Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2449 Successfully advanced to fusion

Buzz buzz buzz!!

As the whole world surged, the terrifying suffocating storm thunder and lightning continued to surge and burst out, shaking the whole world. The distorted fluctuations of space filled the entire void with ripples.

This aura of spiritual light was indeed not affected at all.

As this amazing aura of spiritual light continued to flow into Ye Han's body, Ye Han now surged with mana, a mysterious aura that continued to expand and surge at this moment...

His soul, Yuanying, body, and five elements of spiritual roots all began to merge rapidly under the expansion of this mysterious aura. The ancient dragon aura, star power, and blood soul power that he had cultivated all began to merge together in a very orderly manner...

In some of the books and experiences of high-level cultivators that Ye Han had read, it was mentioned that when a cultivator advances to the fusion stage and completes the best state of unity between the body and the soul, that is the perfect body and soul state that a true cultivator should have.

Although Ye Han's cultivation, soul, consciousness, and body have surpassed those of ordinary cultivators in the fusion stage when he reached the Great Perfection of the Refining Void Stage.

However, it is not a completely integrated state of the fusion stage. If he encounters a fusion system with powerful magical power, treasures, and mana, Ye Han will still suffer a loss in a real fight.

However, Ye Han's greatest advantage is not his cultivation or magical power, but his mysterious purple tripod that can restore his mana and enhance his cultivation at any time...

This is Ye Han's greatest advantage. From the moment he stepped into the world of cultivation, it was because of this mysterious and strange purple tripod that he was able to reach such a level of cultivation today.

However, if he loses the purple tripod one day and faces a cultivator of the same level, Ye Han's current magical power cultivation is still no match, but it is different when he is one level higher.

It can be said that the purple tripod is the fundamental reason why he can cross the boundary and defeat the powerful opponents of high-level cultivators.

Now it is different.

Once Ye Han advances to the fusion stage, his most powerful soul cultivation. Mana. Yuanying and the physical body can all be perfectly combined into one. If such a strongest existence is combined into one, it will definitely surpass the cultivators of the same level. Even without the help of the purple tripod, it is very normal to kill enemies of higher levels.

Not bad.

Although Ye Han only got the fire attribute spirit beads and wood attribute spirit beads of the guardian spirit of the fairy palace, he still used these spirit beads as a gap to successfully make his five elements spirit roots and other attribute spirit roots no longer restless and stabilized.

The key point is that the purple tripod also played a great role, especially the yin and yang fruit of Ye Tianyu's purple tripod matured, which played a great role.

It was the maturity of the yin and yang fruit that played a great role with the fire attribute spirit beads and wood attribute spirit beads of the guardian spirit of the fairy palace, allowing the chaos of its five elements spirit roots and the chaos of other soul attributes to be basically integrated. With this basic integration, he caught the opportunity to advance to the fusion period.

Although it was just a slight opportunity, Ye Han still seized it and directly triggered the terrible heavenly tribulation of the advanced fusion stage...

The power of this heavenly tribulation was far more terrible than any heavenly tribulation he had experienced in the past...

However, Ye Han had been bombarded by the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder for two hundred years. As the Lord of the Blue Sky said, his physical body and mana resistance ability had greatly improved.

In addition, there were enough natural treasures and purple tripods to restore mana, so the difficulty of this heavenly tribulation was not too great...

And this spiritual light that fell from the depths of the dark clouds of the heavenly tribulation looked illusory, but it was the aura of the heavenly way that successfully passed the tribulation.

That means that Ye Han really succeeded in passing the tribulation and became a cultivator in the fusion stage...

Ye Han felt the surging and earth-shaking mana cultivation of the fusion stage surging out of his body...

He felt that he had never been so powerful before, and his body was full of comfort. The damaged meridians, lost life span, physical aura, and soul were all restored at this moment...

At this moment! !

Boom! !

A series of earth-shaking vibrations shook the sky, and the blood-red thunder clouds began to gradually dissipate. The huge demon-like heavenly tribulation shook in the boundless surge...

It began to disintegrate in all directions.

The lotus flower under Ye Han's seat had already withered, and the white lotus leaves in the spirit pool had disappeared. The true immortal spirit of the entire spirit platform was already very scarce at this time...

Ye Han was also successful to the extreme. If he could not break through this heavenly tribulation realm, in a few days, the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here, or the liquid of the lotus flower, would have completely withered, and naturally he would have lost this opportunity.

However, no matter how much suffering he had gone through, he had already successfully advanced and felt this powerful suffocating force, but his life span did not increase, but was reduced by a thousand years...

This was the result of using the secret method of the anti-heavenly way to break through the barrier, which basically consumed his life span, blood, soul, and magic power to break through the barrier.

The blood, spirit, magic power, and cultivation can all be restored by the purple cauldron absorbing natural treasures and elixirs to make up for the loss.

However, the life span can only be restored slowly as the purple cauldron recovers.

This loss of one thousand years is also a very ideal result. This is the result achieved by Ye Han using the Purple Cauldron to restore a lot of lifespan, deliberately weakening the absorption of his support by the Against Heaven Dao, and increasing the output in other aspects.

However, if Ye Xingjin is now in the Fusion Stage, he feels that he is still quite weak and has not reached the ideal state of the Fusion Stage cultivator.

Of course, whether it is using the Against Heaven Dao secret method or resisting the consumption of the heavenly tribulation, it has indeed caused a lot of damage to Ye Han's cultivation strength, and it has also backfired a lot of damage. It is not easy to recover.

Ye Han did not walk around. He slapped his storage bag and seven or eight pill bottles flew out. He poured them into his mouth and let the purple cauldron absorb the pills, restore the purple cauldron's aura, and replenish Ye Han's body. Ye Han felt that as his cultivation level advanced, the purple cauldron also improved a lot. The aura of restoring mana, cultivation, body and soul was very stable...

And the many treasures he released to resist the combined heavenly tribulation, such as the Fantian Pagoda, the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop Stick, the Immortal Slaying Sword, etc., also spun and flew back to Ye Han's body.

However, Ye Han just began to prepare to recover his injured cultivation...

The words of the Lord of the Blue Sky came in: "Ye Han! Successfully advanced? Come out quickly! We have to move on!"

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