Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 276 What do you know?

Before coming out, he also gave her the Heavenly Fang of Creation to use to prevent the evil energy from corroding her soul.

Ningyu knew that it was normal for him to have that. Besides the Heaven-turning Pagoda, the Creation Heaven should be the most precious treasure.

But he was absolutely unwilling to give the Heaven of Creation to Ningyu. After all, the Heaven of Creation was part of the Tianfan Pagoda.

He intuitively believed that if he gave this piece of the Heaven of Creation to someone else and lost this piece of the Heaven of Creation, there might be a huge problem if he wanted to truly refine and use the Tianfan Pagoda.

Ye Han's face looked a little ugly when he thought about it like this, and he was about to speak...

Ningyu said calmly: "You are too narrow-minded, kid. The Heaven of Creation is certainly a very good rare treasure, but it is particularly useful in isolating the evil energy in the dark forbidden land, so it is not particularly important to me."

After saying that, she changed the subject and said: "But you have also seen that with Qin Minghui's physical cultivation, I can also use the Heaven of Creation. I want to use the Heaven of Creation's refining and control method in exchange for something with you."

Really, this kid looks harmless, but in fact it's all about his own heart.

After hearing this, Ye Han's heart suddenly moved. When Ningyu used the Heaven of Creation, the defense he released was very powerful. Even the strongest third-level peak monster under the Demon Lord, the six-clawed electric dragon monster, could not blast away the creation. Tianfang's defense.

If you can use the Heaven of Creation, you will have one more life-saving treasure.

Although the Heaven-turning Pagoda is now inside the Purple Cauldron in the Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness, he does not think that he can use this treasure with his level of cultivation...

Besides, how to take it out is still a big trouble.

So Ye Han replied: "Uncle, what did you say? Even if you want something, just say it, but there's no way I can exchange it?"

Ningyu said: "Give me half of your golden thread grass, and I will give you the method of controlling the heavens of creation, and I can also help you advance to the foundation building stage?"

Hearing these words, Ye Han's heart was moved, but he felt a little painful. Half of the Golden Thread Grass was quite a lot. To exchange it for spiritual stones, it would cost at least 700,000 to 800,000 spiritual stones.

There are so many spiritual stones, and you can buy ten or eight of them if you buy Foundation Establishment Pills.

However, Ye Han still nodded in agreement and said: "Uncle Master! If it were anyone else, I would definitely not give it to Uncle Master, but you are different! You can!"

After saying that, he waved without hesitation, and the storage bag containing the golden thread grass flew towards Ye Han, and handed it directly to Ningyu: "Uncle Master! Take as much as you want!"

Ningyu saw that although Ye Han was very ill-intentioned, he was generous to her, and couldn't help but joked: "Actually, what's different about me?"

Ye Han smiled and flattered: "Uncle, she is the most beautiful fairy I have ever seen. Of course she is different."

Indeed, a cultivator of the Golden Core stage like Ningyu, after such a long period of nourishing cultivation with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, his appearance and figure are absolutely extraordinary.

Among the female immortal cultivators Ye Han had ever seen, she was the most beautiful one.

Of course, Ye Han was just flattering him. After all, he could say nice things without costing him a word, and he could also please a great monk at the Golden Core stage. With this relationship, he was also one of his supporters.

After listening to Ye Han's flattery, Ningyu laughed and scolded: "You are a little kid but a ghost!"

Originally, she had not recovered from her serious injury and was in a very gloomy mood. However, after Ye Han said this, she felt better.

Then she patted the storage bag, and there was a jade slip in her hand. She muttered something, and a piece of spiritual light penetrated into the jade slip. She threw it to Ye Han and said, "Okay! This is your cultivation using the heaven of creation." The method, you put it away.”

Then she patted Ye Han's storage bag, and dozens of golden thread grass flew out and fell into her storage bag.

Seeing the golden thread grass flying out, Ye Han felt a pain in his heart. With so many golden thread grass, how many spiritual stones would it cost?

Seeing the pain on Ye Han's face, Ningyu smiled and said, "I just said that uncle, I can have as much as I want, and now I feel pain again?"

Seeing this kid with so many evil intentions, pretending to be generous, and daring to make fun of himself felt a little heartbreaking, and Ning Yu felt a little funny.

So I couldn't help but tease Ye Han.

After hearing this, Ye Han quickly denied it and said, "No! Uncle Master is worrying too much."

Ningyu smiled and said: "You kid, you are not old...by the way! How old are you?"

It wasn't that she couldn't tell how old Ye Han was, but she couldn't believe it. Ye Han looked like an adult, but judging by his aura, he was only a little over twelve years old. Is this kid still so young?

So thoughtful and calm! It’s really enviable.

Ye Han immediately looked at Ningyu warily and said, "Uncle Master! Why do you ask this? We are not suitable for dual cultivation!"

Ningyu didn't expect Ye Han, a little brat, to say such a thing. She couldn't help but blush slightly, and cursed: "You little brat, what do you know about dual cultivation? Just take care of yourself, I'm leaving!"

Really, after practicing for so many years, she couldn't help but blush. No matter what she said, she would never fall in love with Ye Han, a brat with so many evil intentions.

With that said, she turned around and headed out of the cave.

Ye Han immediately ran up respectfully, opened the door of the cave for Ningyu, and sent her out: "Uncle, walk slowly! Come back often when you have time!"

Ye Han said that, on the one hand, he wanted to see Master Ningyu staying there and make her angry.

On the other hand, it was to test Uncle Ningyu again to see if he had any other plans for him...

After all, if you really want to plot against him, beauty is a good tactic...

However, if Ye Han didn't expect it, Master Ningyu was still quite a simple immortal cultivator.

No wonder she said that she would be seriously injured by a villain. Maybe it was just her personality or...

Suddenly, when Ning Yu was about to go out, she paused and said to Ye Han: "By the way! I promised you that I would help you become a Foundation Establishment cultivator. With your current cultivation and financial resources, it is not difficult to get a few Foundation Establishment Pills, but remember, if you can't reach the Foundation Establishment stage with one Foundation Establishment Pill, come to me! Don't take the second one."

After hearing this, Ye Han was also moved. He had read so many travel notes of cultivators, cultivation experiences, etc., but he had never seen this statement. If one Foundation Establishment Pill fails to reach the Foundation Establishment stage, don't take the second one?

He remembered that some travel notes of cultivators said that many Foundation Establishment cultivators took several Foundation Establishment Pills to successfully establish their foundation.

I didn't expect Ning Yu to say this to him before leaving...

So, Ye Han couldn't help asking: "Uncle Master! Is there any secret?"

Ning Yu nodded, and said meaningfully: "To be precise, you can't take the foundation-building pills of our four sects!"

The more Ye Han listened, the weirder it seemed, and he couldn't help asking: "Is there any problem with the foundation-building pills of our four sects?"

Ning Yu nodded and said: "This is related to the materials used by our four sects to refine the foundation-building pills!"

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