Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 275 Not so good, right?

At the entrance of the cave, there stood a peerless woman, dressed in gorgeous green clothes, with a face as white as jade, extremely beautiful, elegant and gentle, and beautiful as a fairy. It was the most appropriate description of her.

She looked at Ye Han with her beautiful eyes.

Ye Han also looked at this woman, a little nervous.

Why did Ye Han say that this beautiful female cultivator was familiar and unfamiliar?

Because he had never seen this woman before, but her aura was very familiar, and she also exuded a breath of a Jindan-stage cultivator!

Ye Han flew up the cliff and said respectfully to the female cultivator: "Greetings to Uncle Ningyu!"

Yes, this beautiful female cultivator was Ningyu!

Ye Han didn't expect that it would only take about a quarter of an hour to get from his master's cave to his own cave...

Uncle Ningyu came to find him so quickly? Isn't this recovery too fast?

Ning Yu looked at Ye Han deeply and said casually: "This is not a place to talk, let's go into your cave first!"

Ye Han's face froze slightly, and he said: "Uncle Master! If you have something to say, just say it here! I'll give you...!"

Ning Yu's eyes flashed with a hint of sharpness and interrupted him, saying: "Let's talk inside!"

After hearing this, Ye Han whispered: "Uncle Master! It's not good for us to be alone in the same room, right?"

After hearing this, Ning Yu couldn't help twitching her eyes. This brat dared to tease her? Is he tired of living?

But she heard that this kid was testing her, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, don't be so thoughtful, Uncle Master I won't embarrass you! Just a few words to you."

She couldn't help but glare at the kid. If she hadn't been seriously injured and had used up all the things that could be used for healing, how could she rush to find Ye Han after her soul entered her body?

More importantly, this time, an item obtained from the mysterious place in the dark forbidden land was of great benefit to her injuries.

When they came out, all the storage bags were in Ye Han's hands, so of course they had to ask Ye Han for them first.

After hearing this, Ye Han immediately smiled, looked at Ning Yu harmlessly and said, "I really have a petty mind to judge my uncle's belly. My uncle is beautiful and generous, how could he harm me?"

As he said that, he still pinched the spell and chanted the mantra to open the ban, opened the door of the cave, and went in...

He was indeed testing Ning Yu's tone. If she really came with malicious intent, or because she returned to her physical body and her cultivation level returned to the Jindan stage, and her attitude towards Ye Han changed, then he thought he had to be careful.

So he teased Ning Yu to see what her attitude towards him was.

It was normal to be seen through when playing tricks in front of a Jindan stage cultivator. The key point was what Ning Yu would do to him after seeing through his thoughts!

Ye Han felt that this uncle Ning Yu was just as he guessed, and was still a good cultivator. At least for now, he had no bad intentions towards him...

That's why he let Ning Yu into the cave.

In fact, Ningyu, a Jindan-stage cultivator, really wanted to embarrass Ye Han. Even though Ningyu was seriously injured and his cultivation had not recovered, it was still a matter of using his spiritual power and casting a spell with one finger to deal with Ye Han.

The difference in cultivation between the two was really too great.

Ningyu followed Ye Han into the cave.

Ye Han closed the cave.

Then he took the initiative to tear off a piece of clothing on his body, chanted a spell, and the clothing twisted and changed, and the mysterious runes twisted and rippled.

The clothing twisted and trembled, turning into a golden cicada ribbon, which contained more than a dozen storage bags.

Ye Han took the initiative to separate Ningyu's storage bag and handed it to Ningyu, saying: "Uncle! This is your storage bag!"

While speaking, he couldn't help looking at the storage bag, which contained all his gains in the Dark Forbidden Land. In addition to the golden thread grass, there were also third-level magic beast crystals, second-level magic beast crystals, and the storage bags of Sun Houde, Lin Hongyan and Gu Changdao.

But the most precious one among them should be the Fortune Heavenly Fang.

This thing is part of the Fantian Pagoda. If Uncle Ningyu asks for it, he can't refuse to give it to me.

Of course, Ningyu also got a lot of opportunities in the Dark Forbidden Land, and the harvest must be great.

But her storage bag has Ningyu's spiritual mark.

Although these storage bags were brought out by Ye Han, Ye Han didn't know what good things were in them.

Seeing Ningyu coming to find me right away, it is obvious that the things in it must be very precious, and they are things that the great monks in the Jindan period value very much.

Ningyu looked at Ye Han deeply, and with a casual move, all the storage bags handed over by Ye Han flew into her hands, and the Golden Cicada Ribbon was also collected.

She glanced at Ye Han and said, "You little guy, you have a lot of ideas! Don't worry, what I, Ningyu, say is like water spilled, and I won't embarrass you, nor will I embarrass you!"

As she said this, Ningyu's beautiful face showed a hint of pride.

After hearing this, Ye Han immediately said in a carefree manner: "Master, what are you talking about? I am just a little excited that I was able to come out alive. I am a little excited."

Ye Han could see that Master Ningyu was really a proud person with an extraordinary personality, not bad...

What made him even happier was that Ningyu had said so far, and he really didn't embarrass him, which made him feel relieved from the bottom of his heart.

After all, the other party was a Jindan-stage cultivator, and he, a Qi-refining-stage cultivator, could not really resist his cultivation.

So he asked: "Master! You got your body back so quickly, do you want to go back to practice?"

After hearing this, Ning Yu looked at Ye Han with a smile and said, "What? Are you in such a hurry to get Master Uncle out? Are you counting your spoils?"

Ye Han scratched the back of his head and said embarrassedly, "Master Uncle has a sharp eye and saw through my thoughts at a glance. I have never seen the world, so I am sorry to make Master Uncle laugh!"

After hearing this, Ning Yu said lightly, "I can understand that you are excited, but you have to be careful of the Fourth Elder! She is not as easy to talk to as your master."

Listening to Ning Yu's pointed words, Ye Han's heart moved. Yes, when he came out, the Fourth Elder was not polite and directly searched his storage bag and checked his body to see if he had any treasures...

It can be seen that the Fourth Elder is not as easy to talk to as Ning Yu and the Seventh Elder.

What surprised Ye Han was that even so, Ning Yu still trusted his master, the Seventh Elder.

Especially when he came out, the Seventh Elder asked Ning Yu's soul to enter the Soul Nourishing Pot, and Ning Yu went in without hesitation.

My master, the Seventh Elder, still has such a good reputation?

But when I think about it, when I was with the Seventh Elder, he didn't check him like the Fourth Elder did. It seems that my master is still reliable.

At this time, Ning Yu said again: "But! Ye Han, you still have a Fortune Heavenly Formula."

Hearing this, Ye Han's face changed, and he asked about the Fortune Heavenly Formula...

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