Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 284 Snow White

A white jade gourd flew out from Qixuan Peak. There were two people standing on the gourd, it was Ye Han and Han Yuwan.

Han Yuwan stood in front of the gourd. Now that she was a foundation-building monk, she could naturally control the flying treasure.

And Ye Han actually asked Han Yuwan to take him to Qingyun City. On the one hand, Han Yuwan used the flying treasure, which was faster, and on the other hand, it was much safer to have Han Yuwan, a foundation-building monk, with him.

This way you can save a lot of time and avoid any danger.

But Han Yuwan was a little unhappy. After all, she was a foundation-building monk, so why did she feel like she was working as a coachman for Ye Han?

But Ye Han had already spoken, and she couldn't refuse Ye Han, so she had no choice but to take Ye Han to Qingyun City.

But Ye Han is too rude.

Where to put your hands?

Ye Han stood on the gourd and said with emotion: "It is better to be a foundation-building monk, who can control the flying treasure!"

Listening to Ye Han's emotional words, Han Yuwanshun felt a lot angry, at least let this kid know the benefits of foundation building.

About to speak.

Chirp! A loud bird song came from not far away.

Ye Han couldn't help but look over and saw a huge white bird chasing several small birds...

Seeing this big white bird, Ye Han suddenly remembered something, patted Han Yuwan and said anxiously: "Senior Sister Han! Come over quickly!"

Han Yuwan glared at Ye Han, "Where are you taking pictures?"

But when she saw Ye Han's eyes, all of them were on the big white bird, she couldn't help but asked curiously: "What were you doing there?"

The big white bird doesn't look like anything special. It's just a low-level monster. Many low-level disciples in the sect will catch it and use it as a mount to make it easier to get in and out.

Ye Han said with a righteous and generous tone: "The big white bird is bullying a few small birds. We must stop this behavior!"

Ye Han's words stunned Han Yuwan. What on earth is this kid doing?

However, she still used her magic power to drive the white jade gourd to fly over.

Ye Han remembered, this big white bird was not the big white bird named Bai Xue that the disciple rode to lead him to the entrance!

This guy's attitude of ignoring and being extremely disgusted with him at first left a deep impression on him.

Finally I met this big white bird again, and I had to strip it of all its feathers!

The big white bird saw Han Yuwan driving the gourd towards him, his eyes were stunned, and he immediately stepped aside. The foundation-building monks were not something he, the bird, could provoke.

Han Yuwan was startled when she saw the big white bird being so clever. It was obviously a low-level monster, how could it be so clever?

What made her even more unexpected was that Ye Han jumped from the gourd and landed on the back of the big white bird in a flash.

The big white bird and Ye Han suddenly fell onto the flat ground on a cliff, and the big white bird struggled and screamed.

Ye Han grabbed Bai Xue's feathers and tore off a large piece of feathers at once, and cursed: "I told you to bully other birds! They are all birds! Can't we get along well with each other?"

Chirp! ! Bai Xue screamed, who would have thought that a disciple like Ye Han would suddenly jump over and tear off a large piece of its feathers, causing it to flap its wings desperately in pain.

Han Yuwan couldn't help but wonder: "Junior Brother Ye, what are you doing?"

Han Yuwan watched from the side, becoming more and more strange. Ye Han specifically asked him to catch up with this big white bird just to pull its feathers?

This big white bird had a large piece of its snow-white feathers ripped out, making it look very ugly.

But Ye Han didn't give up, he grabbed her a second time, and cursed: "We are all birds, I will teach you a lesson! You can't bully birds in the future."

As he spoke, he plucked a lot of feathers from the big white bird Bai Xue...

Han Yuwan finally understood that Ye Han must have suffered a loss from the big white bird, and now he was seeking revenge. She didn't know how he suffered the loss.

But looking at a big snow-white bird, with its feathers being plucked and poked and messed up, I really couldn't stand it anymore, and I was about to speak...

An amazing scene happened.

"Spare your life! Stop grabbing me! Spare your life!"

The big white bird actually shouted in human language.

Ye Han and Han Yuwan were both stunned when they heard that this unqualified white bird could actually speak human words.

You know, if you want to speak human words, you must be at least level 4, and you must be a monster with early intelligence.

The big white bird actually begged for mercy with human words, and the words were spoken very clearly, so that the two of them could hear it clearly.

Ye Han also didn't expect that this inconspicuous big white bird could actually talk, and was surprised: "Huh? Can you understand human language? Can you still speak it?"

As he spoke, he patted the big white bird on the head again and cursed: "Since you understand human language, you should have some humanity. How can you bully other birds?"

Han Yuwan looked at the big white bird in surprise. This guy's aura was obviously very weak. He didn't even have the aura of a first-order monster, but he could speak human words? This was a situation that Han Yuwan had never expected.

Unexpectedly, the big white bird screamed: "I recognize you, you are the boy who lit the incense!"

Ye Han was also surprised at this moment. You must know that he was thin and small when he started. Compared with now, he looked completely different. How could this big white bird recognize him?

So Ye Han also turned around and cursed: "You just recognize me? Do you know why I plucked all your hair? That's because you look down on others, let me teach you a lesson!"

As he spoke, he plucked a piece of bird feather from the white snow.

"Ah!" Bai Xue screamed again and again, and immediately begged for mercy: "Spare my life! Senior, please spare my life! I look down on others, please spare me!"

Listening to Bai Xue screaming for mercy, Han Yuwan said a little worriedly: "Junior brother Ye! Please forgive me! I don't know which uncle trained this demonic beast that can speak human words."

Yes, some high-level monks can use powerful magical powers to help monsters unlock their intelligence. If he really met such a master, wouldn't Ye Han cause trouble?

Ye Han patted Bai Xue on the head and cursed: "How can this guy have a high-level monk master? His master..."

When he said this, he seemed to be thinking of something. He patted Bai Xue and said, "That's right! Where is your master?"

Bai Xue's eyes showed a hint of helplessness, and she sighed and said: "My master has fallen, and I have no master now."

Ye Han could tell that what the big white bird said seemed to be true. When he said it, his eyes couldn't help but get a little wet, and he seemed to be quite sad.

Speaking of which, Ye Han didn't remember what its owner looked like, but he was very impressed by this white bird. Maybe it was because the white bird bullied him at that time.

He also vowed to pluck all the feathers from the big white bird.

Looking at this scene, Ye Han said: "Okay! I'll spare you because you still have some humanity."

Forget it, it's better not to be too cruel in front of Han Yuwan.

Unexpectedly, the big white bird shouted to Ye Han: "Wait a minute, senior! Can you be my master?"

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