Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2488 It’s too unbelievable

However, Yitian God gave up the idea as soon as he had it. If it was before, he could still use the magical power of Wanli Soul Killing again at the cost of his cultivation and lifespan...

But now it is no longer possible. His mana consumption is huge, and he has used several extremely consuming magic spells in succession, especially the last attack of the Blood Evil Sword Light, which directly consumed his blood and lifespan, and almost triggered the heavenly tribulation again.

If the heavenly tribulation is triggered again this time, he will not be able to use the magical power of stealing the sky and changing the day to avoid it again! !

Damn bastard! !

Yitian God now hates Ye Han very much. Such a difficult guy in the fusion stage is still too rare...

However, it also proves that Ye Han definitely has a very rare and heaven-defying treasure. Otherwise, how could he be so difficult to deal with? !

In fact, now Tiandi Lord is in a dilemma. If he cannot catch Ye Han, and seize the opportunity treasures on him, it will be a huge loss! !

He must catch that damn abominable bastard! !

Tiandi Lord's body emits circles of suffocating blood, and a demon-like figure appears on his body, constantly exploding and bursting out terrible escape light, accelerating forward...

Boom boom boom! ! !

Ye Han's body constantly releases purple-gold arcs, and in the boundless sea of ​​stars, purple-gold arcs flash rapidly and burst, constantly moving forward!

He can feel that as his figure continues to sprint forward, he has already felt that as he moves forward, he gradually feels that the pulling force coming from the front is getting stronger and stronger...

There is even a feeling that he is being sucked over by this terrible pulling force...

Is it almost there?

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief. Now the speed of the God of the Day was faster. His elixir was almost used up. If he couldn't escape, it would be very troublesome!

At this time.

"Ye Han! The black hole space is very dangerous. If you don't have absolute confidence, you will die if you go in!"

The words of the God of the Green Sky came out from the Purple Cauldron Space...

The God of the Green Sky has been released from the Evil Heaven Bowl by Ye Han. However, his physical injuries are very serious and almost collapsed. His soul was almost wiped out by the Evil Heaven Bowl...

If Ye Han hadn't killed Tong Ling and released him from the Evil Heaven Bowl.

To put it another way, if Ye Han hadn't released him from the Evil Heaven Bowl, he would have been injured by the evil spirit and it would have been extremely difficult to recover.

Now he was put into the Rebirth Gourd by Ye Han, using the spiritual energy of the world in the Purple Cauldron Space to maintain his vitality and soul. At least there was a chance to recover.

Now he can only rely on Ye Han to live with him, after all, the hatred between Lord Tian and him is not small...

Ye Han listened to Lord Bi Tian's words and replied in a deep voice: "Don't worry! I'm prepared!"

He had thought about it a long time ago. The black hole space is too mysterious. There are many descriptions in the books he has read, all of which are extremely dangerous. Even if there is a defensive fairy treasure, if it cannot drive more than half of its power, it will not be able to withstand the terrifying space distortion force of the black hole space...

For example, although Ye Han's current Fantian Pagoda is a fairy treasure that can defend, the defensive power that Ye Han can exert is only one-fourth. How can it resist the space tearing force of the black hole space?

And the ghost skull treasure mirror is not an ordinary defensive treasure, so it is naturally impossible to use the ghost skull treasure mirror...

Ye Han decided to use Ye Tianyu's purple tripod as a defensive treasure to enter the black hole space!

Ye Tianyu used the purple tripod to pass through some of it, which was able to resist the tearing force of the black hole space.

As for the treasures on Ye Han, only the purple tripod can resist it.

However, Ye Han's own purple tripod is related to the purple tripod space. If something goes wrong, or it is weakened a lot, the relationship will be very terrible.

Now he can only use Ye Tianyu's purple tripod to enter! !

Sure enough!

As Ye Han continued to perform the Thunder Escape Technique to move forward into the depths of the boundless sea of ​​stars.

There was a situation that surprised Ye Han very much. It might be that he continued to perform the Thunder Escape Technique to teleport forward...

He actually gradually controlled a force of the Thunder Escape Law. With the increase of this force of the Thunder Escape Law, the distance of his Thunder Escape Technique gradually increased a lot.

At the same time, the mana consumed was gradually decreasing. Originally, his teleportation distance was a little more than 30,000 miles.

Now it is close to 40,000 miles, and the mana consumed has been reduced by one tenth.

Don't underestimate this difference, because Ye Han continued to perform the Thunder Escape Technique to move forward. Ten teleportations are equivalent to a considerable distance more, and it also saves a lot of mana!

It is what many immortal cultivators say, when you can't continue to comprehend and improve a spell, just keep performing it, and you will always gain something.

However, if Ye Han performs the Thunder Escape Technique so crazily, the amount of elixir and mana consumed is an astronomical figure. How can ordinary immortal cultivators withstand such consumption?

It is seven or eight million miles away.


One day, the God Lord still accelerated madly in the direction of Ye Han, but found that the soul of Ye Han he locked on was gradually closing the distance...

How is this possible?

I have already burned my mana to speed up to chase Ye Han, but this guy can still speed up?

Is this guy's mana infinite?

Yes, after such a crazy pursuit, Lord Tiandi's elixir and the spiritual energy of the secret space were all used up, and he was unable to catch up with Ye Han.

Now it is very certain that the damn Ye Han went to the black hole space to escape...

Although I don't know where that guy got the confidence and courage to escape there, this cunning guy will not do anything he is not sure of. This guy must be sure to go there!

Therefore, Lord Tiandi simply consumed part of his cultivation and lifespan to increase his speed and catch up! ! !

However, seeing that the distance was approaching millions of feet, this damn guy actually accelerated again!

This is really unbelievable. Where did this abominable kid get such a deep mana! !

Absolutely can't let him run away!

The current distance should be able to use that treasure!

Lord Tiandi gritted his teeth and slapped the storage bag, and a long sword treasure with a bright black and purple rune aura swirling flew out! !

A suffocating magical energy burst out in the space! ! !

I actually have to use this treasure myself. If I can't kill that kid, I will be really embarrassed this time! !

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