyu: "Daoyou Bai Longyu, help me collect the herbs...!"

As he spoke, Ye Han pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and purple runes surged out, releasing his clone, Fairy Bai, and dozens of puppets.

Although this place was called a small garden by the Three Sword Boys, it was not small. It was hundreds of miles wide, and there were rare herbs everywhere. Although it was mainly for viewing, it was a good thing that could only be encountered in other places, so it was naturally not wasted.

He had consumed so much mana, elixirs, and purple tripod aura, and all these things were included in his purple tripod space, which was a big loss.

After listening to Ye Han's words, Bai Longyu looked at Ye Han's clone, then at his puppets, and gritted his teeth and replied: "Okay! Daoist friend, I will help you! But it's agreed that you have to take me out!!"

"No problem!!"

As Ye Han and Bai Longyu talked, everyone separated and began to frantically dig out the medicinal materials and treasures in this small garden...

This place is not a medicine garden, but these ornamental medicinal materials are extremely rare treasures with extraordinary value. If they are collected, not only can his purple cauldron space give birth to more heaven and earth spiritual energy, but also refine many higher-level elixirs, and there will be enough medicinal materials...

On the other hand, Ye Han was not polite to Bai Longyu and moved the entire spirit pool into his purple cauldron space. After all, it can give birth to a spiritual creature like Bai Longyu. This spirit pool is naturally a good thing, and of course it cannot be let go.

It took less than an hour for Ye Han and many puppets, Bai Longyu, to empty the entire small garden.

Looking at the empty little garden, Bai Longyu looked lonely. After all, this was the place where she had lived and cultivated for so many years, but now it had become like this.

Ye Han looked at her and said, "Bai Longyu, we have to go! If you want me to take you away, you'd better go to my secret space!"

After hearing this, Bai Longyu's eyes moved, and there was a strange look...

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