Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2398: Another Battle with the Guardian Spirit of the Asgard

Why did Ye Han make such a judgment? Because he had encountered several starry sky guardian spirits, and he had discovered that each of these fairy palace guardian spirits had a single attribute.

What does this mean?

The fairy palace guardian spirits he encountered had only one attribute root, such as the fairy palace guardian spirit now, which had a fire attribute root root, and only had spells and attacks of the fire attribute root!

It's just that these guys have already exploded the single attribute spells to the extreme, and can mobilize single attribute spells, which can cause extremely terrifying attribute spells to the surrounding environment.

For example, this place should not have been such a magma land before, but the influence of the fairy palace guardian spirit's own skills on this place, directly turning all the heaven and earth aura in this space into fire attribute heaven and earth aura.

So when Ye Han entered this place, he felt that there was such a terrifying fire attribute aura here!

As long as it is a single attribute, there is a way to restrain it! !

You can also cast the same attribute spell! !

For example, if Ye Han also casts a fire attribute spell, he can protect himself from stronger spell damage! !

That’s why Ye Han used the Fire Escape Technique to escape. Although he successfully saved his life...

However, the aura of the Immortal Palace would cause chaos in the normal magic matrix. Ye Han was still hit by a terrible impact and was blown away. If he hadn’t possessed the strange fire to resist the invasion of the fire attribute and blocked most of the invasion of the fire attribute law power, he would have been seriously injured now! !

And at this time.

The Three Swords Boy shouted to Ye Han: "Friend Ye Han, this guy must have come in to chase someone else. As long as you enter the deep palace, the ban can stop this guy!!"

Ye Han immediately asked: "Where to enter the deep palace?"

The Three Swords Boy hesitated and said: "This... I don’t know where you are now, because this place has been messed up by him, and I don’t know either!!"

"Then what the hell are you talking about!!!"

Ye Han couldn’t help cursing after hearing this. What’s the use of the Three Swords Boy saying these useless things at this time? !

At this time! !


A ball of amazing flames burst out not far in front of Ye Han...


The guardian spirit of the Immortal Palace was surrounded by scorching red flames, and its body shook with terrible waves of flames, and suddenly there was a terrifying and extremely hot aura around it!!!

Boom boom boom!!!

The surrounding lava instantly burst out with hot flames, and rushed out with suffocating flames!!!

It was as if the whole world was about to burn at this time!!!

In an instant!!!


The guardian spirit of the Immortal Palace showed a trace of disdain in his eyes, and circles of terrifying and amazing red runes burst out from his palms, forming two scorching and boundless terrifying red light sword lights...

"Those who break into the Immortal Palace! Die!"

The guardian spirit of the Immortal Palace shouted angrily, and a terrible and suffocating red light aura burst out from his body in an instant, turning into two terrible light explosions, flames and sword lights.

The fire attribute of the Fairy Palace within a radius of hundreds of miles rushed into the red flame knife light...

The flame knife light turned into a huge size and slashed towards Ye Han's figure! !

Damn it! ! Don't think you have no weaknesses! !

Ye Han looked at the disdainful look of the Fairy Palace guardian spirit and was very angry. Besides, he had nowhere to escape...

The Absolute Cold Sword! ! !

In an instant, Ye Han slapped his storage bag, and a cold and suffocating cold storm flew out with Ye Han's storage bag.

The Absolute Cold Sword burst out with a dazzling and boundless terrifying cold air, which instantly filled the originally extremely hot space of heaven and earth with a terrible cold air rushing out! !

Buzz! ! !

Sword Emperor Sword Technique! ! !

Ye Han held the Absolute Cold Sword and instantly released two sharp and boundless icy sword beams, which turned into a huge size and blasted towards the flame blade beams blasted out by the guardian spirit of the Immortal Palace! ! !

In an instant!

The icy sword beams collided with the terrifying flame blade beams, and two completely opposite terrifying auras collided! ! !

It caused a special strange collision and explosion!

Bang! ! !

I saw the icy sword beams and the flame blade beams collided with each other in an instant, constantly canceling each other out, and it felt like they were evenly matched? !

No! ! !

At this time, the God and Demon Hand on Ye Han’s right hand burst out with brilliant golden light and magic, and the sword intent burst out...

Bang! ! !

The terrifying icy sword energy that burst out from the Absolute Cold Sword, along with the burst of Ye Han’s breath, spread from his body, and wherever it passed, the originally extremely hot flame magma was instantly frozen into ice...

Crack, crack, crack! ! !

Endless icicles spread out, and the area of ​​hundreds of miles was instantly transformed into an ice world! !

Buzz buzz buzz! !

The two purple tripods in Ye Han's sea of ​​consciousness madly input breath, constantly injected into Ye Han's body, replenishing the mana that continued to surge and burst out with boundless icy breath...

Although the flame blade of the Immortal Palace Guardian Spirit still resisted the sword light, the entire world of molten flames had been completely frozen into icicles! !

Suddenly! !

"Damn it!!"

The Immortal Palace Guardian Spirit shuddered rarely, with a trace of horror in his eyes, and his hands pinched the seal and chanted a spell, and boundless hot and suffocating flame runes burst out of his body! !

Boom boom boom boom! !

The body of the guardian spirit of the Immortal Palace exploded with terrifying flames and balls, which rushed towards the icy land in all directions! !

Bang Bang Bang! !

The continuous burst of hot red flames blasted out, and the ice on the ground was blasted out with huge flame holes of ten thousand feet in size, which actually injected the extremely cold icy land with fire attribute mana and burned it! !

But will it work?

Ye Han's figure trembled again, and an even more terrifying icy breath burst out. The Absolute Cold Sword in his hand shocked out boundless terrifying sword intent! !


With Ye Han's terrifying roar, the brilliant sword intent burst out from the Absolute Cold Sword, turning into a terrifying ice giant sword of ten thousand feet in size, which directly crushed the world and blasted down towards the head of the guardian spirit of the Immortal Palace!

Boom boom boom! !

The terrifying and suffocating icy sword intent burst out, and the entire hot space was no longer filled with flame spirit. It was directly crushed by the boundless storm, and the sword intent bombarded the Immortal Palace Guardian Spirit! !

Bang! ! !

The Immortal Palace Guardian Spirit was bombarded by the Absolute Cold Sword, and the whole body rushed out like a fire meteor, constantly hitting the ice on the ground, and the body was hit by a piece of ice! !

This is impossible! ! !

The Immortal Palace Guardian Spirit's eyes were full of horror. He didn't expect Ye Han to be able to hit him? !

"No! Listen to me!!" The Immortal Palace Guardian Spirit roared at Ye Han!

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