Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2489 Black Hole Space

In the vast sea of ​​stars, in the void space that was originally dotted with stars and bright and brilliant, an extremely huge black vortex appeared...

This black vortex was so big that it directly obscured a large area of ​​reality. A pulling force flowed in the boundless sea of ​​stars with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, pulling the spiritual energy of the world in the surrounding tens of millions of miles in that direction...

Boom! !

As a purple-gold arc exploded in the void, Ye Han's figure appeared in the void.

Ye Han's figure just appeared.

Whoosh whoosh!

He didn't even use the flying spell, and his figure involuntarily rushed towards the direction of the extremely huge black vortex, and the speed was so fast that it was not ordinary amazing...

Such a strong pulling force?

Ye Han's own figure rushed towards the black vortex two or three times faster than his full-strength flying speed...

Is this the black hole space?

What exactly causes the formation of the black hole space? Where will it lead to? There are many theories in the books that Ye Han has read. The most convincing theory is that when the Ten Thousand Worlds were formed, when Chaos opened the Ten Thousand Worlds, and when the heaven and earth were reincarnated, many space gaps were left behind...

And there are many such space gaps in the entire boundless sea of ​​stars.

Without a strong enough cultivation and a fairy-level defensive treasure, getting involved in it is definitely a dead end! !

Ye Han rushed towards the boundless sea of ​​stars with this pulling force...

Release the Purple Cauldron now?

Ye Han hesitated for a moment, should he release the Purple Cauldron now to save some mana?


If what he expected was correct, then the damn God of the Day would definitely give him a fatal blow before he entered the black hole space.

Because that guy must know that he is going to escape into the black hole space.

Why is Ye Han so sure?

Before, Lord Bi Tian had told him that this huge black hole space was near the Heavenly God Realm, and the Heavenly God Realm was Lord Tian's territory. He was escaping in this direction, so how could a Lord not judge that he was going to escape to the black hole space?

This guy would definitely use a more powerful penetration to kill him remotely!


Ye Han slapped his storage bag, and a high-level substitute talisman and a token surrounded by golden light flew out. As he pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, circles of mysterious runes wrapped around it, and the token surrounded by golden light followed with golden runes, wrapping Ye Han's figure...

Buzz buzz buzz!

A circle of runes on the golden light token spun, and it directly turned into a figure exactly like Ye Han.


Ye Han's consciousness moved, and his soul flew out and entered the golden light token...

This golden light token is a clone token, because it was found from the Zichuan Immortal.

This thing can differentiate a clone of Ye Han's aura, and his own soul also flew out and entered it.

In order to be on the safe side, a high-level substitute talisman was also released...

Ye Han had just done all this.


Ye Han felt a dangerous and suffocating breath that made his scalp numb.

Boom! !

In the boundless void, a space crack of ten thousand feet in size instantly broke through the air, followed by a hideous and terrifying figure with a human body and a snake tail, directly tearing through the space crack and rushing out, holding a purple-black long sword, exuding a dangerous breath of the power of the killing law...

This figure with strange purple-black runes all over his body directly grabbed the purple-black long sword, and instantly turned into a terrifying sword light, slashing towards Ye Han! !

This strange purple-black sword light instantly slashed towards Ye Han, carrying a very terrifying breath of confinement wherever it passed, and Ye Han's soul and body suddenly showed a trace of confinement!

Just a moment of confinement was already a very fatal situation for a cultivator of this level.



The purple-black blade light instantly cut through Ye Han's clone, and the purple blade light on it rippled out, making it impossible for the severed clone to merge. It was imprisoned by countless forbidden runes, and its vitality was extinguished extremely quickly.



The strange magic shadow of the strange purple-black long sword swallowed Ye Han's clone in one gulp!

Whoosh whoosh!!

The clone token and the clone were both sucked over...

Not good!

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's face changed drastically. Although as he expected, the God of the Day released a very terrible long sword light to bombard him, he did not expect that the child prodigy still had such a powerful confinement power. Once his soul was sucked in, it would be impossible to get out.



Ye Han quickly made hand gestures and chanted a spell, and the Ghost Skull Mirror flew out, and also turned into a golden bone dragon and rushed towards the strange magic shadow of the long sword...

The golden bone dragon suddenly rushed out a terrible golden rune, and directly bit the strange magic shadow...

Boom boom boom!

As the golden bone dragon bit, it bit off a piece of the clone that was sucked into the ghost shadow!

The golden bone dragon spun around and turned into a ghost skull mirror and flew back!

At this moment.


The strange demon shadow seemed to have discovered something. It let out a strange roar, and suddenly rushed out a terrifying purple-black knife light, and slashed out a terrifying knife light, which actually slashed towards Ye Han on the side!


Did he discover it?

Ye Han's face changed drastically. Unexpectedly, this guy also found something wrong and slashed directly at him...

The speed was so fast that Ye Han couldn't react. He was directly imprisoned by an extremely terrifying imprisonment force!

Puff! !

Ye Han's figure was directly cut into two halves by a knife, and a terrifying purple-black rune aura emanated from his body. The whole figure could not move at this time.


Puff! !

A ball of gray light mist burst out, and a circle of mysterious and suffocating substitute talismans on Ye Han's body burst out. The runes of the talisman burst out, and the figure turned into a gray light ripple and disappeared into the air! ! !

The next moment!

Puff! !

Ye Han's figure trembled and flashed out from a thousand miles away, his face was pale, and there was a strange purple-black flame swirling...

It's so scary!

What kind of strange treasure magic did the God of the Day use?

If he hadn't been prepared, he would have been killed on the spot!

Because he felt that if this purple-black long sword slashed over, some defenses would be useless. Just like his Immortal Sword, it could directly penetrate the treasure defense and attack his figure...

Obviously, this purple-black long sword is also a very rare immortal treasure! !

And being able to attack him from such a long distance, the cultivation method of the God of the Day is really unfathomable! ! This treasure is even more powerful! ! !


Now is not the time to think about this...

Ye Han no longer hesitated. The attack of this purple-black long sword was even more powerful than his Immortal Sword...

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