Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2490 Unspeakable Regret

Because even his Immortal Sword could not penetrate millions of miles of space to attack the opponent!

If the One Day God Lord caught up with him, and used this purple-black long sword fairy treasure at a closer distance, Ye Han would not be his opponent even if he used the Absolute Cold Sword!

What's more, he no longer had more mana to drive, and the Absolute Cold Sword could burst out the strongest magical power!

He had also prevented the attack of the One Day God Lord.

If he didn't run now, when would he run?


Buzz! !

Ye Han pinched the magic formula, and a circle of purple rune spiritual light flew out from his brows, and after a series of rotations in the space, Ye Tianyu's purple tripod flew out...


Ye Han's figure instantly turned into a spiritual light and drilled into the purple tripod!

Buzz! !

The purple tripod was shocked and burst out with a string of extremely shocking purple rune light explosions, and suddenly burst out with a terrible escape light, rushing towards the direction of the black hole space! !

At this moment!

Buzz! !

The strange demon holding the purple-black long sword suddenly burst out a circle of terrifying arrogance in his eyes...



The rune aura of the strange demon holding the purple long sword suddenly collapsed, and there was no way to release the third sword at all!!

And Zi Ding had already rushed towards the black hole space with Ye Han, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and it had turned into a light spot!!

After all, the closer to the black hole space, the more terrifying the pulling force is. In fact, even if Ye Han wanted to fly out now, it would be impossible...

At this time!


In the void of the purple-black long sword, a pair of big hands with terrible mana arrogance directly tore the void ripples...

A god came out from the void ripples.

Damn it! ! ! ! Where is that damn guy!

As soon as Lord Tianyi got out of this space, he roared madly. He never thought that he had already used the purple killing sword of the fairy treasure!!

He actually couldn't kill the damn fairy boy?

He really let this guy run away. How could Lord Tianyi not be angry?

How did this guy dodge his purple killing sword? That ignores defensive treasures and various defensive magical powers! !


He can't let this guy run away.

Lord Tianyi burst out with extreme anger, and his Tao heart collapsed at this time. He paid so much price and used so many magical treasures, but he still didn't catch that guy. How could he bear it?

The loss was so great that it couldn't be described in words.

Immediately, Lord Tianyi pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and the blood-red rune soul secret method in his hand shocked out circles of blood light...

Suddenly, Lord Tianyi sensed Ye Han's position.

"Where is it!!"

Tian Divine Lord gritted his teeth, and a circle of black flames and lightning flashed from his body. He rushed towards the black hole space frantically. The purple killing sword turned into a purple-black sword light and rushed towards Tian Divine Lord...

He didn't believe that he could let that damn bastard get away under such circumstances.


Ten breaths later! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

An extremely shocking black lightning storm exploded, and Tian Divine Lord's figure flew out of the black hole space like a violent storm...

In an instant.

This guy flew millions of miles before he stopped! !

Tian Shenjun's eyes were full of anger, and he roared: "Damn it! Damn it!! What treasure did this guy use to escape!!! This is impossible!!!"

Tian Shenjun's extremely annoyed and angry roar echoed in the empty and boundless sea of ​​stars, shaking the void space within a radius of hundreds of miles...

No wonder Tian Shenjun was so annoyed. He had planned the Three Heavens for who knows how many years, and it was destroyed by Ye Han...

Now the more important fairy treasure of the Great Dream Fairy Palace was also snatched away by that guy...

He spent so much effort, so many treasures, mana, and elixirs, but he couldn't catch up with this guy!

He even took a huge risk to attack the black hole space, and he wanted to catch the damn Ye Han...

But when he got closer and closer to the black hole space, he found that with his current cultivation and mana, he couldn't completely resist the terrible space tearing force inside...

And Ye Han disappeared, so that his soul secret method couldn't find him...

It would be strange if Tiandi Shenjun didn't get angry!

But what's the use of being angry?

If he continued to attack the black hole space like this, his life would be in danger! !

He spent a lot of mana and burned his lifespan before he got out of danger and rushed out of the black hole space...

Even in the black hole space, one of his defensive fairy treasures was severely damaged, and it was very difficult to recover.

That is to say, not only did he fail to catch Ye Han, but he also lost a fairy treasure.

This made Tiandi Shenjun even more furious! !

He really couldn't understand why Ye Han, who was only in the fusion stage, rushed into the black hole space without any problem?

Damn it! ! Damn it!!!

Thinking of this situation, Tian Divine Lord couldn't help but roar in anger, feeling indescribably annoyed...


In a vortex of terrifying black air in space!

Bang bang bang!!!

A series of earth-shattering metal explosions, in the boundless black space vortex, constantly exploded...

The purple tripod was constantly bombarded by the amazing suffocating space tearing force in the boundless space vortex, emitting earth-shattering explosions, and the sound of metal collisions continued to burst out...

Ye Han was in the purple tripod, and his body kept rolling with the purple tripod!


Ye Han did not stop, and quickly pinched the formula and chanted the spell, constantly releasing the amazing true immortal spiritual energy and mana, and injected it into the purple tripod!

He even opened the hole in the purple tripod space and released more purple tripod aura. In addition to strengthening Ye Tianyu's purple tripod's defense!

The two clones, Fairy Bai, have also been released, and they release mana together to strengthen the defense of the purple tripod! !

Because, the spatial power of this black hole space is more terrifying than Ye Han imagined! !

He originally thought that the purple tripod could withstand the spatial force of the black hole...

But he found that when he entered halfway, the purple tripod began to distort and vibrate, and the runes also began to twist and break! !

If effective measures are not taken in time, the purple tripod is likely to break...

By then, it will not only be the purple tripod that will be lost, but also Ye Tianyu's life! !

Because he discovered the true relationship between Ye Tianyu's purple tripod and Ye Tianyu! ! ​​!

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