Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2397: Meeting the Guardian Spirit of the Asgard Again

No wonder Ye Han was so shocked!!!

Because at this moment he clearly felt that an extremely amazing and familiar breath was coming from the front continuously!!!

This breath came from the fire attribute fairy palace guardian spirit who had attacked him before!!!

Accompanied by heavy breathing, Ye Han rushed out of the space channel! Before his figure completely stopped, he felt an extremely hot fire attribute heaven and earth aura!!!

It was like being in a furnace!!!

What's going on? !!!

When he saw the surrounding environment clearly, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air!!!

He found himself in a vast and boundless, unimaginable world, and the place under his feet was full of hot fire, and the hot red magma flowed out of the dark cracks of the mountain peaks!!!

In the center of this strange space, there was a huge circular magma lake, and the lake surface was churning with rolling heat waves, as if to swallow everything up.

And right in the center of this magma lake, Ye Han caught a glimpse of the figure of the fire-attributed fairy palace guardian spirit!

It was indeed that guy! ! !

In an instant, Ye Han shuddered in his heart, and was deeply afraid of the extremely terrifying magical power of this enemy. He immediately sent an urgent message to the Three Swords Boy without hesitation: "Three Swords confidant, the situation is not good, I met the fairy palace guardian spirit!"

The Three Swords Boy was shocked when he heard this, and shouted: "This is impossible! How could these guys break into the inner palace? Once you meet them, run away!!!"

In fact, without the Three Swords Boy's reminder, Ye Han knew in his heart that there was no other way except to run away at this moment!

I saw that the fairy palace guardian spirit's eyes suddenly burst into a heart-pounding red light, and the corners of his mouth showed a contemptuous smile, and shouted angrily: "Another guy who doesn't know how to live or die has come!!"

As the voice fell.

Buzz! ! A low roar sounded, and the guardian spirit of the Fairy Palace quickly pinched the magic formula with his fingers. In an instant, circles of eerie, suffocating fire-attributed magic began to swirl and dance around his fingertips, emitting a destructive and terrifying heat wave. This heat wave was like a surging sea wave, instantly sweeping across a radius of hundreds of miles. Even the extremely hard lava crust trembled violently under the shaking of this powerful force...

Boom boom boom! ! !

Immediately afterwards, a series of deafening noises came, and huge pillars of flame magma gushed out from the ground like a volcanic eruption!

Boom boom boom! !

Under the traction of the driving spell cast by the guardian spirit of the Fairy Palace, these pillars of flame magma gathered into powerful pillars of flame, carrying the scorching flame space breath, and continuously poured into the body of the guardian spirit of the Fairy Palace! !

In the blink of an eye! ! !

Boom! !

A terrifying fire attribute law power has already condensed in front of the finger that the guardian spirit of the palace stretched out. This power seems to have life, rolling and surging at his fingertips, and finally bursts, forming a dazzling flame ball like the scorching sun.

At this moment, the entire world within a radius of hundreds of miles is shrouded in endless blazing flames, as if in a sea of ​​purgatory...


The guardian spirit of the palace stared at Ye Han's figure, and his soul had locked onto his figure. With a finger, the hot flame ball, which was only the size of a fist, turned into a beam of flame and bombarded in his direction!


This ball of flame passed through the entire void in an instant, as if it had teleported, and the space was bombarded with a terrible flame ripple!

In an instant, Ye Han felt this extremely dangerous heat, and felt it rushing towards his figure...

Boom boom boom!!!

Flash chasing stars!!!

A series of white light storms burst out from Ye Han's body, and white light phantoms burst out in the void...


Ye Han did not feel that he had dodged this flame ball!

On the contrary! !

Boom! ! !

He felt an extremely dangerous feeling. Wasn't he able to dodge it?

There was a roar that shook the earth, and the boundless brilliant flames burst out in the sky in an instant. The area within hundreds of miles was like the scorching sun bursting, and a terrifying and dazzling flame burst of hundreds of miles was burst out!

Boom boom boom boom! !

The huge flame burst, burst out a series of suffocating and terrifying cracks, and the hot power of the law of fire emerged, rippling and impacting wildly in the space...

The sky and void within hundreds of miles were blown out, with countless grooves and cracks...

Was Ye Han killed by the magic of this terrible fairy palace guardian spirit in an instant?

Of course not! !

Hundreds of miles away! !

Boom! !

Ye Han's body rolled out, like a fire meteor, and was blown away...

Boom boom boom!!

Ye Han's body was accompanied by terrible flames, and his body rushed out repeatedly, bombarding the peaks that were constantly spewing out molten lava. The peaks were exploded by the impact, and countless huge rocks were shattered and rushed towards the sky and the ground, and the molten lava flew everywhere...


Ye Han felt that he had hit a huge mountain, and his body was repelled, and then he stopped!!

Ye Han's body was covered with blazing flame runes, which were runes of the Immortal Spirit Fire, Hurricane Fire, and Purple Cloud Fire!!

The three flame runes burst out at once, because Ye Han performed the Fire Escape Technique the moment he was attacked by the terrifying flame spell of the Immortal Palace Guardian Spirit!!

He escaped along the terrifying fire spirit in this magical space!!

Otherwise, if he really took the blow from the Immortal Palace Guardian Spirit, he would be seriously injured if not dead!!

And entered this ancient tomb of the gods... No! It should be the True Immortal Palace!!

Before entering the True Immortal Palace, Ye Han encountered the Immortal Palace Guardian Spirit twice. The two attacks made him deeply feel the horror of the Immortal Palace Guardian Spirit!!

If he stepped into the True Immortal Palace to seek opportunities, he would most likely encounter those extremely terrifying beings in the future.

At that time, facing such a powerful enemy, how should he deal with it? When he was in a desperate situation with no way out, how could he save his life? Even more, was there any way to defeat them?

After much thought, he finally thought of a possible strategy: since the guardian spirits of the Asgard had very single attributes, he could try to use spell attributes that were the same as or opposite to the other party to resist their attacks.

In this way, the damage received could be reduced to a great extent.

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