Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2448 A Breath

In a world filled with spiritual light, huge white pillars thousands of feet in diameter were standing on top of a huge white cave roof.

The gray air of Lord Bitian surged, and circles of mysterious runes surged around his body, sucking in the spiritual light around him...


Boom! !

The entire huge space area was shaking violently at this time, and the boundless storm ripples were twisting and surging, heading in one direction...

Feeling this astonishing movement, Lord Bitian's aura trembled suddenly, and a circle of rune aura was shocked.

"Huh? Is that kid going to succeed?"

Lord Bitian's tone was full of incredible feeling, and he couldn't help but speak.

"This Ye Han's talent cultivation body is almost perfect, without any flaws. It is usually more difficult and troublesome for this kind of guy to combine the soul, soul, soul, soul, soul, and body with his body."

"I didn't expect this guy to be able to successfully merge? I finally have some hope...the peerless fairy treasure of Dameng Fairy Palace...!"

As he said this, a series of strange tremors came from the aura of Lord Bitian, obviously very excited.

Just at this time.

Boom! !

The entire Thousand Layer Spiritual Tower suddenly heard a series of astonishing roars and vibrations, but I don’t know how high it is outside the spiritual tower...

Boom! !

Boundless thunder roared, boundless light explosions and lightning surged, and boundless thundercloud vortices began to gather in a radius of tens of thousands of miles...

Heavenly catastrophe! ! ! formed! !

Lord Bitian sensed this situation and said to himself: "This is the most critical time. We must succeed in overcoming the tribulation. Anyway, let's help this guy again to avoid capsizing in the gutter."

As he spoke, the gray light of Lord Bitian surged and flew away rapidly in one direction...

And the sky and earth outside were covered with dark clouds, shaking out, boundless roars and explosions, and the sky was filled with boundless thunderclouds and storms! ! !

In the boundless sea of ​​stars! !

The huge Dream Palace is stagnant in the void, advancing slowly, and the speed of advancement is almost negligible, as if it is stagnant in the void! !


Boom! ! !

A black cloud of thunder began to surge over the entire Great Dream Palace, and blood-red electric light surged in it...

This blood-red black cloud of thunder rolled up and expanded continuously, from hundreds of miles to tens of thousands of miles...

And it continues to expand.

And in the boundless thundercloud storm!

boom! boom! boom! boom! !

There were extremely violent roars and vibrations, as if something extremely heavy was moving in this area.

I saw that a purple metal giant that was thousands of miles in size, swinging its huge fist and frantically bombarding a huge rock cavity that was sunken for an unknown number of kilometers in the Great Dream Palace.

With the crazy attack of the huge purple metal giant, the entire big hole collapsed and exploded faster and faster...

While the purple metal giant was bombarding wildly, he was cursing: "Damn it!! Damn Lord Bitian! He must be up to something...!"

"I must take revenge this time...!"

Following the crazy cursing of this metal giant, the huge fist attacked the ground, and the concussion created a boundless space storm, which was very scary...


Under a huge mountain peak in the Great Dream Palace, a large area of ​​astonishing spiritual light surged...

Immortal Zichuan rushed quickly on this extremely rugged hillside, grabbing a fiery red radiant treasure in his hand, with a look of excitement on his face.

I really didn’t expect that I actually got the legendary Sun Spirit Fruit here. If I take it, there is a great possibility that I can break through the current bottleneck of cultivation and become a cultivation in the later stage of integration! !

That's great……

But this time!

Boom! Boom! !

There was an earth-shaking roar, and two huge monsters were seen. Each one seemed to be a hundred miles in size. They were crushed by the impact, and the boundless storm chased towards his figure! !

Damn it! He caught up so quickly again.

Why are there so many powerful ancient monsters and demigods in this damn place! ! !

Immortal Zichuan cursed with an ugly look on his face, his body suddenly vibrated and a horrifying mana blast shot out, and an astonishing wing-like mana aura suddenly appeared on his feet...

Boom boom boom...

Immortal Zichuan's body was shocked by a circle of astonishing rune aura, which turned directly into an astonishing and suffocating storm, and quickly flew away into the distance, disappearing in the distance after a few tremors.

Damn it, this hellish place is getting harder and harder to live in!

However, as long as you can take out these good things you got, you will have a chance to achieve greatness!

Believe in your own luck! !

Immortal Zichuan's eyes were full of determination, and his speed suddenly increased again, rushing forward quickly...

Boom! ! ! !

There was an extremely shocking blood-red thunder, as if it crushed the entire world. The impact crushed it, and everywhere it passed, the world was bombarded at this moment. Countless cracked electric lights spread...

He bombarded a hundred-mile-large Vajra body that was trembling with golden runes, twisting and vibrating into boundless red flames! !

Ah! ! !

The terrifying Vajra body let out a roar that shook the world, raised the Thunder Five Elements Golden Cudgel in his hand, and blasted out a terrifying storm of space ripples, shocking thousands of strong winds and waves, and crushing out boundless waves to rush up! !

In an instant! ! !

Boom! ! !

A boundless blood light explosion that shook the world broke out, and the thundercloud storm in the sky continued to explode in all directions!

The extremely huge blood-red lightning crushed and rushed down, and was resisted and flew out at once, and rushed towards the sky...

And in the sky was an extremely huge and terrifying face overlooking the whole world, with horns on the head and blood-red thunderclouds and lightning. The terrifying demon-like face was composed of lightning...

This demon-like face was hundreds of thousands of miles wide, and the whole sky was filled with terrifying and suffocating thunderclouds and storms.

Boom! ! !

The extremely huge blood-red lightning was knocked back by the Thunder Five Elements Golden Cudgel...


The terrible lightning exploded and directly hit the huge face of the devil.

The whole sky was constantly exploding with endless blood-red lightning, shaking the whole world at this time!

And in the terrible lightning, a spiritual light penetrated down, bringing a little light to the boundless dark world...

Ye Han looked at this breath in surprise, did it succeed?

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