Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2487: The God of the Day is in a Difficult Position

Whoops! !

As a piece of golden and silver rune aura trembled, ripples in space rippled out in a mysterious teleportation formation...

Ye Han's figure appeared in this formation as the space fluctuated.


As soon as Ye Han appeared, he opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood!

The God Lord was really terrible that day. He was worthy of being a powerful being in the Mahayana period, with endless means and treasures...

If he makes a decisive decision to use the body of evil spirit, risking to avoid the attack of the terrifying bloody sword light, and also uses the starry sky positioning teleportation talisman given to him by Lord Bitian to escape...

That was what Ye Han had sensed. If he used treasures to defend himself, or used teleportation to dodge the blow!

Then, the starry sky positioning teleportation talisman he was using was interrupted, and the teleportation talisman would definitely lose its effect.

Then you have fallen into the treacherous plot of the abominable One-Day God Lord.

This guy is really too cunning. The power of that bloody sword light is not very terrifying, but it is enough to ruin Ye Han's teleportation escape plan.

In other words, if Ye Han didn't use his ghost body to withstand the sword, only any other magical treasure would interrupt the transmission.

Ye Han is already at the end of his strength and is no match for the God of One Day. When the time comes, he will definitely no longer be his match.

It can be said that at the first time, both Ye Han and Yitian Shenjun adopted the most appropriate method...

But one day, the Lord God did not expect that at such a critical juncture, Ye Han actually had magical powers that could withstand his fatal attack! !

However, Ye Han was also seriously injured. The bloody sword light blasted through the void. Although it penetrated the body of the evil ghost, it still hurt his physical body, leaving his blood in the air. The loss is huge in an instant...

It hasn't hit his physical body yet, but it's equivalent to hitting him with a sword, but it hasn't interrupted the process of Xinghai's positioning and transmission.

Ye Han's face turned pale, and he immediately activated the Purple Cauldron's aura to recover and heal his wounds. This was really a sin...

The pill trophies from killing Immortal Zichuan and channeling the flying dragon beasts in Damengxian Palace have actually been used up.

And that’s not counting his own treasures of elixirs and materials!

If he continues to be chased by the God of One Day, he will definitely not be able to resist it. Although Ziding is powerful, if there are not enough elixirs to continuously replenish Ziding's aura, the effect will not be that great.

And this time...

"Ye Han! Hurry! Leave now! The Lord of Gods must have teleported back to the God Realm that day, and he will definitely come to hunt us down!"

Lord Bitian shouted to Ye Han in an urgent voice.

"Leave the formation and fly towards the northwest Xinghai area!!"

After listening to the words of Lord Bitian, Ye Han did not dare to stop. Thinking about it, if this world of gods is the territory of Lord Bitian, then he must have the super teleportation talisman sent back...

If he can teleport back, so can the Lord of Heaven that day, but their positions should be different.

Immediately, Ye Han turned into an astonishing ray of light and flew out of the teleportation array, rushing out of the area. It turned out that the teleportation array was inside a huge meteorite...

When Ye Han just flew out of this huge meteorite.

He immediately sensed that the terrifying soul-locking secret technique of Yitian Shenjun found his figure again...

It may be more than 10 million miles away from his location!

This bastard, Yitian Shenjun, is so unwilling to forgive! !

Ye Han's face turned black. He gritted his teeth and continuously used the Thunder Escape Technique. He directed a series of purple-gold arcs in the direction directed by Lord Bitian, and flew away with light...

The other side!

Hoo ho ho! ! !

That day, a terrifying storm of black energy and electric light shocked the Divine Lord, and it suddenly broke out of the barrier of the Heavenly Spirit Realm...

Rushing out of the boundless sea of ​​​​stars, the bloody runes in his hands were constantly vibrating out runes...


How could that damn boy from the immortal tribe in the Fusion stage have such amazing magic power?

One day, the eyes of the God King turned green. He was a powerful person in the Mahayana stage, and he had already used many methods to restore his mana. He had used more than half of the elixirs and the aura mana in the secret space...

I also used many secret magic treasures, but I still haven’t caught that damn guy...

This consumption is huge and immeasurable!

Maybe fighting with a powerful person of the same level as Mahayana wouldn't cost so much!

This makes it difficult for Yitian Shenjun to ride a tiger. If he can't catch this damn Ye Han, he won't be able to seize the treasures on his body and the immortal treasure of Dameng Xiangong...

Then he has lost so many treasures and resources in vain that it will be difficult to recover them for thousands of years! !

Especially the long-distance teleportation talisman, the value of that talisman is great, it is not an ordinary treasure!

We must catch that damn bastard!

One day, Shenjun's eyes turned green, his body speed exploded, and he chased Ye Han in the direction where he was escaping! !

Um! !

Does that guy want to go to the infinite black hole? !

After chasing him for a million miles, Shenjun realized one day that something was wrong. Judging from the direction Ye Han fled and the position of teleportation, this guy actually escaped in the direction of the boundless black hole...

hateful! Who is helping that bastard?

One day, the Lord God immediately realized that Ye Han must be a cultivator from the Immortal Clan in the Heavenly Spirit Realm...

It is impossible for those who have been to the God Realm to know that there is a huge and infinite black hole near the God Realm.

That place is very special. Once the immortal cultivator is sucked in, if he can withstand the terrifying power of the space black hole inside, he can escape to the star sea area outside the black hole.

The point is!

The huge space of a black hole is so vast that once it is sucked in and transported out, the location is vast, and the flight distance that may last for thousands of years is relatively short...

There is even another possibility of being teleported to a very dangerous place...

No cultivator knows exactly where it will be teleported, because the cultivators who entered through this black hole have never come back.

We must not let that guy escape to that place!


That guy is only in the integration stage. Even if he has an immortal treasure on him, Ye Han's cultivation level cannot possibly exert more than half of the power of the immortal treasure and withstand the space power of the boundless black hole...

What on earth does this guy want to do? Is it a trap? Or do you have other plans?

The Lord Shen was thinking this way this day, but he hesitated a little, and his Taoist heart also became unstable...

After all, he had been chasing Ye Han for so long and had used all kinds of methods. Not only did he not take advantage of him, but he also felt like he was being tricked by someone in the integration period. How could he calm down?

Because he has reached his limit now! !

Otherwise, use the magical power of Wanli Soul Kill again? !

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