Ye Han looked Bai Xue up and down, then shook his head without hesitation and said: "No! You're a useless bird, you can't fly fast, and your cultivation level is not high! Don't, don't, don't!"

Yes, this big white bird is not even a first-order monster. No matter how fast it can fly, it still has to feed itself.

Apart from being able to speak, there is no advantage...

What do you want this idiot to do?

Bai Xue implored Ye Han, "Please, Master! Don't tell me to get lost!"

It looked at Ye Han eagerly and said, "If you don't take me in, I will starve to death. I know a lot!"

Ye Han cursed: "You can't find food by yourself? You deserve to starve to death!"

Han Yuwan on the side felt strange. She looked at the big white bird with her consciousness. Although this guy was not a first-level monster, his aura was very pure. There was no mottled monster aura or heaven and earth aura of ordinary monsters. mixed.

It can be seen that this white bird is extraordinary.

Although a lot of feathers have been pulled out by Ye Han now, and the appearance is a bit shabby, it would still look good if it were white and clean.

So Han Yuwan said, "Do you have a name for that bird?"

After hearing this, Bai Xue immediately said: "My original stupid master named me Bai Xue. How can any big man call me Bai Xue?"

Listening to this big white bird calling himself a big man, Han Yuwan and Ye Han couldn't help laughing.

Ye Han smiled and scolded: "Haha! You are a male at best, but what kind of big man are you?"

Han Yuwan thought that Bai Xue was quite interesting. Although it couldn't be used as a mount, it would be good to keep it to guard the cave.

So Han Yuwan said: "Otherwise, Bai Xue, how about you follow me?"

After hearing this, Bai Xue shook her head and said, "Why am I, a grown man, following a bitch like you? No, no, no."

Han Yuwan was stunned for a while after hearing this. What's wrong with this big white bird? He insists on saying that he is a big man and he still despises himself?

He deserved to have his feathers plucked out by Ye Han.

Ye Han didn't bother to say anything to it, so he kicked Bai Xue on the butt and said, "I won't accept you anyway!"

With that, he said to Han Yuwan: "Senior Sister Han! Let's go!"

As he spoke, he moved and jumped onto Han Yuwan's white jade gourd, naturally placing his hands on her waist.

Han Yuwan frowned. This brat was really rude, so she said, "Junior Brother Ye, you can concentrate your magic power on your feet and stand firm."

Ye Han said strangely: "You don't need to tell me, senior sister, I can do it! Is there any problem?"

Han Yuwan could only say: "No problem!"

As she spoke, her magic power drove the white jade gourd to fly into the sky...

Bai Xue immediately shouted: "Wait a minute, master, wait for me!"

Ye Han cursed: "Get out! Come here again and strip all your bird feathers off!"

Although Han Yuwan was a little interested in Bai Xue, this guy still refused her kindness, and he talked about the old man and me. She felt that she was losing points in guarding the cave, so she didn't mention it anymore...

Bai Xue could not catch up with Han Yuwan's speed, and watched eagerly as the two drove away in the flying boat...

Bai Xue's big eyes showed a strange look, and she said to herself: "It's strange, this brat has a strange smell, maybe the chance of recovery lies with him!"

As he said that, he looked around and shook his body. The feathers plucked out by Ye Han flew up from all directions and landed on it again.

The big white bird said to himself: "This is so beautiful!"

After saying that, he flapped his wings and flew towards Qixuan Peak...

Han Yuwan controlled the white jade gourd and flew in mid-air. She couldn't help but look back at Ye Han and said, "Junior Brother Ye, don't you think that big white bird is a little weird?"

Yes, Han Yuwan felt that Bai Xue could talk again, and the breath on his body was so pure. He was definitely not an ordinary bird, but his words made people feel a little uncomfortable...

Ye Han nodded and said: "This bird is a little weird, it's best to ignore him."

He didn't expect that the bird he met when he first started was a bit weird, so he originally planned to teach the big white bird a lesson.

However, the big white bird said that his master was dead, which meant that the disciple who brought him in had died.

That disciple looked to be in his twenties, but he didn't expect to be gone so quickly.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are opportunities and crises everywhere.

You can't tell when it will disappear.

Han Yuwan nodded and didn't say much. She had known Ye Han for such a long time. Except for the fact that he didn't understand anything about men and women, this boy knew more than anyone else and was very thoughtful.

But it's normal not to understand. This kid is only twelve after all.

It's really infuriating that people are so young, they have such a high level of cultivation, and they have so many good things.

Is this kid the chosen one?

Sure enough, with Han Yuwan, a foundation-building monk at his side, no one dared to attack the two of them...

And the speed was much faster. It only took more than three hours to reach Qingyun City.

However, Han Yuwan did not go to Tianningfang with Ye Han.

It happened that Ye Han had time to disguise himself as the red-faced monk, and then headed towards Tianningfang.

Han Qiushui was still in Tianningfang, and the two of them were old acquaintances. After a few words of greeting, the transaction started.

The reason why Ye Han was anxious to come to Tianningfang was that he was anxious to deal with all the things that could be dealt with.

Except for the Warcraft Beast Crystal and the Golden Thread Grass, two of the more important ingredients for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill, he took out other things to dispose of.

Especially, the things in Gu Changdao, Lin Hongyan, and Sun Houde's storage bags were basically taken out and dealt with.

Seeing that Ye Han took out more things this time, Han Qiushui was so surprised that his eyes almost fell out.

Even if a foundation-building cultivator killed people everywhere to rob treasures, it would be difficult to get so many treasures.

Little did he know that Ye Han was also lucky. The storage bags he got were all from those rich guys...

But Ye Han also listed all the things he wanted and asked Han Qiushui to help him change them directly.

Taking out so many things at once, Ye Han could see that Han Qiushui's face was not very good.

You know, it should be beneficial for both parties to recycle these things, but why did Han Qiushui's face look bad?

This discovery made Ye Han alert.

It seems that he should come to Tianningfang less in the future. He has already aroused Han Qiushui's suspicion.

The last time he came, he bought the wooden dragon staff magic weapon from Han Qiushui.

The origin of this guy's wooden dragon staff is unknown.

If he has his own ideas.

That's not good.

Thinking of this, Ye Han became alert.

More than two hours later.

Ye Han came out of Tianningfang and just walked a distance. Ye Han felt something was wrong. Someone was following him, but he couldn't find the other person...

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